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A Little Chat In January To Welcome 2024

January 07, 2024

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Don't you just love the beginning of a new year?

It's a blank slate, a fresh page, a new start.

I think when I was teaching I loved January the most.

Even though the school year began in September, there was nothing better than peeling the plastic off a brand new calendar at the end of December and penciling in my lesson plans.

Snow Falling Country Cottage Kitchen

Of course, it's been a long time since I've had to schedule reading, writing and math activities.

These days, my canvas is my home and my objective is to make it as warm and charming as possible.

And a new year, means a whole new batch of crafts, thrift store finds and DIYs. I just can't wait to share them all with you.

December was a busy crafting month. I have to say, I really enjoyed myself. I totally fell in love with decoupage and I made a ton of things that I haven't been able to put away.


Upcycled Kitchen Spoon Ornaments For Christmas
Now, I know, it's January, spring is around the corner - hopefully - but before you tuck those ideas away for next Christmas, just remember that the techniques can be used to make these projects for any holiday.

All year long.

Even those decoupage spoons, they'd look great anywhere. They're not solely for hanging on evergreen trees.

Think about stringing them up to make a wind chime or a holiday banner.

Decoupage Spoons and Napkins

Simply swap out those Santas for hearts, flowers or bunnies and you are good to go.

Unfortunately, all that decoupaging did push some of my other crafts off the calendar. I plan to squeeze them into my empty date book.

A pair of angels, a winter banner, a thrifted upcycle or two.

Along with a few cleaning and organizing DIYs. I mean 'tis the season, right?

Pack up Christmas and tuck it away. Then tidy all those spaces that were neglected in between fall cleaning and the holiday rush.

Squeegee For Shower

Oh, and did you catch the fleeting mention in my last post that I now have an empty nest? Yes...well, that's a teary eyed tale for another day, but my sweet birds have left the treehouse.

And taken most of the their belongings with them. Most, she says with disgruntled tone.

So between the messes and the move outs I have a lot of areas to reorganize, redecorate and reimagine in the next few months.

Decorating With Red Accents In The Bathroom

I doubt it'll all happen in January, although I already tackled the bathroom, but there will be pondering.

And dreaming.

And pencil scribbles on blank pages. 

Which is exactly what a new year should be all about.

How’s your January so far?

Happy New Year, Friends!!
Kim Signature

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  1. Sorry to hear about the fleeing of your fledglings! But lucky us to get to read new posts about decorating, thrift shop finds and crafts! Best wishes to you for many busily penciled pages in the new year!!

    1. Oh Kristine, it's a double edged sword for sure. The quiet and decorating are bringing me both moments of great joy and moments of extreme sadness, as well. I'm trying to lean into the joy part...and for me, that always involves decorating. So stay tuned!!

  2. Don't ask. lol. I tested positive for Covid on Jan 1....lucky me. I had promised to take down Christmas at the clubhouse so braved that on Day 5. Came home and looked around and thought "I need to de-Christmas today". EIGHT HOURS later I had things all packed up to truck down to the basement...and there it sits because Lulu is home from school and I needed to see her this morning....I came home and thought---sigh---a day to do nothing! Nope! Hubby informed me he invited someone over to watch the game. WHAT? REALLY? In 4 hours I had the first floor completely cleaned, floors mopped, kitchen deep cleaned and a charcuterie board made for when the game starts. Okay--done complaining---going to take a deep breath, slap some lipstick on and say Hello to whoever shows up! lol. xo Diana

    1. DIANA!! My goodness. You've had quite a January, my friend. I hope that you're feeling much better now and that you've had time to breathe and relax after all that cleaning and visiting. Here's to quiet rest of the month!! xo

  3. Noooo! I missed the empty nest comment. It's hard to see them go, but there are new joys to be found too, and I know you'll embrace them.
    I like the cleaning, organizing and freshening of a new year. I've also been working on fresh winter decor.
    Looking forward to all the fun things you have to share with us!

    1. Oh Mari, I've been a ball of tears - both wistful ones and joyful ones - since they left. Hopefully, the joyful feels will take over soon! Thank you for your kind words and I bet your winter decor is lovely!!

  4. Aww Kim, you are now an empty nester. I think no matter how far away they may fly, there will always be space for them at your sweet little cottage. Congrats to them both and may you have a wonderful year. Looking forward to all your projects.

    1. Yes, tons of room here, Mary! We've actually been doing dinner and Facetime so it's been a pretty easy far!!

  5. Hmmmm, areas to reimagine? I'm seeing a craft room in your future, Kim!

    1. Haha...maybe. I'm trying to leave their rooms as is for now, you never know who will pop back into the nest, but I will admit to adding a card table, and maybe bucket of craft supplies, in one room already. I guess it's a slippery slope!!

  6. Oh that empty nest is hard. We partied, emptied out our son's room, painted it & took over.
    And we got a dog. That made it so much easier.

    But my nest is no longer empty. Six yrs ago my son became a father & I started babysitting...alot. Then two yrs ago he divorced & I had more sweet time with my grandson. Now, we're building a granny house right beside the house we live in. Our son & grandson will move into our current house. nest is empty but the door is always open.

    1. It's a transition for sure, Jenny. I remember when I was little, my sisters, who are over a decade older than me, moved back in several times, with husbands, kids and pets, in between moves, etc., and my mom loved it. I hear the same from other friends, too. I bet you're thrilled to have your son and grandson living so close by...and in their own space. That's the best of both worlds!!

  7. Hi, I can not comment as I normally do, so here I am. ;-)

    When our boys moved out, I had to change their room up.. paint it, redecorate it as our guest room... it haunted me. ;-) I had a difficult time when my boys left, I will be honest. I was blue for awhile and the house seemed to haunt me. Over time I got better and we started to update our home ... and of course the big kitchen project happened, all of that helped me with my sadness.
    Sending a big HUG!

    1. Oh Carla! I know that ache and I'm glad you've found a way to ease a bit of the sadness. So far, I haven't touched anyone's room...but it's coming. And Facetime helps!! Sending a big hug back!

  8. I agree with you that January is the best month of the year, especially if you live near the mountains like I do. I love the idea of working on Christmas decorations all year-round. By the way, those spoons look lovely.

    1. It sounds lovely, Rose. I bet your view is absolutely stunning and what a fun place to Christmas craft! Thanks for the sweet comment about the spoons. I love them, if you make them, you'll have to let me know!! Happy New Year!

  9. Those spoons are just really cute - need to file that one away for next Christmas! My January has been going great, mostly because the holidays are OVER and there are promises of a new year with much opportunity! No snafus or emergencies yet, and that's just the way I like it!

    1. Thanks Gina! I love those spoons, too. I had a hard time putting them away and I'll definitely be looking for some bunny napkins this spring. I hope you continue to have a snafu free new year, my friend!! Here's hoping!!

  10. Kim, Happy January and new year. The house must be so quiet now with your two gone. It's the perfect time of year for organizing and craft projects.

    1. SO quiet, Julies...too quiet! Now I see why people get dogs when the kids move out. Although it's not THAT quiet yet!! Haha

  11. Oh, Kim. An empty nester. I know what you are going through even though it was a long time ago for me but I remember it as though it was yesterday. It is hard for a time then it begins a whole new way of life that is enjoyable. Mine came back a couple of times for awhile so keep that in mind, and that was enjoyable too..Happy New Year, my friend..xxoJudy

    1. So funny, Judy, they're barely out the door and already talking about the possibility of moving back during transition I guess redoing their rooms and replacing the bed with a sewing machine is realistic just yet!! 🤣

  12. Empty nesting takes adjustment ...

    January has started well for us, we've had family birthday get-togethers, so Christmas and New Year seem to have kept going somehow! LOL.

    We've actually got a quiet weekend coming up, I'm going to sit and relax with a good book and a cuppa.

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  13. Kim,
    An empty nest...How exciting... I think it was within the week that each of my sons left that I stripped their rooms and was painting them over....I now have my craft /sewing room and my upstairs sitting room....I loved having the house to myself.....And it was time for them to go as they were both in their mid 20's and both left within a few months of each other...I was out and married at 20 and never ever wanted to move back home once I left....I loved being out on my own and independent....Congrats to them....Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  14. Awwwwwww, when they start leaving it's the worst. There's a piece of you that's so happy, proud, and excited and another piece that's just crumbling and dying to wind back the clock. <3 You've got this, though!!! Your girls are so talented, they'll do good no matter where they lay their heads and your beautiful heart will always be home to them.

    1. Thank you, Michelle, so many lovely words in your comment. ❤️ I know they'll be great and I know I'll adjust - do I have a choice? Hahaha...BUT. Yes, I would love to wind that clock back just a bit, for just a while!!

  15. Enjoyed your post. Been many years for me but I know how it feels. How did the time fly by like it did with children growing up and going on their own way. Sounds like you will be staying busy and I must say those spoons are adorable. I am working with some shells now decoupaging them and trying to paint a little scene. Been lazy start to the New Year for me. Just hard staying motivated lately. Hope I am over it soon.

    1. It’s been very quiet around here, Betsy, that’s for sure. There are moments when I love it and others when I hate it! I guess I’m just finding my sea legs!! I feel lazy lately, too. I thought it was due to all the changes in my daily schedule, but maybe it’s the weather. I hope I snap out of it soon, too. Crafting helps…and your hand painted shells sound lovely. I wish I was blessed with that kind of talent!! Enjoy your DIY!!
