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It's My Dollar And My Dream

July 08, 2016

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What I Would Do If I Won The Lottery

Whenever the lottery numbers grow and the news media begins to tout the jackpot amounts, the inevitable conversations about how the winning loot would be spent start to surface.

All you need is a dollar and dream, or so the radio announcer says.

"You have to play," I'm told. "The jackpot is up to $350 million!"

I never hear this when the jackpot total is $5 or even $10 million. Apparently, it's not even worth playing then.


But I digress.

You see, I'm not a big money gal. Never have been. I was born to Depression Era babies, waste not, want not, blah, blah, blah. I learned the value of a dollar early on and started working at twelve.

It was the same age I learned that money can make life easier, bring you a lot of pleasures, but it cannot buy you happiness.

Or good health.

However, when large money looms large, nobody wants to hear that. They want to hear about the island you would buy or the job you would quit or the traveling you would do. They are not at all interested in hearing that you are quite content with your little cottage and your writing gig.

Or ~ that heaven forbid ~ you didn't buy a ticket.

No. Too much drama.

So when these "what if" lottery conversations come around, I've learned that it's easier to play the game than it is to convince people I'm very happy right where I am.

I have a list now, ready to go when the inevitable cocktail conversation comes up. I know it doesn't really measure up. It's short and not at all extravagant, but it is honest.

Of course, first things first. I would give at least half of the money away.

I would take care of my family and then start a foundation for families with very sick kids and I would give them money so that mom or dad could leave work to be with them all the time.

After that, my list is pretty frivolous.

I Would Put A Fireplace In My Kitchen

Red Cottage Style Kitchen

I have always wanted a fireplace in my kitchen. I just think it's so charming.

I have a really tall wall that would look great dressed in stone. I would make it a gas fireplace, so I could turn it on and off anytime I walked in or out of the room.

It would be lighter stone than the one in my living room, but just as rustic. Summer, spring, fall and winter, I would sit by that sucker and stare.


I Would Hire A Chef

Easy Chicken Francaise Recipe

Yeah. I can't cook. Well, that's a lie. I can cook, but I hate it. I am also picky.

I would love to have a chef on call to whip me up whatever I wanted to eat, whenever I wanted to eat it. I would still food shop though, because ~ I know it's weird ~ but I've grown to love that task.


I Would Not Move, But I Would Move My House (and I would take my pool with me)

The Atlantic Ocean

I live about two blocks from the sea, but I cannot see the ocean from here unless I stood on my roof. On a ladder. And jumped. In the winter.

I would pick my sweet cottage up and move it to a waterfront lot nearby.

This one perplexes people.

"That's silly. Why wouldn't you just buy a second home on the water?"

Um, because I like this one and all of my stuff is already in it.

And I just won $450 million dollars. So I can.

That's why.

I Would Hire A Personal Shopper To Bring The Clothes To Me

Classic Jeans and a Sweater

I used to love shopping, but no more. Well, unless it's for food. You don't have to try on food.

I would have a personal shopper go to all of my favorite stores, pick up some pretties and when I felt like it, I would try them on.

In front of my kitchen fireplace and water views.

Then she could go back, stand on line and return the 99.9% of items that didn't fit or looked terrible on.

That would be awesome.

A New Car, A Fur Coat? Fudge Stripe Cookies? Probably not.

Well, maybe the cookies. I have simple taste, I'm not really into a lot of stuff and I don't love to travel.

I'll say it again. I'm boring.

Last night, I had great time, at home. My daughter and I went outside to find a few rocks for a craft and we heard a noise. She was sure it was one of our resident frogs.

So we stalked the pond on and off all night, barefoot, with flashlights in hand, among fireflies, crickets and goldfish. It was a hot and steamy summer evening filled with stars.

And eventually, two frogs.

It was dreamy.

And it didn't cost me a dime.

Never mind a dollar.

What's your lottery dream? It has to be more interesting that mine!

Kim Signature

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  1. Love your dreams, particularly the personal shopper. I used to be a shopper extraordinaire, but now I simply hate it. I like your idea of the foundation to help sick kids/families, might have to borrow that. I would also help two friends and one family member in dire straits; the others would have to apply to the trust I would set up, lol. Pay the bills, buy my husband the vehicle he wants, and I'm done. Oh, and I would definitely, finally, retire. :)

    1. Retirement and living on your own terms is a lovely dream, Betty. Oh and feel free to borrow my idea. I just wish some big loaded celebrity would already.

  2. Hey! I have been reading your blog for awhile and I can relate to so much to what you write! I'm also kind of boring and although I dream of living in a little cottage like yours, I can't really imagine living anywhere besides my little house with my little family. I hate cooking and I have avoided it for about 11 years but recently, I've taken to it a little bit because I have small children and I absolutely love how cozy and welcoming a house is when food is cooking or treats are baking. I love the idea of eating vegetables that I picked right out of my garden but the reality is, I hate anything that taste green and unlike you, I don't like to be outside. Anyway I say all of this to say, when I dream, I dream of making our home cozy and comfortable, (a fireplace in the kitchen would do wonders), but I don't dream of traveling or buying fancy houses or nice cars either. Anyway, your blog is always a breath of fresh air! Thank you for making me feel a little less weird, ;)


    1. Home is where the heart is for me, Annmarie and it sounds like it's that way for you, too!! I know, it's odd that in today's world some consider it weird, but it's who I am and I am glad to be in good company! I can't thank you enough for all of your kind words. I am thrilled that you like my blog and can relate to my words. It makes me smile from ear to ear!! Thanks so much for leaving a comment. It really does make my day!! :)

  3. I really don't have a lottery dream - I'm much too practical for that. BUT, should I every win or inherit a million dollars, I'd most definitely buy a big old 2-3 story home that I could decorate to my heart's content and maybe even turn it into a bed and breakfast or some sort of retreat. I could decorate each bedroom in different theme, colors, names, etc. I might even have an oval office of my own, or a turret!
    I wouldn't ask for anything excessive - just enough money to pay for and maintain the house. I would probably give some of the money to charity. I have a lot of interest and can see becoming a contributor to many charities or even start my own.

    1. Ooh, Barb, I love your dream!! It would be like a real life dollhouse. I could totally get on board with that!!

  4. I'd share some with my daughters, pay off their mortgages; I'd put a new floor in my kitchen (and hire someone do to all the heavy lifting involved in moving the stuff out first). Then I'd hire a professional to tell me if it was at all possible to increase the size of my sewing room without losing my enclosed porch in the back of the house because I love that, but the roof line is in the way of the floor level of my sewing room. And finally, I'd never have to worry about where my health insurance bill money would come from, or the town taxes, or the school taxes or . . . . .
    Yeah, I don't have travel dreams either. I like right where I am.

    1. Necessities, a few small wants and a little bit of joy spread to the kids…sounds like my kind of dream, Kathy!

  5. You did promise me light and frivilous today! Thanks! Made me smile.
    Uusually I would say give most of it away to missionaries, and that's not a bad idea - probably at least 10% would go there; however, I'm beginning to be more concerned with the people in my own town. If we expect to have missionaries, and be able to support them, we have to reach the people in our own hometown first, so they will continue the support of those afield. I guess picking up a hitchhiker has done much more for me than for him...
    Then, a little stone cottage somewhere in the hills. Maybe.
    At least pay off all the bills I have managed to accumulate in the last few years. Get a truck and a small canned ham trailer. Travel a little, visiting friends and churches along the way to --- somewhere! I think the itinerary would revolve around bible printing projects or delivering them to missionaries/local pastors in places where at least one contact speaks English I can understand.
    My theory is that you can't take it to heaven with you, but you can send it on ahead by the way you spend it down here!

    1. This post was for you, Nancy! Can't always be serious around here! ;) I knew you would spend your money on others. You are a generous soul!

  6. I'd go with the chef, and maybe a house maid once a week to do the deep cleaning. And I would spend whatever I liked on lampshades. I hate non-fabric ones and I still have two to change out. I can't find the right size for less than a fortune.

    1. It's the little things that's for sure!! I feel the same way about shoes. They are always a fortune if they fit right. I would like to buy a pair without looking at the price! :)

  7. The other day I mentioned to a friend that I was 14 when I had my first job, to which she replied, 'did your parents know you were working???'. Needless to say, she didn't work until she was legally an adult. Different strokes, different backgrounds, different environments, all make us who we are. Like you, my parents were depression era peeps so they had no issues whatsoever with my working which suited me just fine.

    Now about that lotto $...first and foremost, I'd start looking into buying/running an animal shelter. I much prefer dogs to most people, so I'd put my money where my mouth is and do something about helping abused and neglected animals. After that, I'm not sure, but it might involve lipo ;).

    j/k...I'm too chicken

    1. Doreen, you always make me laugh. Every single time. Thank you!! :)

  8. I have never purchased a lottery ticket in my life and likely never will. I am much like you. I don't like to cook, or travel. I HATE to try on clothes and haven't been in a clothes store in recent memory. I don't care about fancy cars. What I would do is buy myself a little house around 1000 square feet or under (I just can't clean a bigger house and wouldn't need it anyway). And I would give a lot of money to women's and homeless shelters. I would make sure women's shelters could accommodate your pets. Because you know what, women aren't gonna leave without their pet. And I would try to get more cities interested in taking old historic buildings and turning them into apartments where seniors could afford to live. We're going to be facing a crisis I'm afraid with all the baby boomers retiring. I'm pretty boring myself!

    1. It sounds like a fabulous way to spend a fortune, Brenda. You’re a very thoughtful person! :)

  9. ummmmmm no, I think your list is spot on!!!! I like my house VERY well, and there are almost no changes I would make except a good paint job inside and out. I have been banned from ladders, so my painting days are over :^( As a music minister, I come across so many folks who need so much to just maintain a half decent life...yes, if I BOUGHT a lotto ticket I would hope to win so that some of these people could be helped.
    Blessings to you for being such a good person and great writer!!

    1. Thank you, J! And hey, my house is probably due for a good painting too!! It's been about 15 years since some of these rooms have had any attention. I may have to amend the list now! ;)

  10. Good to know I am not the only one who doesn't like to cook. On the other hand, I buy lottery tickets. It will have to go even higher to buy more than one ticket. It only takes one ticket to win.
    I would like a bigger house and a new car as my vehicle has almost 200,000 miles. (hey it runs and has AC). I would start my own nonprofit/foundation. Then, I would go to my pharmacy and buy gift cards for those that can't afford their prescriptions. Next, I would visit my oncologist and pay some bills for patients. No one should have to worry about bills while fighting for their lives.

    1. Pharmacy gift cards? What a wonderful idea, Myrna...and you're right, no one should have to worry about bills while fighting for their life.

  11. I don't play the lottery either. Doesn't interest me and I don't like to gamble or lose money! Let's face it: I'm most likely NOT going to win. Especially if I'm just buying 1 ticket or even a few. I've only purchased one lottery ticket in my life and it was about 30 years ago when I was in WA visiting my aunt. Anyhoo, like you, my needs and wants are rather simple. I would like to move - not sure exactly where - but on a small house with a lot of land. And hopefully by a body of water. I would help family members and friends with their financial situations, buy a new car, and that's about it! I'm not into fancy clothes or jewelry. Maybe I'd travel, maybe not. I've always said I'd like to go to Europe (I've been to England), but the older I get, the less I like to travel. I'm definitely a homebody.

    1. I'm with you Melanie, I had the wanderlust when I was younger, now? Nope. I just want to stay home! ;)

  12. I love reading you . . . your words make me think, care, laugh and remember that "the little things" that happen in my life are truly my big lottery winners . . .
    Like you . . . I would do a stone fireplace in my kitchen and if I was able to surprise a few "someone's," who least expect, with a roll of money, I'd love to do that too . . . Keep writing Kim, you have a gift!

    1. Thank you Lynne, you are always so sweet and make my day!! And you are right, the little things are the big things and they didn’t cost us a dime! ;)

  13. Girl, I must be boring too, because I also hate cooking & trying on clothes. Believe we are cut from the same cloth. enjoyed your post!

    1. Glad to hear that I am not alone, Florence!! :)

  14. WOW!!! It is so good to see I am not the only person who hates to cook. I feel so vindicated now. Love the idea of the foundation for sick kids, I would probably also do something for the doggies and kitties too. A little travel would be nice (to see the kids who moved away) and a cottage by water somewher. One dependable vehicle and I am good to go.

    1. Doggie, kitties and kiddos...that all sounds good to me, Carol! :)

  15. I agree with you Kim, I don't need 450 million, I'd be happy with 1 million, so why not plsy every week? My husband bought me a full year lottery ticket for my birthday, it cost $100, we won about $30! The lottery is not for me, all I want to do is pay off my house and 3 college tuitions and I'd be happy. A house on Cape Cod would be nice too but I think that would put be over 1 million!


    1. One million is a good start though! If only...

  16. We rarely play the lottery, but we do when it reaches a very high hubs bought one tonight. If you don't hear from me again I won, moved the Charmer to a beach front and and enjoying the good life. I am a chef so don't need one, would get a personal seamstress who would make my clothes custom fit. Good luck!

  17. Hi Kim,
    It is fun to dream for the short time before the lottery numbers are picked and once again I have contributed to another winners lot!!!! I too would take care of my family and then give the rest to those that I do not know that really need it. I rarely play only when the numbers are huge I like to join in on the drama. A girl can dream! Have a great week end.

    1. Dreams are good, Kris! After all, someone’s got to win! :)

  18. This was fun to read! I rarely play the lottery, but I do have my Prosperity jar in the kitchen at all times. ;) I like your simple wishes. I'm not sure what my lottery dreams would be, but they would definitely include a chef. What a great idea!

  19. Hi Kim, I have never bought a lottery ticket so I've not given any idea as to what I'd do with a windfall of money. You have spiked my thoughts however. I like all your dreams and they seem to be on the practical side for the most part. I think I also might entertain the idea of moving my house to another spot like Cathy commented. Fun post!! Hope you do win!! Happy Weekend!

    1. My husband buys them every now and again…when the jackpot is really big, but me? Nope. I’d rather spend my dollars at Marshall’s or Homegoods. Then I’m a winner every single time! ;-)

  20. I would roll back the calendar about 20 years and find a cure for Parkinsons Disease...then my precious husband would be well again. (And this could help your Mom too).

  21. Another great post! And adventure looking for a frog...sounds like me, I have done similar with my boys. I just love it.
    I do not play the lottery. If I did win big time, I would like to purchase a farm and have it for hurting help them heal. They could garden, feed chickens, feel on.
    Thank you again for the great post.

    1. That sounds like a lovely dream, Carla. Gardening is good for the soul. Sometimes I wonder about all these celebrities in their mega million dollar homes and their mega million dollar weddings that dissolve within weeks…could they not spare a little to run such a farm? Hmmm.

  22. I love your lottery dream!!!! Mine is smoke - I would retire!!!! And then I could spend as much time as I want in my garden....or reading....or online....😊

  23. Uggghhhh stupid iPad...SIMPLE, not SMOKE!!

    1. Sounds like a lovely dream...even with the autocorrect!! :)

  24. I like your very simple and straightforward list... giving half away definitely tops my list too, should a large sum of money ever come my way. And I had to laugh about keeping your house and moving it several blocks, I don't blame you a bit, lol! :)

    1. I can’t imagine you’d be moving away from your glorious view, no matter how much money fell in your lap! :)

  25. I am with you...simple living and a few nice additions to my life would be great with all that money. I do worry that if I really had that money I would go a little crazy and I'd feel I should at least travel to places I dream of (like Australia). But all in all I like your dreams and would be content a new bathroom!

    1. Exactly, AnnMarie!! Although Australia is nice! ;-)

  26. LOL, I love your list. The fireplace would be amazing in your kitchen.

    1. That’s what I keep telling my husband, Vanessa! ;)

  27. You have a vivid imagination to come up with these post ideas and I love make me think.

    The biggest 'selfless' things I would do is give each of my children a bit to do with whatever they want. I would then give lump sums to my three favorite charities and stop eeking out any extra I have at the end of the month.

    Then---I'm sort of lost. Travel to Europe? Have a second home on Martha's Vineyard? That's about all I can think of.

    I didn't buy the tickets...I'm cheap like that. lol!


    P.S. You look fantastic in your new profile pic!!!

    1. I have never been to Martha's Vineyard, Jane, but I have read books set there and have always wanted to go...and thanks...I'm always nervous about pictures!!

  28. Like you, I'm not much of a money grubber.

    We would stay right where we are and make a few improvements. Then, we would proceed to travel around the world.

    1. Sounds fabulous, Carol!! I bet there would be a few new painting supplies in your house, too! ;)

  29. All I want these days is my health. My eyesight, my ability to walk, an opportunity to test out my creativity, live a long and meaningful life! Thanks Kim, for coming to visit! You are kind! AND, I failed to remember you don't live far from the ocean!!!!

    1. You can't buy those with lottery winnings, Anita, so true! Here's to good health and a long meaningful life! :)

  30. It doesn't sound boring at all. I would definitely hire a chef...and travel. Maybe I'll take the chef with me when I travel, then I'll be able to have a fabulous meal wherever I am. ;)

  31. We dream and dream about what we would do if we won the Texas lottery! I'd buy a house on land but near the city where we still have access to fun. I'd have pedicures often. I'd have clean sheets all the time. :)

    1. Oh, clean sheets. I hate that job! Good one, Stacey!

  32. I absolutely love your list! My hubby and I buy 3 tickets on our birthdays only. It's fun to dream. Thank you so much for joining the gathering at Thoughts of Home on Thursday.

    1. That sounds like a fun birthday plan, Laura! I hope that one of these days your birthday dreams come true!

  33. It is fun to dream about winning a load of cash! I would have a house in the mountains to get out of Texas Summers!

    1. That sounds dreamy, Jemma!! Here’s hoping!! :)

  34. It's been interesting reading all your comments. I think it's funny about moving your house to a waterfront lot - but I get it. As for me I have never bought any kind of a lottery ticket. I don't think about what I would do because well it isn't going to happen. And that is ok with me.

    1. I’m right there with you, Ronda…never gonna happen and that’s ok! :) It is fun to dream though!

  35. Somehow I missed this post when it was new. How fun to consider where to spend a fortune. Lots of good ideas both in your post and the comments. I too am happy where I am. My house is small and shabby but it is just right for me. I have outbuildings that need new roofs and new paint and pasture fence that needs to be replaced. That is what I would do first, that and a better fence to keep the deer and rabbits out of the garden. Fun to dream. Good luck, I will be pulling for your to win.

    1. Well, Lorri...looks like I missed your comment when it was new, too!! ;) I guess that fact that we have such simple wants is a good thing. Means we're content where we are and I am grateful for that!! I'll be pulling for you, too. :)

  36. We all do this dreaming don't we? After I helped everyone I know to have less money worries, I would hire a veterinarian in order to set up a free spay/neuter and spay/release clinic and a no-kill shelter. Then create the most amazing animal day care center in the world, with acres of play space and shallow pools, so I could do the "work" I love everyday, be surrounded by four legged beasties or all kinds, and have the kind of place I always dreamed that I could find for my pets to stay!
    Oh, then the cook and cleaning persons, without a doubt, because I'm going to go outside and play too.

    1. It sounds like a lovely dream, Susan...I love hearing what everyone has in mind to make the world a better place. Most of the time they would do for others, like you would love to do...and I think that is wonderful. :)

  37. Love this blog. I agree with you. My first house was a 1929 ranch. While, I don't know if it would survive the move to the waterfront I certainly would want to replicate so many of its unique and charming features. Would hire a chef and a personal trainer to get me back in shape and at a better weight! My one frivolous thing is I just love old cars from the 1920's with the rumble seats in the back. So many wonderful family stories about my great aunts 16 cylinder car. Would just like one to ride around in on a beautiful Long Island day. I would pay off bills, and send my two kids to a college of there choice. AND then I would set up some research funding and give to charities. I have always been curious about researching the pregnancy hormones and their positive effects on people who suffer from panic disorder and agoraphobia. Several people I know have their symptoms going totally into remission during pregnancy only to return once the baby is born. There has to be something to this. Would set up research funding on under funded cancers...Ovarian cancer and childhood cancers. There has not be enough progress in these two in decades.
    Lastly, I would start something for all the singles in Long Island who are seeking and cannot find their soulmates. Maybe an apartment complex, or gated community along the lines of the 55 and older. Hey it's just a dream....

    1. Thank you so much! I am so glad you enjoy the posts. I would love to have a chef and a personal trainer work off all that yummy food. You sound as if you have a very specific and lovely plan for that money. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all win just enough to make some of these dreams come true? I wish you luck with your dollar. Like the commercial says, You Never Know! Thanks for the visit!!
