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Easy Egg Bake Recipe

June 05, 2015

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Easy Egg Bake Recipe

It's me again, your easy recipe girl and today I have a great one to share. It's a really simple egg bake, and it's a favorite, because it tastes fabulous and it can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Or all three in the same day, if you make enough for leftovers.

Now that's my kind of cooking.

In all fairness, I must confess that this recipe is really my husband's concoction. He makes it quite often, it's kind of his go to meal. It's full of protein, low in fat and yet very filling. My kids love it because it's tasty. I love it, because I am not usually the one making it.

I'd rather be glueing or sewing...or mopping. I really don't like to cook...

Easy Egg Bake Recipe

Ok, so what do you need? Well, that's kind of up to you. My husband's egg bake is a hodgepodge of whatever we have in the fridge, usually veggies, cheese and egg whites. It's basically an egg white quiche without the crust.

Easy Egg Recipe

In a large bowl he combines a few handfuls of fresh spinach, 1/2 cup of cheese, 1/2 cup of chickpeas, fresh red pepper and tomatoes to taste. Of course, the vegetable variety is endless. Whatever you have on hand can be added, mushrooms, potatoes, broccoli. You get the idea.

Seperating Egg Whites

Next, he drops in six egg whites. He's very good at the separating.

Spinach And Bean Egg Recipe

Then he mixes it well and...

Easy Spinach, Egg, Tomato, Bean Recipe

...pours it into an 8 inch square pyrex dish and bakes it on 350 for about 30 minutes. Now, the beauty of this dish is that it can also be placed in the microwave for about seven teeny tiny minutes, if you're in a rush. We like it in the oven, but it's almost as good in the micro in a pinch.

Simple Egg Bake Recipe

That's it. That's all it takes.

For breakfast, we eat it on its own with juice and coffee, maybe a bagel if we're really hungry. For lunch, it pairs well with a salad and for dinner, I usually serve it with my mom's popcorn rice. That stuff goes with anything!

Fabulous. Dinner's done.

Now if I could just find someone to mop the floor, because, y'know, I don't really want to do that either.

Do you?

Kim Signature

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  1. Mopping the floor; blech. I tell you, I will never have 3 dogs again, even if together they weigh less than 30 lbs. LOL

    I love egg 'muffins.' eggs, breakfast meat of your choice, cheese, chopped finely veggies of your choice, bake in muffin pans. voila! Super healthy breakfast!

    1. We are all out of pets around here, Gwen and while I miss them, I don’t miss the mess at all!! Eggs in a muffin pan are a favorite around here, too! Yummy and easy! :)

  2. Just got a new recipe AND Edward can make it! See, men can do domestic things! It looks really good and the photos are great!!!

    It seems there used to be a commercial for Lysol or something where the woman put cleaning pads on her high heel shoes so she wouldn't have to mop...LOL

    1. Ooh! That would be my kind of mopping, Benita!

  3. I make a dish similar to you husbands recipe too and we all love it! How great to have your husband cook while you create! Have a nice weekend Kim!

    1. It is great to have an extra pair of willing chef hands around the house, Julie...especially when I do start creating! ;)

  4. I am definitely going to try this! I love throwing stuff together in a pot and cookin it up!! It looks marvelous, and popcorn rice?!? I'll have check that out too!

    1. Thanks Rhonda! It is really easy and the popcorn rice is, too…another throw things together kind of dish! :)

  5. Hi Kim, looks so so good!! Great when the guys can help out in the kitchen like this. Thanks for sharing this dish for any meal. Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, CM

  6. Looks very tasty, great pictures of it too.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan! I am glad the pictures came out well, it wouldn't look yummy if the pics were bad! ;)

  7. What a fabulous dish that cleans out the drawers of the refrigerator to boot! Love it! You are definitely my kinda gal... quick, easy, and yummy... check! I don't care for mopping floors, would rather cook, now that is where we differ, heehee! But I love this recipe, and agree that you can't go wrong with a dish like this! Have a blessed and wonderful weekend :)

    1. I’ll make you a deal, you cook and I’ll clean your floors and then we can garden together! :)

  8. This looks absolutely heavenly...thanks so much. Pinning!!

    Jane x

  9. We love egg casseroles of all kinds! I've never seen a recipe with chickpeas in it. Has to be good and good for you!

    1. The chickpeas are my husband's new favorites and he puts them in anything he can. It must be good for you and it is yummy!

  10. This sounds yummy. I used to like to cook but the older I get, the less I want to do it. I'd rather clean or paint something. ;) Have a great weekend.

    1. I hear you loud and clear, Kristi…you can do that in your new kitchen, too! ;)

  11. This dish looks delicious! Thanks for sharing it!
    Happy weekend!
    Helen xox

    1. Thank you for coming by for a visit, Helen! :)

  12. This looks great! Thank you for sharing. :-)

  13. This is very different from the egg bake recipes found in the midwest. I like that it has legumes and veggies. Excited to try this. Pinned it.

    1. The legumes are my husband's favorites lately, he puts them in everything!!

  14. Looks and sounds like YUM . . .
    We enjoy something like this and call it "Special Eggs".
    Whatever veggies are around, they get mixed in . . .

    1. I like you name, Lynne! We may have to copy it around here...egg bake is boring! ;)

  15. Hi Kim! Thanks so much for linking this great recipe at the Cooking & Crafting with J&J Link Up Party!
    Julie xo

  16. This looks quite tasty. And easy. My kind of cooking!!
    Thank you for sharing.

    1. My kind of cooking, too, Kathy! Or I should say, not cooking! ;-)

  17. Looks delish, Kim. Men are usually good cooks because they don't follow a recipe and just start throwing things together. That's how Dennis cooks, and his dishes are always tasty. Since I bought a Shark to do my floors cleaning has been a breeze. I'll never go back to mopping floors again. Have a great week! xo ~ Nancy

    1. Well, I've got the cooking hubby, Nancy...maybe now I need a Shark and I'll be all set! ;)

  18. Oh my...I can't get over how tasty this sounds!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J &J!

  19. Mop? Un no. In face, yesterday is usually my mopping day, but I swept and called it good lol You'll see why when I post next :)

    Would this work with egg yolks in it too? Egg whites freak me out when they're alone. I won't even eat meringue lol


    1. Hmmm. Now I am curious! AND YES! Eggs with yolks work just fine. We used to make it like that all the time...I like egg yolks, but everyone else around here has vilified the poor things. I miss my yolks!!
