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Super Easy Sock Snowman DIY

July 24, 2021

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It's 100 hazy, hot and humid July degrees outside, so you know what it's time for right?

Christmas crafting!!

Oh come on, you didn't think I'd let the whole month go by without a little summertime nod to my {second} favorite season, did you?

White Socks For Crafts

This is the one time of the year when my love of summer and my obsession with Christmas come together.

And it's appropriate.

Because Christmas in July is an actual thing that dates all the way back to 1933.

Being a nonfiction loving kind of girl, I was interested in its history, so I hit Google and tracked it down.

Of course, a few decades after that first mid-year celebration, Angela Lansbury belted out "We Need A Little Christmas" as Mame on Broadway, opening the door to for people everywhere to sing carols and decorate with red any time of the year.

A habit I might've taken a little too far.

According to some, anyway.

Lucky for them today's DIY doesn't have a lot of red, even though it is a Christmas project.

No. Instead, I decided to focus on snow...and create one of my favorite symbols of the holidays.

A snowman. 

A few years ago, during another midsummer holiday hop, I made an angel out of socks and she was so cute, I just had to try again. 

And this little DIY is even easier...I promise. There's no painting or sewing and very, very little gluing, since snowmen don't have hair. Well, mine doesn't.

But yours might. Just have fun with it!

How To Make A Super Easy Sock Snowman DIY

I started by gathering my supplies.


You'll need one large sock

Some string, I used thread

Scissors - These are my favorite

A glue gun

Poly-Pellets or rice

A paper plate

Wiggle Eyes and a pin

1. Cut

I started by cutting off a good portion of the sock, right before the heel and I put it aside for later. 

Cutting A Sock

2. Tie

Next up, I tied off the end of the sock that I just cut with thread. Since I didn't have any fine string, I grabbed four long pieces of the white thread and put them together to make the thread thicker. 

Tie Top Of Sock For Snowman

I made sure I tied a really tight knot.

3. Turn It Inside Out

I turned the sock inside out and got ready to stuff it with the beads. I happened to have beads on hand from a few of my other doll making projects

Turn Sock Inside Out

If you don't, rice works just fine.

4. Fill It Up

Now, I've tried a bunch of different ways to get these small beads and/ or rice in a sock before and let me tell you, it's not easy. 

Creating A Paper Plate Scoop

So this time around I got the idea to place a small paper plate in the sock and use it as a scoop. It was so much easier. 

Filling Sock Doll With Pellets

I didn't lose one! I just put the entire sock/ plate contraption inside the bag and kept scooping until I was satisfied with the amount of fluffiness my snowman was wearing.

5. Tie It Up. Again.

At this point, I needed to give my snowman a head and a body.

That was accomplished with more quadrupled strands of thread.

Creating A Sock Snowman Head

First I tied the top opening up.

When that was knotted up well, I tied the strings about a third of the way down from the top of the sock to create a belly.

Creating A Sock Snowman Body

There was a little bit of sock left on top of my new snowman's head, but instead of cutting it off, I just folded it down. It actually created a little more support for his hat. 

Speaking of...

6. Make A Hat

To do that, I grabbed that piece of sock I cut off at the beginning and just folded over the cut edge until I had a good sized hat. 

No Sew Sock Snowman DIY

I stretched it over his {or her...up to you} head and I was done.

7. Add Some Fun Details

At this point, my faceless friend needed a bit of flair. And some red...I mean it is Christmas.

Being a waste not want not kind of gal, I dug into my curtain trim stash and found a piece of red pom pom trim from my living room curtains and added it to the hat.

I also used a tiny piece of white pom pom trim that I can't remember what I used it for - gotta love middle age - and used it as a scarf.

8. Add A Face

Lastly, I needed to add some personality. Faces are tricky and I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, so I tested a few eyes out. Stickers vs wiggly and wiggly won.

I also debated between a button nose and a pin and the pin was just simpler and sweeter.

My pin was originally yellow, but everyone knows that a snowman has a carrot nose, so I used an orange Sharpie to whip one up.

DIY Easy No Sew Sock Snowman

From start to finish, this little sock snowman took me about 10 minutes to make. No kidding. 

Quick, easy and sweet. 

And definitely Christmas.

Even in the middle of July.

Sock Snowman Sweet and Easy Christmas Craft Pin

Hey, before you go, it's time for another installment of the Do It Over Designers!! 

Do It Over Designers Logo

Be sure to pop over to my friends and see what they have to share and many thanks to Ann from Apple Street Cottage for organizing. 

Kim Signature

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  1. Your sock snowman is too cute, Kim! I love making sock snowmen! I use to have 'Let's Get Crafty' sessions in my community clubhouse before the pandemic. One time we made lots of sock snow people! I think you should make a few sock family members to keep your snowman company! Lol!

    1. Gail, I think you’re absolutely right, he needs a few friends. He’s been on my kitchen plate rack all week, looking a little lonely. Good thing I have a bunch of socks left and they’re all different sizes. He was so easy to whip up, I could have a complete family for him in under a half an hour! Thanks so much for the kind comment and Happy Hopping!!

  2. Your sock snowman is adorable. I'd recognize that bobble trim anywhere!

    And here I thought Christmas in July was an invention of bloggers who want to get their SEO sorted out before Christmas - lol. Thanks for the history lesson :).

    1. I had no idea of where it came from either Sara, but I do remember my mom and her friends celebrating it in some way when I was a kid...probably with a Tupperware party! Haha. So I always thought it was a retail marketing gimmick. I just had to look it up. I'm glad to know it had its beginnings in a much sweeter way!!

  3. Now that is the cutest snowman I have ever seen! Love it!

    1. Thanks Penny!! I think snow is super the summer! 🙃

  4. Your sock snowman is adorable and I agree with Gail, you need to make more! Thanks for the info on the history of Christmas in July. I learned something new today!

    1. You ladies are so right, Ann! He's too cute to be alone. I think I'm going whip him up a sweetheart and some babies today! And isn't that interesting about the history? Funny how it's caught on from that single celebration. Thanks for hosting!!

  5. Oh my how I love him.

    My SIL collected snowmen She would have loved this.


    1. Aw…thanks Cindy. Snowmen are actually my favorite Christmas figures. Just don’t tell Santa! 🤫

  6. Cutest little fellow ever!!!!!
    Thanks for the idea, and blessings, J

    1. Thanks J! Your comments always make me smile. 😊

  7. This is so cute. I love it.

    1. Thank you so much!! He was super simple to make. Just the way I like my DIY! Enjoy the weekend and thanks so much for the kind comment.

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks!! He is cute...if I do say so myself. ☺️

  9. Very cute! Happy Saturday, Kim!

  10. These are the cutest ever. You need to make these and sell them. I will be the first to put in an order. Not as crafty as you :(. Just toooooo cute. xoxo Kris

    1. YOU are the cutest, Kris! Thank you so much for all the sweet words. You are super crafty and you could totally make this, it was so easy!! Trust me, if I can make it, you can! xxoo

  11. OMGoodness, he is too, too cute, Kim! I've been doing a little Christmas in July myself, and I'm pinning him right now. Thanks for the adorbs tutorial!

    1. Oh, thanks, Ricki!! He was so easy to do and with Dollar Store socks, he's a bargain. Enjoy the weekend!

  12. This would be so fun & easy to make with my grandson! I need to put it on my list.

    1. Definitely Jenny!! It was so easy and he would probably have a ball scooping!!

  13. With this heat your cute snowman makes me wish for snow! Cute pom pom scarf you added.

    1. Thanks so much, Allyson! And I agree, a little cooling snow wouldn't be such a bad thing right now. ❄️

  14. Such a cute little guy! I made sock snowmen with my granddaughters last year, but we used rice as a filler. It works but I'm sure it could go bad at some point.

    1. Rice is awesome, Mari. I've used that before. I'm not exactly sure where this bag of pellets came from. I found it in my craft cabinet a few years ago and made sock angels with it. I guess I must've grabbed it on clearance!

  15. Your snowman is just to cute and it looks easy to make using your tutorial. I had never heard of Christmas in july until recently I must have been living under a bush.

    1. I never knew where Christmas in July started, so it was neat to find the history behind it. And thanks, glad you like the snowman!

  16. It's 100 here as well, so thinking of your cutie snowman is perfect. I want to grab some socks and give this craft a try!

    1. It's so easy Rachelle and a fun way to spend the hottest hours of the day in summer...dreaming about snow. Haha!! Thanks for the visit!

  17. Absolutely adorable! The tip about using the paper plate is brilliant too. Christmas crafts in July are just so much fun.

    1. Thanks so much, Donna! The paper plate trick worked out so well, I've made these dolls before and they were messy.

  18. Thanks for the history lesson on Christmas In July. Didn't realize it dated that far back. Your sock snowman is just too ADORABLE! I'm thinking this is a great craft project to do with my grandson. He'd have a blast! Thanks for the funnel tip, that'll save me loads of time from cleaning up rice from the floor from said grandson.

    1. This is a fun one, Marie. You can do so many fun things to decorate him...and scooping is fun on its own!!

  19. LOVE it! I am pinning. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks for the pin, Carla!! I glad you love this little sock doll as much as i do!

  20. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Florence!! Crafting with new favorite pastime!

  21. Kim,
    This is absolutely darling!! So cute!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! I hope you had a great weekend!!

    1. Thanks Debbie! He's fast becoming one of my favorite holiday cutie...might need more! Enjoy the weekend! Hugs!

  22. This is so cute, easy and fun Kim! I love the sweet simplicity of your sock snowman! It is fun to get ready for Christmas early!

    1. Thanks Marilyn! I have to say, I'm smitten with his sweet face. I might have to get some more socks!!

  23. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Michelle!! I have to say, he is cute!

  24. Replies
    1. Thanks Paula! He's a cutie. I might just keep him out until Christmas!

  25. That little fella is the cutest!! He will be showing up in my weekly All Things Vintage post tomorrow!

    1. Thank you, Cindy!! He's all ready for the winter here in NY. Brrrr.
