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Summer Fireplace Update

May 22, 2021

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Update your electric cabinet fireplace for summer with fabric. It's a quick way to give it a new look.

It's a super simple DIY and one that you can accomplish in minutes and undo in fall quickly, too.

Toiled Covered Cabinet Glass

I'm a sucker for a fireplace.

I think it instantly changes the vibe of any room.

Builder grade square with no moulding and popcorn ceilings?

No thank you.

Oh, wait it has a fireplace? How charming.

Told you. Sucker.

I think I get swept away by the romance. The idea of cool winter nights spent by a warm hearth is intoxicating. It's the reason I fell for our current cottage.

That wall of stone in the living room hit me hard when I walked through the front door. It was nothing like any fireplace I'd seen in my neck of the woods before.

Rustic Fireplace Table Setting

It had so much character. Big rocks from floor to ceiling, with a curved opening and a rustic wooden mantel.

It was more reminiscent of an upstate, snow covered mountain lodge, than an island beach bungalow.

I could instantly picture a future with holidays spent opening presents from Santa, as well as romantic evenings with my guy in front of a blazing fire. And after almost 20 years, there have been plenty of both.

I enjoyed the ambiance of that room so much that I added two more fireplaces to our home.

One in the basement family room when the kids were small.

And over this past winter, I dragged my mothers old little fireplace into my kitchen.

Small Electric Fireplace in Hallway

Granted, they're both electric, you know the lightbulb and hot air heater kind.

Not nearly as charming as the gas powered flames in the living room. Then again, I don't have to worry about cleaning them out or any scary carbon monoxide fumes.

And when it comes to heating the rooms and cozying them up during winter, they do the job equally as well.

In the summer though. Not so much.

True confession?

I hate fireplaces in the summer.

That big gaping hole is suddenly void of any discernible warmth. I actually find it to be a little creepy.

Stone Fireplace Hearth

So much so, that for years I have wanted either a painted screen or a big fern to block the area completely.

Unfortunately, the screen is still a DIY dream and the fern, well, that poor little thing wouldn't last a week around here with me taking care of it. (Psst- I finally got a screen! It's a DIY upcycle and I love it.)

I have more of brown thumb than green.

All is not lost though. At least not in the kitchen.

You see in the kitchen, that petite fireplace has a glass door and covering glass is my specialty.

Small Electric Fireplace


I've been doing it for years.

I've covered my glass kitchen cabinets. Many, many times.

I've also covered the cabinets on the side of the fireplace in the basement, too.

My handy dandy technique doesn't damage the wood and is totally reversible. Perfect for when I want to light up the sucker again in fall.

And I do mean "light" up.

How'd I do it?

Easy peasy.

Velcro Loop and Hook

First, I grabbed four small pieces of velcro tape, keeping both sides, hook and loop, stuck together and placed them on the inside corners of the fireplace door.

Next, I took a leftover fabric scrap from my newest kitchen sink skirt and cut it to size.

Adding Fabric To Glass

Then I pushed the fabric tight to the Velcro tape and I was done.

I didn't hem the edges. 

I didn't shir or pleat the fabric like I usually do, I wanted a clean, flat panel. I thought that look suit the fabric and this particular piece better than frills. 

Now, instead of looking at an out of season fireplace all spring and summer long, I get to admire my mom's sweet cherry cabinet.

Mini Fireplace Update

It's actually filling a little bit of the hole her old plastic pot left.

It's charming.


And warm.

Even without the fire.

Now to work on the living room one...

Small Fireplace Summer Update

Do you dress your fireplace for summer?

Hey before you go, it's time for another round of projects from the Do It Over Designers. 
Make sure you stop by to see what my creative friends are sharing! 

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  1. What a simple, but beautiful update Kim! You've inspired me to start thinking about what I can do with mine!

    One can never have too many fireplaces, but I definitely agree with you about the creep factor - lol!

    1. Haha...yes, fireplaces in the summer, when unused, are just not pretty. I'm glad I found a way to camouflage this one for a bit.

  2. I have a electric fireplace that goes into the closet for the summer months. You've given me a great idea to add some additional charm and leave it out instead of hiding it away!

    1. Oh great! I love that you were able to find a useful and inspiring idea today. 😊

  3. How cute it looks like a little piece of furniture. As for the pretty rock fireplace? Go buy the biggest fern you can find and make sure the pot is big enough. You won’t kill it. Promise. I think I’ll do the same!

    1. Thanks Ricki! I actually bought a little fern this weekend. I figured I'd give it a try and see if I could keep it alive. I also think I might have a solution for big fireplace. I just need a little time to put it all together. Stayed tuned!

  4. OMG you are so clever and what a beautiful way to cover up the little fireplace. This is genius. Love it. Easy Peasy and beautiful. Happy Saturday. xoxo Kris

    1. Thanks Kris. I take that as a HUGE compliment coming from the queen of creativity. xxoo

  5. What a great idea, Kim! Your little fireplace now looks so pretty for the summer! What an awesome and easy way to renovate something nostalgic like your mom's fireplace! .

    1. Thanks Gail. I have to say it looks so sweet in the kitchen now. I know I'll be excited to remove it and light it up in the fall again, but for now, it's awesome.

  6. That is so cute and a clever idea. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Betty! This was a super easy one.

  7. Oh wow, Kim, another very clever fabric idea - I love it!

    1. Thanks Marie! I couldn't let that scrap go unused.

  8. I love this Kim! Now you have to stop showing off this toile. This is so beautiful and I could sit staring at this all day.

    I already told hubby toile pillows are getting put in the family room come fall. I have them on our bedding but I am doing it now. Have no idea why I haven't before.


    1. Thanks Cindy! I honestly haven't ever been a fan of toile. I'm not a French Country gal. However, when I saw this patten in the fabric store near the check I have in the kitchen, it just looked dreamy and I had to have it. Now I'm hooked. Your pillows sound lovely. Can't wait until you share.

  9. Great idea! If I could open a door on mine I'd probably do the same. Looks great!

    1. Thanks Brenda! I love the way it looks for summer.

  10. Great idea, Kim. I love the thought of something in the big fireplace during summer. I do miss not having a wood burning fireplace. On our gas one in the master bedroom (after turning off the pilot light) I put an old cupboard door blackboard over the vent that comes out on the screened porch. It sure does dress up the joint..xxoJudy

    1. It sounds lovely, Judy! I have something in the works for the big fireplace. I have my handy guy working on it now. Stay tuned!! xxoo

  11. A piece of fabric and some velcro...TaaaDaaa! It's a cabinet - Genius!

  12. Ha! I laughed at your brown thumb comment. I have one too.
    I love what you did with the little fireplace!

    1. Thanks Mari! I actually invested in a tiny fern this weekend. I'm going to need a lot of help keeping this one alive.

  13. Well, aren't you a clever girl? I usually put a big fake fern in mine for the summer. I sometimes find here in WI we actually se our fireplace on really cool summer nights...sigh...
    Your screen looks absolutely beautiful. I love it. xo Diana

  14. Very clever - looks so charming with that pretty fabric!.....and you are not the only one with a brown thumb!!!

    1. Thanks Patti!! Glad to know I'm in good company when it comes to the garden. Haha!!

  15. Great, and the perfect fabric!!! You did gooooooood!!!!
    Blessings, J

    1. Thanks so much, J!! I had a feeling you'd like the pattern and color. Blessings my friend...

  16. I love fireplaces as well, I am immediately transported to Little Women country and cozy evenings by the fire. I like this project very much, Kim, and I see I'm not alone in thinking that the fabric is gorgeous.

    1. Thanks Amalia! The fabric is very pretty in real life and I love that I can tear it away come fall and I’m right back to the romance. Even if this fabric evokes a little romance of its own. xxoo

  17. I really love the fireplace it has so much character. Those bold coloured walls also deserve a mention, your home looks really warm and inviting.

    1. Thank you, Anita...and thanks for mentioning the walls. I adore that color, it really does cozy up the place.

  18. Very nice! I'm glad for the 'hole' filling as well!

    1. Thanks Deanna. It definitely helped. ❤️

  19. My goodness, this is so sweet, Kim. I love toile and seeing it used this way is inspiring. Hugs.

    1. Thank you, Nancy. I was never a big toile fan, but lately, I've been smitten. I just couldn't let this little scrap go to waste. Plus, I thought it was a good way to connect the sink area to the office part of the kitchen. And it was free! 😉

  20. I love it, Kim. I am going to pass this idea on to my daughters. xo Laura

    1. Thanks Laura! I hope they find it useful!

  21. As always... another amazing idea!
    And I have seen your morning glories and zinnia.. what do you mean a brown thumb? ;-)
