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Shopping For Snow Survival

March 17, 2017

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Little B Paper Flower Making Kit

Ah, March. In like a lion and out like a lamb, or so they say. However, I have always found the month to be much less reliable than that old saying would have me believe. This March, for example, has it all backwards. It came in like a lovely little lamb, sunny and sixty degrees, daffodils and crocuses confused and blooming in my yard, Then bam! Lion. Snow, sleet, hail and freezing temps that closed schools, shut down mass transit and sent everyone scurrying to the store for provisions. 

Including me. 

Only the grocery line was long and I knew I already had what I needed in the fridge and the pantry. So I decided to shop for storm supplies of another kind. 

The crafty kind! 

I mean, if I was going to be stuck inside, I might as well make use of those hours, right? 

I was going to pop into my thrift store again, but I already know how that usually goes, so I headed to a cute discount shop in my area instead. I was just going in to browse, since I have been on a purging and simplifying jaunt as of late and I think I did well. 

I only left with just one item. 

I have always wanted to make my own paper flowers. I never knew what I was going to do with them, but the process seemed interesting. These were cheap, so I took them home.

Little B Paper Flowers Carnation Kit
This post contains affiliate links. For my full disclosure see statement at bottom of page. 

It was a fun little craft. I put together four carnations as the wind whistled and the snow fell outside. As one would expect, my last flower was prettier than my first, but all in all, they look good.

Little B Paper Flower Making Kit

Of course, I still have no idea what I'm going to do with them. I could add them to a wreath or string them up and make a banner, but right now they are still sitting in that same position on my table. 

I do enjoy looking at them. They remind me of a Georgia O'Keeffe painting.

I love her work. 

So maybe they don't need to do more than this for now. I'm not sure. 

I'll keep you posted. 

Little B Paper Flower Kit

The paper flower kit is the only thing that came home with me on that pre-snow shop. I exercised an extreme amount of willpower, but there were a ton of other really cute items. 

Like this galvanized serving tray, for example. It was close to twenty bucks and it wasn't even that large. I am starting to realize what a great bargain I got on my thrift store bucket.

It is cute though and made me think of summer and that's always a good thing, especially when snow is falling.

Galvanized Picnic Table Serving Tray

This four cup measuring cup was so hard to pass up. It was a decent price...discounted... and I love, love, love the shape, but I have too many hanging around the house already. 

And I don't even cook that much.

Oh, but that red.

Catamount Measuring Cup

Speaking of.

These chalk label canisters begged to come home with me. Seriously. How adorable is this set? I am still thinking about it. That's usually a sign that it will end up in my kitchen. 

I might have to go back for them. 

Maybe. Maybe not. 

Red Chalk Label Kitchen Canisters

I almost tripped over this 3 tiered metal stand. It was really big...and really pricey...and totally gorgeous. I currently have several pieces like it that are not in use and not in storage, since that is hard to come by in this cottage.

They are in a pile, neatly displayed, on the kitchen floor. 

I didn't need another tripping hazard. 

So I covered my eyes, winced a little and walked away.

I was quickly distracted by the idea of buying for others. 

We have several weddings on the calendar this year, so these mug pairs caught my eye. I love the "I Do" sets

I didn't, but I still may. 

I'm kind of last minute gal when it comes to wedding gifts. Possibly because in my neck of the woods, cash is king for these kind of events. Registries are set up for engagements and showers, but it's all about the envelope on the wedding day.

Still, I like to include a small token. 

Mug Pair Gift Ideas

Now, back to shopping (well, looking) for me!

This was the hardest to pass up and another item that is still on my mind. It is a round, rooster lazy susan and boy oh boy, just too sweet. 

Country, farmhouse, rustic, cottage...all wrapped up in one. 

I have a round table that is just calling out for it, but I wasn't quite sure about the colors in my uber red kitchen. 

I could probably DIY the outside rim in red, but eh, not for that retail price. 

Rustic country rooster lazy susan

Oh well. 

Maybe next snowstorm. 

Have you been shopping lately?

I have shared my shopping trips before. Take a peek!

Amazon Shopping Guide For Fall

Rain Boot Decor DIY

Kim Signature

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  1. I love your kind of storm prepping!

    The paper flowers are gorgeous. I love making them & can kind of picture how to make those without a kit. I made about 50 paper roses out of an old hymnal for a women's retreat in our town this past winter. The roses embellished clay pots & jars for the centerpieces. They were such a big hit we ended up using them all for door prizes. I did keep three for myself to put in my country wall vase on my gallery wall, plus I kept one pot filled with the flowers, moss & a little bird. It sits on my kitchen table & is a perfect centerpiece.

    I would go back & get the red cannisters, they would be gorgeous in your kitchen.

    Have you seen Daysprings Mr & Mrs mug set?
    They would look good in your kitchen as well. I have a set that I love. We use them mostly for hot tea but sometimes I will make soup & salad & serve the soup in them. Of course my set was much less, we have a Dayspring outlet store in our town. They may have been $5 each...or $3...I can't remember.

    I saw the same measuring cup last weekend but my first though was, I'd tip or knock it over while filling it...I am sure I would!

    1. Jenny, I would love to make the paper flowers by hand. The kit is really not necessary, but now, like you said, I have an idea of how to do it. I LOVE that link you sent for the mugs. I am going to order them for the bride and groom...and maybe a set for this old married couple! Thanks so much for the hint! Awesome.

  2. Oh Kim, don't even ask if I have been shopping. Unlike your uncooperative thrift store ours has been getting a lot of stuff in that is right up my alley. Last time my sister, who is my partner in crime jokingly asked if she should go get another cart.

    Your flowers turned out great. I have never tried making them. I know that you will find the perfect spot or project for them. And then you can blog about them and we can ooh and aah.

    We had snow but not too bad. Should be 60s on Sunday. In our neck of the woods the lamb/lion saying seems to be that if it comes in one way it will go out the other so some years it is in like a lamb and out like a lion and other years it is in like a lion and out like a lamb. If it is true that it came in like a lamb we might be in for another blast of lion before the month is over. Shoot.

    1. I often marvel at what you find at your thrift stores, Lorri. I wonder if the differences in thrifting is geographical by state or suburban vs rural? My thrift store prices are high and the inventory is scarce, turnover is not great either. If I go once a month, I often see the same things over and over again. Of course, I don’t venture too far from my home, perhaps if I went further east I would find bargains…but too far east I run into the tourist towns. No bargains there!! And too far west and I’m in a big city, again, no bargains!

      I am hoping that we have seen the last of the March lion, so that the ground thaws and people have yard sales. That is where the best prices and inventory seem to be had. Fingers crossed. Glad to hear you and your sister are having fun!! :)

    2. Our closest Goodwill is where we find the majority of our treasures. It is about 30 miles away and is the home of a largish regional medical center. The population of the town is about 20,000 but they have 150+ doctors and my guess is those medical families shop in the twin cities and replace their stuff pretty frequently, donating their castoffs. The next closest Goodwill is about 75 miles away and in a bigger town and their selection is still pretty good but their prices are higher. In our state the Goodwill stores cull their inventory and pack up stuff that hasn't sold and send it to another goodwill in the state to keep the inventory fresh. I think their system rotates stuff out after four or five weeks. I still think it is my Italian prosperity jar...I seem to recall that the trick was having an open mind about how you define prosperity. All winter I have been making plans for that when the weather warms I am going to turn my chicken coop into a bar. I have been pinning pallet wood bars to build and our family are card players so i am thinking about a table for cards. It is probably silly because I rarely drink and my kids are not home that often but it has been on my mind and i have been finding lots of bar related treasures lately so maybe that is a sign. I will be keeping my fingers crossed that you get some better thrifting in and when I give my jar a shake i will wish for thifting prosperity for you too.

  3. I did shop at Walmart earlier this week for craft supplies. I'm getting ready for our Spring Fling Bazaar and want to make my own price tags. When you blogged about your galvanized thrift bucket I thought then it was a good deal. And you made it so cute. Hope the snow melts at your place and March warms up for you. Have a great weekend, Kim! Hugs, Nancy

    1. Ooh, custom price tags sound lovely. I always think they add that something special when I see them at shops or fairs. I hope you feature them when they're done! Warming up, slowly, still a bunch of ice and snow, but the roads are clear and that is the most important part. Hoping you are getting a little melt, too...

  4. Now that's my kind of storm shopping and I love those paper flowers, Kim! I'm thinking those red canisters need to come home with you ;)

    1. Thanks Cecilia!! The flowers really are so pretty in person, too!

  5. Thanks for all the tips and pics of cute things. I really love the galvanized tiered stand. Are these from Amazon? I see that when I click on the link.

    Your flowers are so cute! The look like anemones. You could glue something that passes for a stem and have vases of them for a party. Or do a grouping for a tablescape.

    Thanks for the info, Kim!

    Jane x

    1. Hi Jane! The galvanized stand in the picture is from Tuesday Morning. I couldn't find it online anywhere to share, so I linked to one on Amazon. Sometimes, people ask me for the resources, so I try to list them or at least something close. I like the flower stem idea! My thinking cap is firmly on... ;)

  6. These flowers are so cute. What a great little fun project. That measuring cup is so adorable with the red and unique shape. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Kris! I did love that cup. Silly story…sometimes, I like to drink my hot water out of them!! There is something about the weight of the glass that feels good and they hold the heat. My kids laugh at me when they see me holding the measuring cup handle, I thought this one would solve that problem. ;-)

  7. Your flowers are gorgeous and would look great on a wreath! There is nothing like a high price to make me able to walk away from something I want! The thrift stores around me are getting ridiculous so I will have to wait for yard and garage sales. No thrifting for me for the past couple weeks but I spent ALOT at an estate sale a few weeks ago and need a breather!

    1. I know, AnnMarie, the prices are really out of control. I was in a discount shop and some of the prices were outrageous. I often wonder who is paying full price for some of these things. I agree with you about the thrift stores, too. They are getting just as expensive. I am a big fan of yard sales, but until the ice and snow disappears, I'll just be window shopping!!

  8. The flowers are gorgeous!

    Now Missy, let's not take this purging thing too far, ok? I don't know whether to congratulate you or bop you on the head for leaving behind some of those items, especially the canisters! Go back!

    1. I know, Doreen, a bop is in order I think! I love the canisters, but I have had many in the past and after a few months I tire of them and they end up in storage. That three tiered tray is another story altogether though! ;)

  9. I commend you on your restraint, Kim! I love the flowers you made. They'd look cute surrounding tiny bulbs on a string of lights. I have a sneaky feeling you'll be going back for a few of those items.
    Happy snow days!

    1. Great idea, Susan!! I think I need to find lights and a few more flowers, asap!!

  10. LOL- What way to prep for a storm! Who needs bread and milk when you can find paper making supplies and other goodies? lol The flowers turned out just great. Hmmmm...wondering if you headed back today to pick up a few of the things you left behind. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend, Kim. xo Diana

    1. Haha! Yup, goodies are way better than bread and milk! ;) I had fun with the flowers, I know that they can be made without a kit, but this one was dirt cheap, so I had to try it. Besides, there was no line at this store!! ;)

  11. The Chalk Label Canister would be perfect in a kitchen that likes red . . .
    And a tiered tray might enjoy some papered flowers . . .
    Just Sayin' . . .

    1. Ah, Lynne, what a great idea for the flowers! You have planted a seed…

  12. Oh Kim! I am expecting to see those chalkboard canisters in your kitchen! I saw some white ones recently that looked similar and did not buy them...but that does not mean I won't go back and grab them up next time :)

    1. Ha!! So funny, Karen. We seem to have the same shopping style! ;)

  13. These are the sweet flowers and I love your shopping adventures. I love those red canisters.

    1. Thanks Vanessa! I am still thinking about those canisters! ;)

  14. Fun, Kim!
    You do make me smile.
    The flowers are beautiful.
    My youngest is studying art, he just finished a study on O'Keeffe. I will have to show him your flowers.


    1. I knew you would like the idea of flowers, Carla. What fun that your son is studying art right now. Too many schools are cutting those classes. That is where I learned about Georgia O'Keeffe and have been a fan ever since. :)

  15. The flowers are absolutely beautiful! So brave of you to try them. :-) You will find a great use for them, you are so resourceful. Hugs

    1. Why thank you, Terri! They were fun to make, took a little bit of trial and error, but after a while, I got the hang of it!

  16. Love your storm preparations. I would rather create then anything else and that's saying a lot because I do like to cook. The paper roses are gorgeous. Have fun. I know you'll find the perfect way to design with the roses.

    1. Thank you, Celestina Marie! I am still just staring at the pretty, but something will come to me! :)

  17. Hope that you are keeping warm, Kim. I washed all the windows and single-handedly brought winter back to our part of the world but I have a suspicion that you would laugh at our idea of winter :-)
    Crafting supplies are the best supplies!

    1. So it's those clean windows to blame, huh? I am sure it the rain that seems to fall as soon as you are done washing your car. And while I may laugh at your winter weather, I have that same suspicion that you may feel that way about our summers! ;)

  18. Pretty paper flowers and the only shopping lately here was to the grocery story / boring! :)

    1. I am not a fan of grocery shopping either, Deb. Especially where there are lines! Boo...

  19. Now that's a great way to prepare for the storm. The flowers are so beautiful and I can't wait to see where you use them. Happy Monday!

    1. Thanks so much! It was a lot more fun to create than lamenting about snow! ;)

  20. The paper flowers are really cute & look so authentic, so I'd say you did good for snowy preparation. Anything is better than standing in line. (I thought we only did that kind of insane thing here in Alabama)!

    1. Nope...people get just as crazy around here, Florence...which is silly since we are so used to snow. We were out and about that very afternoon. And thanks! :)

  21. No shopping for me lately, I've been too busy. ;) I guess that's a good thing because I would probably just buy something I didn't need. Pretty flowers. Looks like a good snowy day craft to do.

    1. You have been busy!! ;) The windows look fab!!

  22. Love that flower making kit! What a fun project! I've been really good in the shopping dept. lately. Well, I did buy some new things for SXSW, but other than that, I've been pretty good. :) Sometimes I avoid the Sunday paper ads, because I just know Target will draw me in with their pretties. Lol!

    1. Oh the ads are the worst, Lisa!! I look at them and circle things...lucky for me (and my full closets and my wallet) that I am usually too busy to get to the stores. ;)

  23. Kim, I can't believe you passed up any of that cute stuff. I loved those red cannisters but since I wouldn't have any room I would pass them up too, especially when I saw the price at the bottom of your post. But, IF, I was just starting out, I would have had a job at that time and I would surely have bought them no matter what the cost..Love the flowers though. I will be anxious to see what you finally do with them..Happy Tuesday..Judy
