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How To Paint A Concrete Patio

August 23, 2018

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We painted our old concrete patio and now it looks amazing.

It totally transformed our worn, cracked and faded cement.

And we did it in one day.

Chipped and cracked backyard patio in need of repair

When we first moved into our sweet beach cottage, the backyard was a blank slate, filled with trees and grass.

While it was very picturesque, there was no place for a patio set or any seating for that matter.

We knew things had to change.

Looking to put in something that would fit with the style of the home and the time period it was constructed, we went with a simple, colored concrete patio.

It was inexpensive and suited the house well.

Of course, after about a decade of heavy use, full sun summers and extreme winters, the color began to fade.

And our charming cocoa tinted courtyard started to look like a parking lot.

Not good.

That's when we decided to take a risk and stain the concrete. And it was a fabulous decision...for a while.

Arrow graphic with words This crack is subtle but the crack is still noticeable pointing to a cracked patio.

The process was easy enough and the results were very nice. Initially.

However, after two seasons, the salt we put down to prevent slips in icy and snowy conditions began eating away at the surface and we needed to stain again.

And then again. That was not ideal.

Neither was the fact that while the stain did a wonderful job of adding color, it was too transparent to hide any of the imperfections that popped up as patio aged...chips, cracks, divots.

When my husband tried to patch them, they just became darker colored chips, cracks and divots, but we weren't fooling anyone. It wasn't a good look.

By this spring we'd had enough of staining and decided to try paint instead.

How To Paint Your Cement Patio So It Looks Like New text over cracked patio Pinterest Graphic

First, here's a quick video about it.

Also, I just want to be clear that there was no we.

I was simply the color picker and errand girl. My husband did all the heavy lifting. Big surprise.

How To Paint A Concrete Patio (or A Concrete Porch)

1. Power Wash The Patio

He began by power washing the patio to remove any dirt, debris or loose stone. He didn't use a cleaner at this point, just water.

2. Patch The Concrete

Next, he picked up some concrete patch, followed the instructions on the package to mix it up and then filled in the deep cracks and holes.

When it was dry, he used a dishwashing soap, bleach and water mixture to clean the patio again, this time with a nylon bristled broom to scrub the concrete clean.

Once again he let it dry. We did not use any etching chemicals, the paint we used did not require or recommend it. 

A man painting a cement patio with a roller.

3.  Apply The Paint

He used a roller to apply the paint to the concrete patio surface.

He rolled straight up to the edges and right over the wood dividers.

He did use a brush in a few tight spots near the house, but you could tape off any areas you don't want to get painted.

The paint went on evenly and dried quickly. Once coat did the job, but we applied two coats for a deeper tone.

It was super easy to work with, had great coverage and the difference was immediate and dramatic.

Before And After Painted Cement Patio with one side painted and other still cracked and faded.

The Results

The patio turned out better than we could've imagined. The surface is durable and not slippery, which is important, especially since it's near a pool...lots of wet feet.

You also can see how well it covered all the patched areas. The coverage is full and even, but does let the texture of the concrete show, which I really like.

It honestly looks like we put in a brand new patio.

We've been enjoying it for several months now, since we completed this task way back at the beginning of the season.

Painted Outdoor backyard Patio with chairs and table

This morning, as I was writing the DIY up, I decided to snap a more recent photo.

Cottage Garden Style Patio with newly painted patio and red umbrella

Morning Glories and Zinnias in full bloom.

And a fifteen year old patio that looks like we installed it this year.

That's some makeover.

Painted Concrete Patio Frequently Asked Questions

Turns out, painting a concrete patio is a pretty popular topic and over the years I've been asked a lot of questions. Of course, the number one thing everyone wants to know about is the paint.

What Paint Should I Use To Paint My Concrete Patio?

We looked at a lot of paint, then specialist at our local hardware store recommended Benjamin Moore Floor and Patio paint.

They said it covered really well, was easy to apply and lasted. For a long time. They were right.

It definitely pays to consult the pros.

Benjamin Moore Floor and Patio Enamel Paint can on a table outside

Will the paint work on damaged concrete?

Well, that depends. It will color the cement and camouflage flaws, but it's not a cure for a badly damaged concrete floor. 

At first, we were sure that we needed to rip the whole thing up and start over.

Then my husband thought about renting a machine to grind away the surface of the concrete and level it all out with a skim coat.

The surface was that bad in spots.

You can see the lighter and darker areas in the first photo...darker where the stain settled into divots, lighter in the areas where the rock salt and sand had worn away the finish.

The more defined lines are where my husband used a concrete patch to fill in the cracks and larger holes. This was done after we made the decision to try paint, as part of the prep.

Initially, I was reluctant to use paint.

I thought it would make the patio look like...well, a giant painted slab.

It's why we originally went with stain all those years ago, it was more transparent, but the paint did a much better job of hiding the patch.

And no construction was necessary.

How'd the concrete paint hold up on the patio?

Well, it's been several years in a very tough northeastern climate and so many people have asked how it's held up, that I had to come back to let you know.

The answer is fabulous!

Patio set with red market umbrella on painted patio

The color still looks great and we get full sun all day long. The area under the chairs looks good, too, and even the wood is still well covered.

There are a few divots here and there from where we hit the patio with our snow shovel once or twice over the past two winters (oops!), but other than that, it's in great shape.

All in all, we're very happy.

Oh and for all of you that have inquired...

What color did you paint the patio?

Well, it's a little complicated because we were picky.

We used The Benjamin Moore paint, but we couldn’t find a color we liked.

Instead, we picked a Home Depot Behr color called Pyramid and we brought the swatch to Benjamin Moore and they mixed that color for us.

How nice.

Painted Concrete DIY Pinterest graphic with before and after photos

Would you ever paint concrete?
Kim Signature

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  1. Wow Kim, the difference is amazing! I love it so much. You gave your patio a beautiful new look. Loving all your plants and flowers too.

    1. Thank you so much! It really has make the place a lot cheerier! The flowers help, too!! 😉

    2. Hi Kim, it has been a couple of years at least, how is it holding up?

    3. Hi there! It looks great. There has been a tiny bit of wear where we hit it with the snow shovel, but overall it's in great condition. No wear and tear under the chairs, etc. I highly recommend it!

  2. Oops, it's Brandi(dontdisturbthisgroove)! I accidentally signed in under my daughter's account.

    1. Thanks Brandi!! Always fun to hear from you!

  3. Looks great, Kim and esp. the current shot with all the nature and color! Good job.

    1. Thank you Cheryl! And yes, the color makes a huge difference doesn't it?

  4. I painted a concrete porch once, but was lazy and didn't do the prep. Do the prep! Your patio looks marvelous, dahling!

    1. The prep is important, Nancy! I totally agree...especially when I'm not the one who has to do it...😉

  5. My mom has painted their small covered patio and it always looks good. Yours looks great!

    1. Thanks so much, Deanna! I bet your mom's patio is lovely....

  6. This looks so great Kim. Great job. We have used this stuff before on our porch and sidewalks. Love it.

    1. It works great, Kris. It was the right choice for sure!

  7. Looks so nice! I have a cement front porch that I'm getting ready to tackle. Thanks for the tips on prep work!

    1. Thanks Melanie! Good luck, I bet it'll be beautiful!

  8. Looks great, Kim! Is it holding up where your patio chairs slide in and out for sitting at the table? That seems like a tough area.

    1. Thanks Carol! So far so good and the kids and hubby are not good about lifting and moving...they slide...

  9. beautiful! you guys make a great team. :D XOXO

    1. Thanks Tammy...sometimes it all comes together!

  10. Wow - it looks amazing! After seeing this, I would paint too.

    1. Thanks Mari. I was so hesitant, but so far I love it!

  11. Kim, you have no idea how much I needed this post. We have a deck that is peeling from the paint, and it looks awful. It peels every year or so, and I'm thinking it must be the paint my dad has been using. I definitely have to try the BM. I have been wanting to do this project all summer, but we've had so much rain it has been impossible.

    Kim how did you remove the old paint from your patio, did you scrape it off?

    1. It was a beautiful product Mary and it covered so well. We actually didn't remove any of the old stain. We just washed it well with a brush and patched any chipping areas...

  12. That looks amazing!!!!!!!!!!! What a great transformation, Kim!!

  13. Boy, does that look great. It looks brand new. You did a great job. Kim, on your Amazon site I see one of my "cheap" pillows. Does that mean that I can order any of them and you get benefit from them. I'm glad I saw this post as I was just about ready to order a couple more..xxoJudy

    1. Hi Judy...yup, if you order anything from Amazon after clicking over from my site I make a few pennies. Thanks for asking! If you want to read my full disclosure links are posted at the bottom of my site.

  14. Looks great!! I just love a freshly painted anything! I hope it holds up for you. After painting vinyl flooring in the bathroom, I am not sure I would ever paint a floor again after that disaster. I will have to wait to see how well yours holds up.

    1. I was concerned about it, too, AnnMarie. So far, so good, but it's only been a few months. The guys at the store gave it 5 stars and they had a bunch of products for us to choose from. I hope they're right, but only time will tell. I'll keep you posted!

  15. Hi,
    I pinned this idea. WOW, it looks amazing. Thank you for sharing your tips.

  16. Wonderful makeover . . .
    Looks fantastic!

  17. It looks wonderful, Kim! I've got a little "unruly" concrete out back too, I think I need to show this to my husband because I'd be up for painting it.

    1. It was easier than we thought it's be, Gina and it's holding up beautifully so far!

  18. The patio looks absolutely awesome!!!! I would not have thought paint on concrete would be durable but evidently I was wrong! So much we can do if we just try it:)

    1. I was shocked at how well it came out, Cheri! You're absolutely right...just try!! Thanks for the visit!

  19. It looks really great, Kim! You know even though I swear by concrete stain for indoor flooring, I've found it doesn't wear well outdoors. I recently used porch paint to makeover my bathroom floor--I'll keep it in mind for its intended use ;)

    1. It did not hold up as well as we had hoped, Cecilia that's for sure. We have high hopes for the paint. I'll keep you posted!

  20. Kim,
    Looks great! Enjoy those upcoming Fall days!

  21. Hi Kim, the patio looks great and I like the color you chose. Hope you’re staying cool!!

    1. Thanks Julie! We took a long time to pick it out.

  22. That's great that you guys (OK, mostly your hubby) did all that work yourselves! It looks really nice. Our patio on the side of our house is old, too - around 18 years old - but it still looks good. No cracks or holes. Just dirty because trees overhang it, especially my neighbor's super annoying mulberry tree!

    1. No mulberry trees here, but it really takes a beating with the pool water and the beach sand tracking in and over it all summer long. The winters are harsh and don't help either. We're hoping it holds up!

  23. It looks amazing!! I love how it turned out and YES, I would definitely paint concrete. I'm all about taking the easy way out to improve the look of something. I just finished painting a chair (my first fabric painting project) and I'm still asking myself "why didn't I do this sooner?" Love and hugs to you sweet friend!!

    1. Thanks Benita!! I have to say it was a total mess before, although, I swear it didn't look that terrible until winter hit. Much happier now!! xoxo

  24. Your patio looks great! I wonder if you could have stippled the patched area with a dry brush so it would have blended in with the concrete instead of being smooth?

    1. Great idea. If we have to give it another coat in the future, we will definitely consider that. Thanks so much.

  25. Looks fabulous. Glad to hear it is not slippery cause I'm thinking of doing this on my outside main door steps and walkway. It also looks as if the concrete stain was done over a year ago and you are still happy with the results. THanks for sharing!

    1. Tammara, it still looks great and we are super happy with how it's held up to the ice and salt melt over the winter. So happy you're inspired. Good luck with your makeover.😊

  26. What a difference.....great job!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comment!!

  27. Absolutely awesome, let's party!!! Lol.

  28. Beautiful!!!!! Can you share the paint color you chose?

    1. Thank you, Denise! I wish I could remember the color. It was a swatch from Behr at Home Depot that I had Benjamin Moore match. It wasn't right, so I went back the man behind the counter added a little more something to bring the color up. I *think* it might've been Canyon...but not 100% sure. So sorry!

  29. Looks great! I have an old patio and we added on and of course it’s obvious. How it the paint holding up after 2 years? How is it under the chairs?

    1. Hi there! SO sorry it's taken me a while to respond. My email box was overflowing! Thanks for the nice comment on my patio. The paint still looks great. My husband and I were just discussing this. We may need to give it another coat this year because we're planning on having some construction done to it (once we're allowed to again)...but not because we need to. It still looks the same under chairs, no scrapes or chipping. I will say that there are a few chipped spots where we shoveled snow and hit the patio in error with the metal shovel. Other than that, it looks great! Hope that helps!
