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Forcing Spring With Cheap Flowers

February 18, 2014

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Cheap flowers from the grocery store can breath life into your decor, no matter the season.

It snowed here again today. I haven't seen my lawn in...months.  The ice and snow on the roads has become an expected fixture and the single digit temperatures are almost bearable.

It's a pretty pathetic state when this self proclaimed girl of summer finds these near arctic conditions normal.

I embraced the snow in December, as a white Christmas is preferable. Thankfully, January's flurries were not as prevalent. The cold was biting and there were those few days when I actually wore gloves in the house, but the fireplace and the knitting took the sting away.

In the beginning of February, the snow appealed to my love of decorating. I'm just mad about all things red and white and therefore the snow provided the perfect backdrop for my Valentine decorations.

However, now that the holidays are officially over, I am done with all of this white.  I may not be able to do anything about the cold, but I am in desperate need of some color and since my backyard currently looks like this....

...I had to fake it and buy my own!

Now I am normally a tulip girl. I just adore them, but who can turn down a bunch of yellow daffodils, especially when they are $1.99 at the grocery store?

Yes, I know, Nora Ephron declared (via Meg Ryan) that daisies are the friendliest flower in You've Got Mail, but my store doesn't currently have daisies and I think that the daffodils are just as friendly!

I mean they're yellow...and okay, cheap, but you know what? They totally get the job done!

Ahh~ my view is much better now!

If I squint, when I look out the window I can almost see spring!

I think everything looks better with flowers, don't you agree?
Kim Signature

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  1. Wow--I don't know how you found them so cheap!! I have always loved daffodils because they are usually the first things to bloom near Spring--they are blooming here now in SC. Although we held terrible ice last week that has left some still without electricity and has damaged many trees here , it was in the 60's today and will be in the 70's for the rest of the week!!

    1. Well I hope that your warm weather continues, Kim and you are blessed with even more sights of spring! They say that we are supposed to get a melt here soon, but I'm not counting on it, I'll just keep buying those flowers! I found mine at a local grocery store, but I know that you can usually get them at Trader Joe's for the same price, if there's a store near you! However, it sounds like you could just go outside and cut some! Dreamy! :)

  2. So pretty! I actually saw daffodils in a yard today. :)

    1. Nothing but snow here, Stacey! I think it will be April before I see anything green! Enjoy your flowers! :)

  3. Good choice. Daffodils are only around for a few weeks. Daisies are always available!

    1. I agree! That's how I feel about the tulips, too! They show up in the grocery stores in late December and hang around until May. I love them and buy a few bushels each week, but the daffodils were just calling me this week....a true harbinger of spring...I hope! :)

  4. Hahaha, you are not alone on this Kim! I was lucky though to score a bunch of paper white bulbs from Walmart and they are now in bloom in my kitchen, and last Valentines, a bunch of Tulips from Walgreens on discount the day after was a real treat for me! Enjoy your little bit of spring dear!

    1. Thanks Vel! Flowers are always pretty, but when they are bargain priced, they're even better! ;)

  5. I saw some in the store the other day (not as cheap, but still...) Part of me wanted to buy them; partly I was thinking 'just one year, can we do the seasons on time, please!?
    After yet another batch of snow up here in Boston, maybe on the way home I'll pick up some flowers! Thanks for the idea. And permission to force Spring just a little bit. ;-)

    1. Stop by Trader Joe's Nancy~ I've seen the $1.99 daffodil bunch there, too! :)

  6. Spring flowers make it feel so much more like spring - just don't look outside. And that is a great price too! Now I want to go get some flowers. LOL!
    Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design

    1. I'll just move them around, Patty, keep them in my field of vision at all times! They are much prettier than the snow, that's for sure!

  7. What a wonderful price for these beauties! A host of golden daffodils takes away the melancholy of winter...beautiful post! Those daffodils in the vase is like a burst of sunshine in this dreary weather! Hugs, Poppy

    1. Poppy, if you can't pick 'em, buy 'em....especially for that bargain price! ;) Thanks for the lovely comment!

  8. Your daffodils are beautiful! I know you must be tired of the snow. We have had 80 degrees the past two days but last week it was just in the 30s. Crazy winter this year. Thanx for partying at THT!

    1. Oh, Pamela, 80 sounds just dreamy! Actually 30 sounds ok, too...this has been crazy weather. Even in the northeast, we don't usually have such cold and snowy winters! Thanks for the pretty party and enjoy that flip flop weather for me! ;)

  9. Really pretty. I have a big kiss for Spring this year:) I posted vintage skating!

    1. Thanks Michele! I know, I cannot wait to embrace spring! :)

  10. 'You've Got YELLOW'! What other colour can force spring faster and more effectively than yellow?! Love your cheery daffodils; simply delightful!


    1. They are like a giant yellow sun in my kitchen, Poppy! :)

  11. Oh spring where are you?! We had a bunch of rain today so it got rid of some of our rain but the streets were flooded! Mother nature has been in a bad mood all winter!

    1. A very bad mood, indeed! We had rain, too and I was so happy it wasn't snow...which was back again today! Ugh!

  12. Yes, indeed! Flowers make the world a better place! xoxo Jen

  13. these flowers are very pretty & beautiful,nice arrangement to brighten the day!

    1. Thank you Amila! They are pretty...especially for $1.99!! :)

  14. It brightened my day just looking at your daffodils! Maybe I ought to buy them!
    Following you via GFC too!

    1. Thanks for the follow Carolyn! You should definitely get the $1.99 a bunch, they're worth the splurge! :)

  15. Such a pretty color yellow for flowers.I am telling you you can't tell one bit that they are not real. Super Pretty.That was a great deal
