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February ~ A LOVE-ly Month

February 27, 2014

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February is an abbreviated month and yet, I am always astonished at how much gets packed into those twenty-eight short days. There are holidays, family celebrations, school vacations, extracurricular activities and snow ~ lots and lots of snow. 

It's amazing that I was able to accomplish as much as I did in such frigid conditions...I am apparently heartier stock than I give myself credit for! My New England bred mother would be very proud!

When I wasn't out and driving about in subzero temperatures, what exactly did I do this February? Well, let's take a look back, shall we?

I began the month with a Valentine craft. I made a Love Banner out of some old puzzle pieces and a few buttons. Ok, ok, I technically published the post on January 31st, but it didn't go out to all of my email friends until February 1st, so I am counting it! I am so rapt with that pretty decoration, it is still hanging in my kitchen!

I am also including it, because around here, February is a month of true love, as my husband and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary! He even sent me these gorgeous flowers...three dozen red tulips! It's no wonder I love that guy! No, you didn't miss it, the picture was not on my blog, I posted it on Facebook!

Next, I shared my shopping weakness and a great quote. It's one I am trying to live by!  I'm all about simple and this philosophy is about as simple as it gets!

I humiliated myself, yet again, with a story about losing my underwear at Kmart.  In case you were wondering, toddlers with big mouths are no help whatsoever in an embarrassing situation.

I shared my ridiculously simple recipe for beef stew...

and the reason why I needed something warm to eat!

We were also quite crafty. My daughter made a few projects with some paint swatches she had stashed away. I think this is my favorite post of the month...proud mama moment, for sure!

I was pretty crafty, too. I spruced up a tiny corner of my master bedroom.

I also posted a tutorial on how to make a super simple pillow cover and I may have shared a bit too much about my very dysfunctional relationship with my sewing machine. I don't think that we will make the twenty year mark!

Last but not least, have you noticed the subtle new addition to my blog?  This month I finally took the leap and added a Hire Me tab to the top of my homepage. I have always wanted to write and this little hobby blog has reawakened my desire, so I have decided to jump into a new career with both feet. I already have a few projects in the works.  It's a bit terrifying to put myself out there, but also very exciting!

Wow! Was that really only 28 days? 

It seems much longer doesn't it?

Kim Signature

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  1. Wow, Kim- You got a LOT done this month...and I love the frame your daughter crafted, too. I had missed the underpants @KMart story so I popped over and read that! HOW VERY FUNNY! Crazy! Hope you have a wonderful day-almost the end of February already! xol Diana

    1. Thanks Diana. I did get a lot done this month...I didn't realize until I mapped it all out in the post. I am glad you got a kick out of my underwear story. At least all that humiliation was good for something! ;)

  2. I love the wreath and garland and I can see why it is still up! Happy anniversary! That was a lot of projects!

    1. Thanks again for featuring the garland, it was very sweet of you and a real treat for me! I keep saying, "I'll take it down next week!" At this rate, it may be up until July! ;)

  3. looks like a great month happy anniversary i love the love garland too its awesome

    1. Thanks! It was a good month! I love the fact that the blog gives me the opportunity to look back and reflect!

  4. Kim! How exciting you have started your dream job! So happy for you! Happy Anniversary and all of your projects are just lovely! xoxo Jen

    1. Thanks so much, Jen. You are always so very sweet. We'll see how far the dream job goes, but it does feel good to be giving it a try! :)

  5. I had forgotten your underwear story. Thanks for making me laugh again.

    1. Thanks Carol! It is a ridiculous story...underwear is apparently very funny! ;)

  6. These were all wonderful . . . but Kmart and the undies was my absolute favorite!

    1. Seems to be the consensus, Cheryl! :) Glad I could make you laugh!

  7. Kim, it's always a joy to read whatever you write to us and I love your projects and HUMOR! Thanks for the the underwear event! We might be related via that event!

    1. Thanks Helen, you really are too sweet! I have your original comment from the underwear post, pinned to my fridge! I read it over and over as it makes me smile! :) Happy March!

  8. I think you have had a very fulfilling and fun-filled month Kim! Can't wait to see what March brings for all of us!

    1. It was busy, Vel and I didn't realize how much I had accomplished until it was all there in black and white! Happy March! :)

  9. I am loving your flowers and the pictures are so pinterest worthy. FYI I discovered your blog on #SIT

    1. Thanks Carmelita! I will take that as a high compliment! :)

  10. Hi Kim,

    Well, you really did get a lot done this month, but the biggest accomplishment, in my opinion, is your 20th anniversary! And, your sweetheart of a hubby's bundle of tulips to you would be more than enough to make me smile for a very long time. Congrats!!


    1. Twenty years is a long time, Poppy, you're right! It just doesn't seem possible that it's been that long! I did love those tulips and thanks to the blog, I can look at them for a long, long time! :)

  11. I love this recap of your month and seeing those gorgeous tulips from your husband. What a sweet guy!! And tulips too!!!
    I can't wait to hear more about what you've been hired to do. How exciting!!
    Please....come on over and link up your post at Project Inspire{d}! The party just went live! :)

    1. So now you know, Diane, I am a contributor to Parade Magazine! It's really exciting, as I get to combine my two great passions, home décor and writing! I have to put your party back on my calendar, I keep missing those Mondays! :) Thanks for the invite!

  12. You have had a busy month indeed. My husband and I just celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary - that's a lot of years. I hope you get a lot of writing projects. I personally love the way your write. You should do great!
    Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design

    1. Wow Patty, congratulations!! Thirty years is a real accomplishment...and a lot of love! Thanks so much for your lovely words about my writing! I hope everyone feels the way you do! :)

  13. You made February extra fun, Kim. I'm still laughing at the Kmart story. :)

    1. Thanks Nancy! Laughter is a great thing, I am glad that I could bring you some! :)
