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Choosing A Color For Your Front Door

August 27, 2013

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Picking A Color For Your Front Door

I have a confession to make and as confessions go, it's a pretty big one. I hope you can still respect me and my so-called expertise after I come clean.

My fingers are crossed.

You see, I started writing posts for this blog just about six months ago and since day one, I have been on my soapbox preaching that beauty can be found in the everyday.  It is lurking everywhere in your daily life, I've said, especially in your home.

You just have to know how to look for it, how to appreciate it and, if you believe it's lacking, how to whip it up.

Most of my posts have focused on the joy of finding and creating loveliness from ordinary blooms and quick updates in home décor.

There's no excuse, it's really quite simple, I've said. I've even shown you ways to cheat yourself to gorgeous.

I have painted myself as somewhat of an expert on cultivating beauty, and yet all along, I have been hiding something.  I have a secret and it's not pretty. At all.

The truth is...

I have an ugly front door.


There is no beauty to be found there. It's just a plain, white door.

It's very unattractive and, actually, it's not even a true white, it's unpainted steel. So really it's an unfinished, light gray primed eyesore...and it bothers me every single day when I look at it and yet, I just can't bring myself to do anything about it.

My own house is frowning.

It's not that I don't want a Fabulous Front Door, I do, I do!  I've actually had one, well, until it warped and I just don't know if I'm ready to go back to that heartache again, or if I'm ready to settle.

I have a lovely black framed storm door that lets so much glorious light into my living room and I'm not ready to let it go.

About two years ago, we bought a beautiful brand new door and painted it black.  The black door framed by the black storm door was gorgeous. It was the perfect focal point for my stone faced entry.  It was also the most dramatic backdrop for all of my front door décor.  Everything I hung there just popped!!

Until the door warped. 

The house is southern facing and the heat built up between the front door and the storm and it actually warped the door to the point that it was unusable and unsafe.

It had to be replaced. 

I, of course, wanted to paint the new door black. That did not make my husband happy. It wasn't rational, but love seldom is; I refused to believe that the door would warp again.

Unfortunately, the laws of science (and our budget) do not back me up and since I don't deal with "no" very well, it has remained unpainted.

And, as previously stated, ugly.

I am confessing today, because after nearly six months together, I feel that you deserve this honesty, but also because I need your help. A while back, I posted on social media and shared my ugly door story.

I asked people what light color they thought the door should be and, boy, did I get answers.  There were so many really great responses, but now I am just completely overwhelmed. Purple, pink, blue, green, yellow, beige...all good choices, but not one of them really feels right.

I miss my black door and I don't know how to get that drama and punch back without it!

So please weigh in! Help me find the beauty in my own front door, so I can authoritatively crawl back on my soapbox again.

I don't really like it down here

How To Make A Floral Wreath

What light color do you think I should paint that nasty front door to make my house smile again?

If you like the wreath, you can see the how to here.

Here are a few ways I have camouflaged the door. 

Rain Boot Decor

How To Decorate With Garden Flags

Easy Wreaths For Spring and Summer

Kim Signature

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  1. So sad about your black door story Kim. I feel for you dear. But for me, if it was my door, I would still go with black, and perhaps highlight it with small gold paint on the moldings. but even just plain black all the way thru would still look great. Good luck dear, whatever you choose, I'm sure it will be fine in the end. But I agree, the white has to go. :-)

    1. Thanks Vel~ so glad someone understands the my dilemma! I am a form over function girl and I want that black! :)

  2. How sad, but I do love your door and your wreath. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, marty

    1. Thanks Marty! It does motivate me to camouflage it with pretty things! :)

  3. I love when people have a fun red front door! I live in an apartment building right now (boo!) so am envious of your problem!

    1. Hey Kate! I would love red too, but unfortunately, that will apparently warp my door as well...such big problems, eh? ;)

  4. hahah!! I've actually seen very cheerful looking, cute front doors in teal, lemon yellow and brick red! I feel you can go along with almost any color...well, maybe not pink! I don't think your husband would appreciate that! :D

    1. Roshni, you are so right, I generally have free reign when it comes to decorating, but a pink door may be pushing it!

  5. Coming from someone who has a plain ol' white painted door, I believe a front door should be a portal of what is to come inside the house. It should express your personality and your soul! If black is your color, so be it. 3 houses in my neighborhood have some variant of red shade and they all look great. you only live once and it's only go with your heart!

    1. Thanks Kathy, What a great sentiment! I may get rid of that storm door so that I can let loose with some paint!

  6. I have always fantasized about having a bright red door! But I don't think it's going to happen in this lifetime. And our front door is hideous. :(

    1. I love red too Stephanie, unfortunately, that is a "warping" color as well. Black is my dream color, but if I were adventurous I would go for a really bright green or hot pink...even if it were just for a day. I'm sorry about your front ugly door is a bummer...I feel your pain! ;)

  7. Wow, you have timing....I just posted about my new white steel door...LOL But my front porch is dark and shady....I have an idea that maybe can be a compromise.

    You get color and hubby doesn't have to hang another door....My sister has a door similar to yours, totally exposed to 12 hours of sun a day and her issue was her door handle would burn your skin I suggested she either buy a roll of "frost" or window tint for your storm door...she bought a nine dollar roll of frost and it works great. No more 200 degrees door handle.

    Maybe that could help you?

    1. Haha Christine, I just read you post! Your new door is awesome. Thanks for the frosting tip! It could work! Our handle is 200 degrees as well, we go around back! ;)

  8. I do love a cheerful door! yellow or teal are a nice punch if youre up for it! good luck!

    1. Teal sounds like fun, Lauren, maybe I should just go for it! :)

  9. Well, I have to say, I have wanted a black door for 23 years....but truth is and I have been told by door experts, if your house is full on in the sun and rain, not to do black. That is if your door is wood (like mine). I too have had a warped split and cracked, it was a blue, it was a red it was white...but it had to be replaced. I was told to get you did.
    I of course wanted I am stuck, with white.
    You were brilliant and got shouldn't warp or want black, hubby doesn't want black, how about a deep dark dramatic grey??
    In any case, steel doors are supposed to handle enjoy....go paint!

    1. I love my southern exposure, Nancy, but I guess you can't have it all! I thought the steel door would solve it, too, but apparently we have been warned that the frame could warp from the heat build up! Can you believe it? A grey does sound nice though....I bet your white wood door is lovely, there is something about white painted wood that is just so charming! Maybe I should swap out the steel for wood and go white, like you and keep it classic! Lots of food for thought! Thanks for popping by!

  10. I would try a medium taupe color. I think it looks great with black and would compliment the colors in your rock. I also have a rock faced front on my house and I love it. Good luck!

    1. Thanks Mama Sue! I think that would be very elegant and make my husband happy as well! Thanks for weighing in!

  11. Kim, wish you were able to make a claim convincing whomever that an unpainted steel door is unfinished. Like a gentle reminder that steel won't warp, regardless of the color it is painted. (No authority here as I've never had a steel door.) I do love black doors with black shutters, too. Good luck!


    1. Hi Helen! Thanks so much for your comment. I should've clarified that the steel door shouldn't warp (although JELD-WEN told me they couldn't guarantee it), but the frame and door casing will from the heat build up. They also said that the primer applied should be painted to extend the life of the door. The fiberglass door we had did warp, but it was the casing and the frame warp that impeded the door from shutting properly. It is also why my husband is so reluctant to try that black again, since replacing the entire door frame is a very labor intensive job! If I weren't so married to that storm door and the light it provides, I guess I wouldn't have an issue and I could have that pretty black door to coordinate with the shutters...the look I love as well! At this point, I may just paint it white and focus on the wreaths! Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you have a great day!

  12. Kim just do it! I was hesitant about my new front door but I dove in and went bold with Red and I love it! if black is your choice then just do it:) you;ll be so glad you did.

  13. Kim, first of all, thank you for your kind comments on the tribute I did about my hubby. That was so sweet of you.
    I have a black door and I love it. What if you painted your door a shade of gray that would pick up the color in the stone? I think the gray would compliment the black shutters and the trim and the doorframe. Best of luck in choosing.

    1. Thanks Kitty. I truly am sorry for your loss. As far as my silly door dilemma goes ~ I am opening my eyes to other colors thanks to comments like yours! I really appreciate your comment. I am wishing you peace.

  14. Hi Kim, I am going to second those who mentioned gray and teal. Either of those colors would look beautiful on your front door!

    1. Brittany, I am so in love with the teal idea, too! I just have to work on the hubby now! ;)

  15. Kim.......why don't you paint the door your fav, "BLACK" and get a new screen door that has the slide up screen so during the hottest times, you can just slide the screen portion up a bit to 'vent' the heat (think: cracking the windows in your car during the hottest times), then the heat will not build up, if you will, and you will also get a wonderful cross breeze during those times when the windows are open too. Just a thought. My .2cents..... :)

    1. Kristie, I am so excited that you left your two cents! The screen option is a great idea! I think it may work, will have to ask the hubby, but thanks for the idea!

  16. I think just about any color would work, depending on what mood you're going for. An earth tone would work to go with the beautiful stone around the door, or something bright like red or cheery yellow would be pretty!

    PS - Thanks so much for visiting my blog and commenting. Glad you stopped by. Have a great weekend!

    1. I do like the earth tone idea...people keep suggesting a coffee color or a taupe and I think it could be very elegant! Thanks for the opinion! :)

  17. I think a nice red color would be perfect for your door. I understand that your hubby may not like the idea so maybe you can do a compromise. You paint the door the color of your choice. If after a week he hates it, then maybe you can both pick a color together (hard to do, I know!)
    I'm stopping by from Get Schooled Saturday (#35 Bowl Licking Good Guacamole and 37 Easy DIY Photo Canvas)

    1. This is what I'm thinking too, Carrie...I mean until I paint the door, I have no idea what other color will warp! Thanks for popping by!

  18. I like your post title. It made me smile. Since you have a black frame I would chose a light brown coffee color.

    1. I'm glad I made you smile...above all, that is really my goal! I mean, really, it's just a door! :)

  19. Our front door is a deep brick red and it makes me happy every time I see it. As an extra bonus, we painted the side door leading from the garage into the backyard the same brick red. My contractor frowned. I told him to paint it anyway and i have never been sorry.

    Find a color that makes you happy. Then, PAINT. THAT. DOOR!

    1. Thanks for the push Patti and the motivation! I am going to do it very soon and with a color I love! There's got to be a "happy" color out there for me that will not warp my door!

  20. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Hi Kim!
    My first thought was black!
    I think light grey, charcoal grey, red, or nautical blue would also look really nice.
    Keep us posted on what color you choose!
    Have a great weekend,

    1. Thanks Suzanne! I am getting closer and I will definitely post my updated door!

  21. The black storm door will frame your door and make it pop whatever color you decide on. I would choose a gray so all your door decorations would still look good and not clash. Can't wait to see it when you're done! Blessings, D@TheShadyPorch

    1. Thanks D! I keep thinking that maybe I should get rid of that black storm door, but I think it would be a nice frame as well!

  22. I would think about a color. Your home looks very classic and neutral. A color would really pop. Browse around pinterest and find a color that speaks to you. If you are still thinking black, then go for it!

    1. Thanks Sharon, I am contemplating lots of colors now....but yes, I love a classic black door! Thanks for popping by to share your opinion!

  23. Go ahead and paint it black in the middle of the night. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission ;-)

  24. Can you show more of your house? Have you seen front doors painted a soft golden color? That might go with your stone and it's so pretty and welcoming. I will tell you, we had a black door at our last house and I absolutely loved it. It was beautiful and easy to repaint every other year or so.

    1. I just loved my black door too, Stacey, but I was thinking of the golden or coffee color as well. Was going to do bright, but I think I will be happier with a soft neutral and it will be a better backdrop to my door décor! Thanks for the opinion!

  25. Am I understanding that the heat from the black door warped it? That is weird! I understand your wanting a black door, mine is a very dark gray, almost black (with a black screen door!) and I wouldn't paint it any other color! I so wish you could have your black door back.

    1. Yup! It's a bummer and I want my black door back, too! :(

  26. I love the idea of a black door too. Could we vote on this ? The answer to pleasing you and your husband is to put a canvas hood/cover over the top of the door to block the sun. I live in FL and my house faces east. All summer the sun beats on my front door and storm door. All winter the sun beats on someone else's door. I am beginning to think the glass in the storm door is getting deglazed from direct sun. If you must paint it another color, try a dark tan.

    1. That's a great idea, Myrna. We are finally going to tackle this problem this season. I am still not sure of the solution, so I appreciate the input. Food for thought it what I need!!

  27. My house is a medium gray and my front door is a gold/yellow color and I love it. Mine is different than yours because my gold door is a wood storm door which is more wood than window. My interior door is stained both on the inside and the outside in a dark wood and doesn't show from the exterior of the house.

    1. I have always loved a colorful front door, Lorri and yours sound cheery and welcoming. I considered doing a yellow gold, because I think it would go well with the stone...perhaps! :)
