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You've Got Mail

October 16, 2015

This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you purchase something via one of my links, I may make a small commission.

Several weeks ago two pieces of business mail arrived at my home on the same day and I told my husband that I needed a PO Box.


He didn't understand. It's two letters. Two. I think our own mailbox can handle it.

Two copies of Reloved Magazine

Ok smartypants, that wasn't really the point.

It wasn't about volume, it was about investing in my business, in myself.

I explained how my freelance work was picking up and how the blog was growing.

I needed a separate address. Needed.

It just looks and sounds more professional, I calmly explained.

To which he answered, It just sounds more expensive.

Well, that part was true.

It wasn't' going to be free, which is what it costs to get mail delivered to my home.

So we compromised and I got myself a teeny tiny box, the smallest one they had. I could deal with that. I mean it wasn't like I was getting a ton of business mail, but you know what they say, if you build it...

Turns out, that little saying is pretty accurate.

My Exquisitely Unremarkable address may not have been all that popular before I set myself up with my own little space at the post office, but now, the mail is rolling in ~ which is awesome, because there's nothing sadder than an I told you so or an empty little box.

See what I mean?

Instagram post photo of an empty PO Box
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So what fabulousness has been delivered to me recently? Well, here's a sampling.

First up is two copies of the October issue of Reloved Magazine. It came all the way from London, by airmail. That's right, London, baby!

Now I really like this publication, there are some neat upcycles inside every month, but this month, I'm inside!

Yup! Me!

Reloved Magazine open to Exquisitely Unremarkable feature story.

I wrote an article about My 1920's Cottage.

It's a full length feature, pretty pictures and a byline.

Now, I've been published online many times, but I've never been published in print before.

I'm sure that it sounds old fashioned to most of you, but as a writer, there is something about holding your work in your hands, smelling the ink and flipping through the pages that is infinitely more exciting than clicking around a screen.

It's a very special feeling and it started when I pulled the copies out of my very own little post office box.

Reloved Magazine Open to Exquisitely Unremarkable Feature Story


What else did I find inside? More airmail treasures. Apparently, I am very big in Europe. 😉

This gilded invitation is to the Amara Interior Blog Awards in London on Wednesday, October 28th for champagne and canapés.

Isn't it fancy?

Gold Amara Blog Awards Invitation on shelf

My family is prompting me to frame it and I just may do that.

Of course, I would love to attend, but London is just a tad far for this stateside girl to travel for an evening, but I will be following the festivities on Twitter.

Gotta love social media...but not as much as my new little mailbox.

You see, because next I pulled out this gift card to Target.

Owl Target Gift Card on table

I had won a giveaway from Stephanie at Managing A Home, but I had forgotten all about it.

Then one day, expecting nothing but empty space, I turned the key and voila, treasure! I ran right out and filled up my cart with products to make me over for fall. Fabulous.

My latest surprise from far, far away was this sweet smelling package from my dear friend, Benita at Chasing Quaintness.

Red Wooden Chicken Carving with potpourri pouch nearby

She sent me a beautiful note and apple cinnamon scented beads to warm my home up for the season.

Now even though I am not going to make an apple pie, my kitchen smells like I do it all the time.

Aren't I just the best mom ever?

Ok, maybe not, but Benita is truly the best friend ever.

The biggest item to pulled out of my, didn't actually fit inside.

Instead, I got a slip saying that they were holding a parcel for me behind the counter. I love that sound of that.

Why is it that packages always reduce me to a kid at Christmas time, even when I know what's inside.

And I did know what was inside, since I ordered the items myself.

Large Cardboard Shipping Box

You see I got tired of looking for my four lost bowls.

When I found myself combing through the bottom of the shoe closet I decided that enough was enough and I should just admit defeat.

My Pottery Barn Emma set was 20% and while I really did want brand new dishes, there was nothing wrong with the rest of the I just got four new bowls...

4 Emma Pottery Barn Bowls in a box

...and this time, I swear if something happens to them, well, then I am just going to have buy a whole brand new set.

You know, I may need a bigger box PO Box after all.



Did you get any interesting mail lately?
Kim Signature

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  1. Hey neighbor! Check out page 48 & 49 also pages 86 & 87 because I'm in that issue too! LOL Yay us!

    1. I am off to peek right now, Susan! Congrats. So glad to be sharing the pages with a friend!! xo

  2. Congratulations! That rooster is so adorable and perfect given your love of red. xoox Su

    1. Thanks Su! I know, I am smitten with him. ;)

  3. Congrats on being published!!! Wishing you continued success!

    xoxo Jen

  4. I'm like a kid too. I love to get mail! Mostly I just get catalogs and junk mail, but today a package arrived. It was an ETSY purchase, a Christmas gift for a friend. I'm so excited. I've been making great progress on my Christmas shopping list. Yippee!
    Congratulations on the magazine article and the Amara Interior Blog Award. Love it!

    1. Ah, Christmas… the best mail time of the year, Sarah! :) I love the treasures that show up then, for myself and others! Thank you for the sweet wishes! :)

  5. Your PO Box is like a gift that keeps on giving!!
    And congrats on being published, in print!

    1. Thank you, Kathy! I wonder what I'll find today?

  6. First of all, CONGRATULATIONS again!! I am so PROUD of you and for you! So many wonderful achievements and they are all HUGE deals! Yes, you should frame the magazine, the article and the invitation!! You writing is wonderful, your home is beautiful and you deserve every one of these accolades!!

    Second, thank you so much, but you know you did not have to mention me anywhere in this post! It was very sweet of you and I am so enjoying our special friendship!!

    I've found bowls in the shoe closet...and immediately through them out...the bowls, not the shoes. Years ago, my son had left a bowl of cereal in his closet...yes, it was gross. :-) I'm so glad you ordered new would have driven me nuts also to not have a full set! They are beautiful... Pottery Barn has the bestest stuff! :-)

    I do get surprises in the mail and LOVE every one of them. There is just something great about opening a mailbox and finding something other than a bill! Love and hugs to you my sweet friend and please know that I'm so happy for you on all of your accomplishments!!

    1. You are THE SWEETEST! Thank you, thank you, thank you…and I cannot even imagine finding that bowl in the closet. Hmmm. Maybe I should keep looking!!! ;)

  7. Congratulations, Kim. Being published in print is thrilling and I'm very happy for you. And, of course you needed a post office box. I keep meaning to get one myself. Look at all the wonderful things you've received already.
    All the best to you.

    1. I highly recommend it, Susan! You never know what kind of treasure you'll find inside. ;)

  8. Congrats my friend! I was supposed to be published with my feature in Country Woman last year. They paid me $400 to write it. But then apparently didn't think it up to snuff, so had someone else write the copy. I didn't care. I still got the $400 and the photos of my former rent house! And I have my Amara Invite on a shelf in my new office space. Pretty snazzy, huh?

    1. A kill fee is a beautiful thing, Brenda! ;) Congrats on your Amara nod. It would’ve been fun to toast with you in London!

  9. How exciting. I would be down at the post office every day, just in case. And how fabulous to be in a magazine. That is so exciting and well deserved. Now that it is published i hope you can share all the details about how it came to be and what it was like. Ooh, i am so excited for you.

    1. It has been exciting Lorri. I actually just answered an ad, a call for writers, back in April. I submitted a query and they accepted. I am so used to writing and publishing in the same day, that it was a bit tough to wait so long for it to be published but I am have no editorial pull anywhere but here! ;)

  10. Congrats Kim you are so deserving of this honor. Can we get copies of this magazine here in the States? I would love to see your article. You rock girl!!!! Benita is the best and those sachets smell so great. I have mine in my car and it smells like fresh baked pumpkin pie every time I get in my car. Ahhhhh love it. Have a wonderful week end.
    Congrats so proud of your accomplishment.

    1. Thank you so much, Kris. Unfortunately, I have not been able to locate it here…and believe me, I have looked! ;) I kept dreaming of walking into the book store and purchasing MY magazine. No luck! ;) I did see your magazine there though. Of course, I peeked and told my girlfriends, “I know her!!!" Congrats to you as well. xoxo

  11. That is super exciting! I wish we could buy copies here! I wish you could go to London for the party too, but the mail in that P O box might overflow while you're gone.

    Congratulations on writing about and photographing your wonderful home so excellently that a magazine published it! That's thrilling,

    1. Thanks so much, Dewena! I am really excited…and yes, I am not sure I could bear to leave my box unattended for too long! ;)

  12. Congratulations on your magazine article. How awesome! I've read the magazine before, and I'll look for the issue with your article in it.

    1. Thanks so much! I have friends in the mag, as well. It is a pretty publication!

  13. Congratulations on being published in that gorgeous magazine. I'm like you - nothing like holding it in your hand! I'm not a writer but still love my magazines.


    1. Thank you so much, Judy! It really is exciting. :)

  14. oh my goodness!
    this is exciting on so many levels.
    to be in an english magazine. such a beautiful honor!
    i don't think it's old fashioned at all. i think it's wonderful.
    if I were rich ... i'd fly you right over there ... YES! even just for the banquet!
    but you're flying yourself! right here! on this beautiful little blog! and it's all good.

    1. I am truly honored, Tammy. It is such a pretty publication...and thank you for your offer of a flight. How fun would that be? From teeny tiny blogger to jet setting author. If only! ;)

  15. I totally agree with Tammy j. If I were a rich (wo)man... I'd send you to London. No, I'd TAKE you to London.bwr could celebrate your fame and my birthday!
    As for post office boxes, it has been suggested that i get one so my address doesn't change all time! L8l!!

    1. Happy Birthday, Nancy!! Now that would be a fun trip!! :)

  16. Hi Kim, wow congrats on being published in that magazine! I too would love to see the article. I never heard of this magazine. I'm so happy for you and your success. You must be so happy. How fun to be a winner of that giveaway too. The chicken is adorable. So sweet of your blog friend too. Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Thanks so much, Julie! I wish the magazine was available in the states. If I hadn’t done so many giveaways lately, I would raffle one off!

  17. Oh Kim, I am so happy for you! That is an awesome accomplishment! I agree physically holding something in your hand just seems so right! You are certainly deserving! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you so much, Lynn! :) It's been a neat experience.

  18. Congratulations Kim!! Such a big accomplishment!! :) Benita is right, frame it all, it should be on display!!
    You were right about needing your own business address.
    I agree with Kris, Benita is the best! Love my sachet, mine smells like pumpkin pie too...and since I am a lover of all things pumpkin it was the best 'interesting mail' I have received in a while!
    Congrats again!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. I will run out and frame it all this week, Kimberley, you guys are right! Thanks so much for the well wishes and enjoy your pretty sachet!

  19. Wow . . . exciting news . . . and across the pond too . . .
    I think you are going to fly . . .
    and will have to make a PO upgrade very soon . . .

    1. A PO upgrade, maybe! Just don’t tell my hubby…yet! ;)

  20. Congratulations Kim on getting published. So proud of you, that is quite an accomplishment. Would love to see the article.
    Tracy S.

    1. Thanks Tracy. I wish I could find the magazine here. It's supposed to be carried at Barnes and Noble, but so far, no luck. Grrr.

  21. Good, thoughtful, interesting mail always has us at Hello! I am so happy to hear you have been published in print---that is the most awesome arrival of all!!!

    Many more dreams coming true for you..!!!

    Jane x

    1. Thank you Jane. It really has always been a dream and it was fun to see work in print. A little surreal, but fun! xo

  22. Kim. this post is bursting with wonderful news. First of all congratulations on your first printed feature. It is very special indeed to be able to hold the fruits of your labor in your hands. Second, bravo for your invite to London. You should absolutely frame it. And the bowls...ah, those bowls will remain in history as the disappearing bowls. Now that you have got some more you can be at peace! I know the feeling. ;)

    1. Thanks so much, Mary! London would be a lovely trip...just a tad far. AND YES!! I can relax about the bowls...but that mystery still nags at me! ;)

  23. This was such a fun read! :) Congratulations on being published in the magazine! Of course you'd be thrilled to hold it in your hands for the first time.

    1. I was...and am, Deb. It's a sweet feeling!

  24. How exciting to be in print in a different country! You've gone global. There is something wonderful about the feel and smell of an actual page while one turns it. Congrats! Frame away!

  25. Kim,
    Congratulations! So many good things coming your way and may many more marvelous moments fill your heart, home and mailbox!

    1. Thank you so much, Jemma. Here's hoping and right back at you! :)

  26. Dreams really do come true!! How fabulous! And just think, we can all say we 'knew you when'!


    1. Ha! If only, Doreen! Thank you so much for the lovely wishes, xo

  27. Yes! Yes! Yes! High fiving you, Girlfriend! This is the best news I've heard this week. . .even better than, "Come to my barn tonight and pick up as many pumpkins as you want!" Now, that was pretty good news for this budget-minded girl, but your news is way better. Way, way better. I'm so happy for you, Kim. You deserve to be recognized and I'm so glad it's happening. Hugs, Nancy

    1. I don’t know about that Nancy, free pumpkins sound like a dream to me! ;) Thank you my friend, it’s been exciting. xo

  28. How exciting to be published in a London magazine.....congratulations! I don't need my own address or PO box yet, but I did get a sweet, scented pumpkin in the mail from Benita too! Made my whole week!

    1. Isn’t Benita the best? Your Etsy shop is always sending items OUT I am sure…you don’t need a po box for that kind of success!! :)

  29. Any CEO need's their own mailbox , I mean you've been published . CONGRATULATION 'S, well deserved !! Major score on winning the Target card giveaway :)) And there's Benita, I also have the best smelling sachet from her, what can we say , but she's the BEST !! Even an order you place yourself is like a present !!!! I love going to the mailbox and getting surprise's, make's your day!!!
    Once again, CONGRATULATION'S !!!! TT

    1. It's been a good few weeks for mail, that is for sure Tammy! Thanks for your super kind words. They mean a lot! xo

  30. Congratulations to you my friend, well deserved! So happy for you! :)

  31. How cool is that, Kim? Congrats to you!!!! Now I'm going to have to go in search of that magazine.....

    ps where on earth did you get that adorable wooden rooster?? I'm in love....

    1. Thanks so much! Isn’t that wooden rooster darling? He was a yard sale find. I saw him from the road and literally pulled over to claim him! ;)

  32. Yippee! Three Cheers for you. :-))
    Have a great week,

  33. Hi Kim, Congrats to you!! I am so happy for you and all the great well deserved accolades coming your way.
    It's only the beginning for you my friend. Enjoy and have fun.
    Love the rooster!!
    Have a great week and thanks for stopping by, so enjoyed catching up with you tonight.
    Hugs, cm

    1. Thank you so much, CelestinaMarie. I really appreciate your kindness!! :)

  34. Kim, a super duper, humongous magazine feature and an amazing blog award too!! Congratulations to you, my talented friend! I'm so happy for you and only wish you and your wonderful blog nothing but the best, my dear. Oh and I totally grabbed a few things from PB's sale too. A PO box may be a good idea for me too.

    1. A super duper humongous thank you, Brandi!! :)

  35. Congratulations again on that super duper well-deserved award Kim and the magazine feature!!!!!!

  36. Congratulations on being published! This is so exciting, and you mus be feeling amazing knowing your talent is recognized! And good for you for buying those bowls...I would have done the same! If they disappear again, you might need a tracking device! ;)

    1. Thank you, Annie. Every now and then something fun comes along in the mail! And trust me, I will be tracking those bowls! ;)

  37. Wow...congratulations!!! We always knew you were famous!! Both tributes are wonderful and SO deserved!!
    Blessings to you,

    1. You are so nice to me, J!! Thanks for the smile today! :)

  38. Very much deserved, Kim. Leave it to England to know great style when they see it ;)

