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A Kiss Of Fall In The Commode

November 25, 2019

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Brown Antiquing Gel

Earlier this year, we updated our hall bathroom. It was long overdue, but I stalled and stalled, because I just couldn't let go of all that red.

I loved the paint. Balmoral Red by Ralph Lauren.

It was so dramatic and powerful, it made my heart stir every time I walked by or into the room.

It's hard to fight that kind of emotion. And attachment.

However, when the paint started to chip and the tub became too annoying to clean, I knew it was time. And I braced myself for a change. A very big change.

As most of you know by now, we painted the room white. Whoa. Very out of character for this crimson obsessed girl. And honestly, it took a while to get used to. In fact, I'm still playing around with the get it to feel more...well, like me.

During the summer, I played up the light, airy feel of my new room with a lace trimmed white shower curtain from Laura Ashley. However, when fall showed up, in a very dramatic way, I felt the need for a little color.

Fall Bathroom Farmhouse Decor

Not too much, but something to make the room feel a little warmer. I searched high and low online for one that complimented the floor and my romantic cottage style vanity with no luck. Then, as it often happens, when I wasn't looking for it, I stumbled upon this one in a discount store for $9.99.

It had a tiny of kiss of color, just enough to add a cozy air to the space.

Once I swapped out the shower curtain, I decided the rest of the room could use a little festive fall flair, starting with a gorgeous watercolor printable.

And then the bathroom sat like that for weeks.

Until one evening, I said to my husband, Enough is enough, I need to finish this room, let's go.

Round Wooden Sign

And off we skipped to HomeGoods. I wasn't exactly sure what I was looking for and I wasn't confident I would find my elusive je ne sais quoi...but lo and behold the universe heard my cry and I was barely in the front door when I stumbled onto this pretty.

I couldn't believe it. If you recall, when I mocked up my plan for the bathroom wall, I included a few oval frames. I wasn't sure if this one would be big enough or too big, but when we got it home, it was just right.

Six In One Screwdriver

It did have a rope around the top, but it was a bit too nautical for my taste, so I used my handy 6-in-1 screwdriver and removed it. Much better.

The only thing missing now, was the towel hook. For years, I'd had a simple wrought iron shabby hanger in the room. I was all set to put it back, when I saw this neat hook in a shop in the Hamptons.

Moulding Coat Hook

I was smitten, but it was $30. Yikes. No way. I knew I could make it for less. So I did.

Rosette Block Rectangle

I'd seen those rosette square and rectangular moulding pieces in the store, so that's where we started and boom. Right where I knew they'd be. I grabbed one and then headed off to get a hook. I wanted something non-traditional and went with a drawer pull.

Adorable. But it needed paint.

Decorative Knob As Hook

I gave it a few coats with a cream colored acrylic craft paint and a bristle brush...strokes going in the direction of the wood.

Painting A Wood Block

When it dried it was way too white, so I decided it would look great with a bit of that brown antiquing gel my friend Susan from Homeroad gave me for my bathroom mirror this summer.

Brown Antiquing Gel

I wiped it on and off, and voila! How fabulous. Just like the Hamptons. I can barely tell the difference between the two. Except mine only cost $5.00. Much better.

Mounting Knob On Wood

Mr. Handy Dandy used his drill to make hole for the knob and I was in business. I'm not thrilled with the electrical outlet on the wall, but there are some things you just can't do without.

I mean, it's kind of important to have lights when you're showering or doing your makeup. Although, trust me, if there was a way around it, I'd do know...for the sake of design.

Maybe someday...

Bathroom Decor For Fall

In the meantime, I need to find a few tea towels to hang on my custom hook. Or more likely, whip up a few.

I already have ideas.

And keep your eyes peeled for a new shower curtain coming soon. While I was shopping for this one, I found the most darling plaid one from UGG for a song.

But that's a Christmas tale...and I'm still thinking about turkeys.

Well, at least until Thursday.

Gobble, gobble!

Do you decorate your bathrooms for the holidays?

Kim Signature

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  1. I'm with you $30, I don't think so. Yours is prettier with th knob instead of the usual hook.

    Looking forward to your shower curtain.

    I'm hosting Thanksgiving and am looking forward to the big day. Happy Thanksgiving!


    1. Thanks so much, Cindy! Yes, it was way too much. Happier with my creation. I wish you and yours a fabulous Thanksgiving!!

  2. Wow that is a lot for a hanger. NOPE! I like yours better. I like the pretty knob and color better. Enjoy Thanksgiving. We will celebrate on Friday. Firefighters and nurses we have to be flexible in this family. I am looking forward to a down day on Thursday. Have a great week.

    1. I agree! It was so expensive, I was like nope. Enjoy your Thanksgiving, on whatever day you celebrate it, how wonderful you have so many people of service in your family. Selfless souls one and all. ❤️

  3. Love it, Kim. You always know the right thing to do and I like yours much better anyway. I am pretty stuck going with anything new, wallpaper always seems to make the rules in this house. Well, someone made that wallpaper decision, didn't they? Oh, if only I had my life to live over. Can't wait to see the new shower curtain for Christmas..Happy Monday..xxoJudh

    1. Hi Judy! Thanks so much. I love wallpaper and I haven't ruled out that option out, but my husband is not a fan. I think we spend too much of our young home buying lives removing it!! Ha!!

  4. So pretty! Love the look of this room!

    1. Thank you so much, Stacy!! It's growing on me.

  5. I love that sign. I used to tuck my kids in at night and tell them I love them and to have sweet dreams.

    1. I love the sentiment, too, Betty. The size and shape were right, but it was really the words that sealed the deal. SO sweet...

  6. I LOVE the cute wall hook you and your handy husband made! You probably saved a lot making it yourself. The wall looks so pretty. Have a happy Thanksgiving Kim.

    1. Saved a ton, Julie! And thanks…now I don’t have to feel guilty if I change my mind in month or so and swap it out. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. That's gorgeous, Kim - you amaze me with your creativity, my friend!! Have a very happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Debbie, you're always so kind when you pop in to say hello. Thank you. I guess everyone has a talent, this crafty stuff seems to be mine...although, I think my family would be happier if it were cooking! 😉 Happy Thanksgiving on that gorgeous mountain of yours!

  8. That's a beautiful piece, Kim! I think you could just about create anything you have your heart set on. I can understand your feelings of reluctance over losing that beautiful red. I think a post on your red bathroom was the first post I ever saw when I "met" you. It was so much like my red and white living room I had at our old house and I still miss that red. But your new bathroom style is lovely! And yes, I do like to make seasonal changes in the bathroom. Right now half of our house has been Christmas-sized and half is still autumn. But with Thanksgiving coming so late in the month I knew I had to start early.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Kim!

    1. Thanks so much, Dewena. I really loved that red bathroom. It was a great room. Of course, 17 years is a long time for any one style, so when we made the decision to redo it, we went all in. I do like the bright, new while, but it’s taken me a while to find my groove…and that decor punch I love so much. Slowly…it’s coming. I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend. Thanks for the visit today!

  9. Hi Kim,
    No way would I pay that much. You being the AMAZING you came up with a fantastic solution. I like how your bathroom looks Kim, very crisp.

    1. Crazy price, I agree, Carla!! I was shocked...and thank you for the "amazing" comment. You just made my day sweet friend!! ❤️

  10. Kim,
    What a great project!! Looks great!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  11. Both the sign and the hook are gorgeous, Kim. And I like the idea of being kissed by a season. Autumn's would be a flirty kiss, Winter's a cool brush of your cheek, spring will give a hasty little peck, so much to be done, and summer? The sweetest of all.

    1. Thank you, Amalia...and ah, summer, the word alone makes me feel warm all over! I'm kind of jealous reading posts from my friends down under right now, although, I'm not sure I could imagine Christmas without the cold. xoxo

  12. Oh, your bathroom looks absolutely fabulous!!!! You need to come visit me and stay for awhile...I have a lot of upgrading I need to do...and within a budget. We just spent $10,000+ on new windows!!!!!! That's a bummer because you can't really tell we did anything different:( Always a project that needs doing! You have such great ideas! Thanks for sharing them.

    1. Oh Cheri, I hear you with those windows. We have done so much of that kind of work around here over the years...cesspools are the worst! You need them, but the money is all underground. Nothing pretty about that!! Ha!! And thank you for your super kind words. Your comments always make me smile.

  13. Oooooo now that's pretty Kim and way better than the one from the Hamptons. I really like that sweet sign too. Such a lovely sentiment to bless a house with

    1. Thanks Michelle! I was smitten with that sentiment, too...

  14. So pretty...and way better than the $30 version!

    1. Thanks so much, Karen! There was no way I was coughing up that kind of cash for a hook!! Ha!!
