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Late Summer Flower Power

August 09, 2021

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Summer has always been my favorite time of year.

Unfortunately, it's also the shortest season in my neck of the woods.

As a lifelong resident of this northeastern island, I learned early on to savor each and every hazy, hot and humid day.

I wake up early, go to bed late and spend the hours in between at the beach or in the pool.

Soaking it all in.

Butterfly On Pink Coneflower

So it's easy to see why August might not be my favorite.

While the mercury is still hovering near the top of the thermometer and school doesn't start until Labor Day, I know the end is near.


There is a silver lining. 

Being huge homebodies, we spend tons of time in the yard and there's no better month to enjoy our flowers than August.

Cottage Style Garden Plants

My cottage style garden beds are bursting with color and everything is finally in bloom.

Well almost everything...I'm still waiting for my giant sunflowers.

I was actually hoping they'd pop open for today's Late Summer Flower Power blog hop. I thought it'd be a great way to welcome friends who'd hopped over from CoCo of The Crowned Goat

I mean what could be better than a personal invitation from our host,  Cecelia of My Thrift Store Addiction, for them to open up and take center stage?

But nope.

They're my non conformers.

Giant Sunflower Bud

Overall, however, by the time August rolls around, the garden has fully matured.

The tadpoles have lost their tails and are venturing out of the pond.

Frog In The Pond

Even the goldfish look a little brighter, having shaken off their winter scales. Those sweet fifteen cent feeder fish give the flowers a run for their money.

As the summer goes on, that orange gets deeper and deeper. And they get bigger and bigger each year.

We've had them since they were teeny and now most are larger than my hand.

Goldfish In The Pond

My coneflowers have been around for a while, too. They started out in a small container, a gift from a student almost 20 years ago.

Eventually they crawled out of that pot and made themselves quite at home. 

Adding a lovely pop of pink to almost every corner of the yard.

Frog Fountain In Fish Pond

My Black Eyed Susans are also prolific growers.

They line the pebbled path to the pool and beckon you take a walk.

They also call to the wildlife.

Apparently, this little yellow finch finds them very tasty. He hung out there for hours this week.

Yellow Finch On Black Eyed Susan

He's not the only one who comes here to snack.

A very hungry caterpillar put on quite a show on Instagram the other day, chomping his way through my morning glory.

Eaten Morning Glory Leaf

He's since moved on, thankfully.

Now the vines grow undisturbed on their homemade trellis, up and over the garden gate.

Morning Glory Vines On Garden Gate

Where's there's even more flower power. 

Although, just between us, some of it is faux. Shhh...

The front door is still wearing that gorgeous tulip wreath I put up earlier this spring.

But now it's joined by a planter full of petunias and a never ending field of daylilies. 

Flowers In The Front Yard

If you haven't guessed by now, I'm a huge fan of perennials.

Aside from a few pots, most of the garden is full of them.

They come back every year, don't require a lot of care - great for me, since I'm a terrible gardener - and, best of all, they fit my rambling cottage style aesthetic perfectly.

And bloom big all summer long.

I'd say that's a huge win.

Especially in August.

How does your August garden grow?

Late Summer Flower Power Collage

Hey before you go, I hope you'll check out the hop. 

Kathleen at Our Hopeful Home is up next!

And then visit the rest of these talented gals for more inspiration and floral fun. 

My Thrift Store Addiction 

The Crowned Goat

Exquisitely Unremarkable ( That's me!)

Our Hopeful Home

Cottage At The Crossroads

Follow The Yellow Brick Home

Common Ground

Kim Signature

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  1. Kim, your August garden is beautiful! My daughter's sunflower stalks are towering over her head but haven't bloomed yet either. She's in CO--meanwhile, mine in Texas are almost past the blooming point! I really enjoyed seeing more of your garden, today! Thanks for joining us. Pinning and sharing on IG later!

    1. Thanks for hosting, Cecelia! It's been a fun hop. I really had hoped those sunflowers were going to open up in time, but...and isn't it funny how different the climate is from state to state in the same season? It's amazing!

  2. Your garden is so beautiful, Kim! I love all the pops of pink and purple too. Hope you get to spend lots of lazy days at the pool and the beach. It's such a great time of year to soak up all the good things about summer. Hugs, CoCo

    1. Thanks so much, CoCo! I'm hoping for a few more weeks of full summer fun. Fingers crossed. Hugs!

  3. Gorgeous garden Kim! Our annuals really suffered this year with the heat and humidity; nothing really survived. Thankfully our annuals do well and are practically maintenance free. But I really miss our annuals.

    1. This summer's weather hasn't been great for gardening either, Sara. The flowers in the pots haven't really bloomed big...yet! Here's hoping!

  4. Your garden is looking lovely! Such pretty colorful flowers.

    1. Thanks Penny! They're pretty to look at from inside and out!

  5. So jealous of you that you have the beach and a pool to enjoy in the summer. I wish I lived closer to float in the pool with you. Your flowers look so pretty. Love the flowers and all the colors. Have a great start to the new week. xoxo

    1. Kris you know there’s an open invitation waiting for you if you ever pop around this way. You can share you flower power secrets with me!! I hope this week is a good one! xxoo

  6. My August garden is pretty much brown and burned up. My garden probably matured in May. By June it was already getting too hot. Now I don't have much left.

    1. It's chilly here until June, Brenda and the garden is just finding its groove now. Unfortunately, it'll get chilly here again here too soon.

  7. Your garden is so beautiful. It's too hot in Texas right now for gardening. I would rather spend this month in your neck of the woods!

    1. I say the same thing about Texas when the snow shows up, Briana!

  8. What a beautiful outdoor oasis you have, Kim! I love each and every one of your flower choices. I'm still waiting on my morning glories to bloom - we shall see! And I'm with you - enjoy every minute you can of that wonderful summer weather while it lasts! Fun hopping with you. xo Kathleen

    1. Thanks so much, Kathleen! Our morning glories are slow this year, too. Normally our entire garage wall would be covered by now, but not yet. Here’s hoping! Thanks for the visit and have a great week! xo

  9. Beautiful my friend, your Conflowers are beautiful. Your fish look very healthy too.

    Nice and bright which is great.

    Even though we have our precious pups we still think about our fish. I told you horror of them.

    I'm sure your excited for your sunflowers.

    A great shot of the Finch.

    Enjoy the rest of August

    1. Thanks Cindy. I’m so sorry about your fish, I do remember the story. Sending you hugs. ❤️

  10. Kim, I thoroughly enjoyed my walk through your beautiful garden. My garden comes back on its own each year, but it certainly isn't as colorful and gorgeous as yours. Summer does go by so quickly but, sorry to say, I am not as big a fan of it as you are. My season is coming up and I am looking forward to it, but there is no end to the enjoyment when I visit yours..xxoJudy

    1. Thank you so much, Judy! It’s pretty gray around here once summer fades and it stays that way for far too many months. I do love fall decor and the cooler weather, but only until Christmas. Then I’m ready for summer again! xxoo

  11. Kim, your garden is so pretty, and I'm envious of your petunias. Ours look great in spring, but not so great in August. We're still waiting to have everything replanted since the tornado, so I'll just enjoy your pretty garden for now. :D

    1. I'm so sorry about that tornado damage, Ricki. I know it's taken a long time to get everything settled. Hopefully, by next spring you'll be replanted and back to gardening again!! xo

  12. Everything looks so healthy and gorgeous, Kim! I love perennials as well. Easy plants, for the most part. Happy Monday, my friend!

    1. I’m all about easy plants, Kim! I’m generally no good with our green leafy friends, so independent growers fare best around here! 😉

  13. Your garden is gorgeous. My August garden? Not so much, except for the black-eyed susans, which are doing great. The lilies are fading, the coneflowers have gotten eaten by rabbits, and some of my pots are fading. The petunias are pretty much gone, and even the marigolds didn't fare well this year. On the other hand, the vincas and coleus are doing fantastic!

    1. Thank you, Amy!! It's been an odd summer here, too. Humid then cold and too much rain. Our pots didn't do too well, however the perennials seem to be holding their own. I just hope that sunflowers open up soon! Thanks for the visit!!

  14. How do you keep your goldfish all winter? We get lots of snow and low temperatures. Beautiful flowers!!

    1. Thanks Cate! We live in the north east so it gets cold and snowy here, too. We built a cover for the pond with wood and screening and we pop it over the top in October to keep the leaves out. If they get into the pond, they rot and the water turns and kills the fish. We keep feeding them until it gets super cold, then they lose interest, their activity slows and they just eat the algae on the bottom. The pond does freeze and snow builds up December/ January/ February. Then when it gets warm out again, we start dropping food in...they're hearty little suckers!!

  15. I totally agree with you, and could have written this post! I hate seeing summer come to an end, and really dread winter. But, August is the best for flowers and I love perenials too. Your garden is just beautiful!

    1. Thanks Mari! I saw a yellow leaf the other day and I shuddered.

  16. Beautiful, I loved the tour. August is my favorite month because of all the harvest and flowers. All the hard work of the months before now we can enjoy. :-) Your fish make me smile. I enjoy our little water feature too, and my fish.

    1. I'm sure your garden must be bursting with color, Carla! I can only image what's blooming now. Fish in the garden are definitely an added bonus!!

  17. Kim, I so enjoyed seeing all of your beautiful flowers and goldfish. We have a small pond and waterfall but we chose not to put any fish in it. There are ponds near us and the herons would get the fish, I feel sure. I don't have any coneflowers but I am going to remedy that very soon!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Jane! I worry about our little fish, too. We are very close to the beach and there are lots of birds of prey and now we have eagles nesting nearby. I think the only reason they leave our fish alone is that there are much bigger fish in the bay! Now the raccoons…that’s a different story!

  18. Your garden is beautiful, Kim and I love that little yellow finch. Here in Georgia summer goes on and on and I love it that way. xo Laura

    1. Lucky lady! I think I’d like it down there.

  19. I adore a summer garden! That finch! I'll try to catch a photo of those that visit my echinacea!

    1. Oh, I hope you do! I'd love to see your garden friend!

  20. Thanks for visiting!!

    Love your beautiful garden!! I have to get some cone flowers and black eyed Susans... with all the rain from Fred and Henri and the heat and the humidity the annuals have exploded!! I just posted a Garden Update!! Stop by if you have a chance!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. That's great! Our flowers are petering out now. I think they got too much heat and humidity...or rain! It's probably the rain! At least it's not snow. Silver lining!! Enjoy the weekend!
