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Springtime Tea For Two

March 25, 2022

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I have a dish obsession but no place to display them, so setting a pretty table lets me pull them all out and play.

Here's how I mix and match them to create a cottage style look I love.

Spring Table Printable

People always assume that since I'm very into home decor and I adore anything and everything vintage, that I must be a collector.

When in reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

I don't have a cabinet filled with hobnail vases or porcelain figurines.

The milk glass I have is mostly faux.

And I don't go searching for specific items when I'm out shopping.

However. If I see a pretty plate, of any shape or size, I'm in trouble.

Especially if it's under five bucks.

For some reason, I just can't pass any of them up. Which is actually very ironic since I rarely, set a formal table.

I come from a large family and even small gatherings involve far too many people for a sit down. 

But it is fun to play with my dishes every now and again. So when I was asked to participate in a springtime tablescape hop, I said sure.

Spring Table Setting For Two

It gave me a chance to display a few of my favorites and it also provided me with a reason to clear away some of the tape and plastic around here.

And exhale, with my DIY guy, over little lunch and tea.

Ok, so he drank coffee and my cup was filled with hot water, but who's really keeping score?

I'm really more about the cups and plates themselves, rather than what's in or on them.

For me, place settings are the hard equivalent of fabric. The more patterns and styles that I can mix together, the better. I like flowers, I like checks and I love color.

No shocker there.

I also have a soft spot for sentimental treasures. 

The delicate Queen Anne tea cups I found in boxes after my mom passed.

Queen Anne Tea Cups

Her elegant Lenox china that was hiding in the wall.

Since we found it, I've tried to use it whenever I can.

Tea Setting For Two

It pairs so well with the classic gold flatware that she used to set our holiday tables when I was small.

Of course, she didn't use paper napkins, but shocking secret...I don't own a lot of cloth ones. They get dirty and once you wash them, you need to iron them.

And I don't do that.

Gold Flatware on paper napkin

I'm a paper girl. 

Luckily, I'm also a decoupaging junkie, so I have quite a stash of seasonal napkins. Of course, that means I'm heading to the craft closet instead of the linen closet, but it works for me.

Speaking of that craft closet, you know that I couldn't put together a table setting without a little seasonal DIY.

Last year, my crafty ode to spring involved jelly beans and a few upcycled jars.

Pink Pastel Clip Frame Place Card Holder

This year, I added pastel place card holders that I whipped up from a couple of upcycled wooden clip frames.

Instead of our names, because I'm reasonably certain we're good there, I added a free spring printable from a friend.

And of course, there were flowers.

Roses In A Dough Bowl

Lots and lots of flowers.

Which was great, since the view beyond the table wasn't the best.

Like I said...lots of renovation lately...inside and out.

But that's ok. 

With some many gorgeous plates, I wasn't looking out there anyway.


Hey, before you go, be sure to hop over to visit my friends and check out their lovely springtime tables.

Kim Signature

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  1. Your dishes are so pretty and ready for Spring :)

  2. Your collection.(which is not a collection) is lovely...and fun. China/dishes? My big downfall. I own several sets of dishes and really need to use them more than I do now. Luckily, my oldest grandgirl wants my wedding china. It is a beautiful, sweet pattern (matches her)

    Glad you had 'tea' with your DIY guy! xo Diana

    1. I envy your collection Diana…I truly have just one full set, which is my mom’s Lenox. Other than that, it’s all random pieces and some mix and match white from Pottery Barn for our day to day. Not that I have any room for complete sets in this tiny place. Funny how that doesn’t stop me from buying 24 individual plates at one time though. 😜

  3. You are too cute!!!!!!!! I am a certified (certifiable)dishaholic with way too many dishes, but it is fun to mix and match them all. We do that for everyday, and even hubby has been known to bring home a pretty plate! You go girl, and enjoy your dishy fun!!

    1. We can be certifiable together, J!! And yes, a dish loving husband…or at least one who encourages the fun, is a blessing! Happy Weekend!

  4. i have a ton of dishes, pretty much all secondhand vintage ones. And they do require space to store them so mine are not in my kitchen cabinets but on shelves. I need to use them more, even if it is just me. Your mom's patterns are lovely. So elegant.

    1. Thanks Lorri! I remember catching a glimpse of some of your dishes and hearing about your shopping trips when you found some pieces. It's a fun hobby, but it does require a lot of space to house them all. I wish I had more...

  5. Love your sweet dishes. So pretty. The table looks so cute. I have lots of different dishes to stored at my daughters. Your post makes me want to go get them lol! Happy Friday sweet friend. xoxo

    1. My sister has some boxes in her basement with more of my mom's treasures. Neither of us has the space to display it all or enough occasions to use them all. I'm trying though...and thanks! I do love the colors on these for spring. xxoo

  6. I love it, Kim. There is nothing prettier than an eclectic mix of dishes, I don't use cloth either because I no longer iron. Have a wonderful weekend. xo Laura

    1. Thank you, Laura! In the past, I used to buy cloth, there are so many pretty choices out there. However, once the family got too big for sit downs, I went to paper and never looked back! The cloth look great in photos, but in real life they're just not practical for me. Glad to hear I'm not alone! xo

  7. OMG, you made me tear up with the story about your mom's plates! And the place setting is beautiful...

    1. Thank you so much, Dalila, and I'm sorry about the tears. I was so happy to have found those plates again. I hug my daughter for finding them every time I see them.

  8. How nice to have that tea time with your DIY guy Kim. I love the pretty table setting and just perfect for spring!

    1. Thanks Julie...even among the mess it was nice to take a break and set a pretty table! Enjoy the sunshine today!!

  9. Oh what a pretty table you set Kim! How I just love your mother's china so much, it is beautifully elegant! And how sweet to enjoy a tea with your "DIY guy", love that! You know me... I absolutely have such a heart for old vintage dishes, and I pick them up at yard sales and thrift stores. Thankfully, I can use them in my garden, which helps a lot on space, as I do live in a very tiny home. Enjoyed your beautiful post today, have a lovely weekend!

    1. Thanks for the visit today, Marilyn and for your kind words! Yes, I have seen your lovely garden and I often think about adding a few more plates to my own. You have inspired me! I have a trellis in my yard that I made from an old plate rack and for the past few years I've put dishes inside. It's given me a place to display some of my lovely - but chipped - treasures. The birds don't seem to mind the flaws and since we can't eat off them...well, win win!! Enjoy the day!!

  10. Wonderful job Kim!! I love every detail! So much fun to be apart of this blog hop with you!

    1. Thanks so much and yes, hopping in spring in the best!!

  11. It's so pretty! I really like the tea cups from your mom!

    1. Thanks Mari...they are my favorites. I never saw her display them or use them, so I'm not sure where she got them. I am glad that they landed in my hands though. The colors just make me smile.

  12. You can now join the "club" my sister and I belong to...the only rule is you can not have too many dishes. I love that you are actually USING them, for with out the memories that go with them they are priceless not matter how much they cost! You are so cute and I love your tablesetting...lovely in every way....hugs! Alda

    1. Oh Alda, your club sounds just perfect!! I'm in!! I am happy I'm using them now, too. My mom's china pulled a disappearing act recently, thanks to my aging brain, but now that I've unearthed it from hiding, I use every chance I get!!

  13. Wow Kim! I mean it when I say I’m swooning over your beautiful spring dinnerware! The Queen Anne cup is stunning!
    Thanks for joining us in the blog hop!

    1. Thanks so much, Rachel. We found those cups in a box and they've been a favorite every since. The hop has been so much fun, thank you so much for including me...I hope we can do it again!

  14. I adore mismatched dishes. I have an obsession with dessert and salad plates.

    I know idea why but I love them

    1. Thanks Cindy!! Whenever I take these plates out, I’m reminded that I just don’t use them often enough…and I like the tiny ones, too. They just make me smile!!

  15. I love all of the beautiful dishes. The way you brought them together in your tablescape is so elegant and makes me feel like spring! What a beautiful collection. I especially love the tea cups.

    1. Thank you!! I love those tea cups, too. I wish I knew more about their story, but for now, I'll just enjoy the view.

  16. We are two peas in a pod, I also love dishes. And I enjoy going to thrift stores looking for unique dishes.
    I love your collection.
    Let us have tea. :-)

  17. Kim,
    What a beautiful Spring table setting!!! Everything is just so pretty!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!

    1. Thanks Debbie! I love to set the table, especially for spring. The colors are just so happy. Hugs to you!

  18. Gorgeous tea cups! I love dishes myself!

    1. We are definitely two of a kind, Deanna...Waverly bedding, a love of red, flowers and dishes!

  19. Ooh Kim, you have such beautiful china pieces and treasures from your mom. I have a stash of paper napkins, too. They’re just so pretty and fun, and my mom always delighted on finding pretty ones.

    1. Thanks so much, Kitty!! She really did have a great eye and such elegant taste. I love being able to use her collection in real life and share them in photos on my blog. It's so much better than having them sit in a basement box. Oh..and I just bought new pretty paper napkins today! Red geraniums with lovely green vines. I can't wait to set a table with those - maybe when I make that pot roast! 😊

  20. So pretty, Kim. And, yes, even though I'm here in Florida, I need a dose of spring, too. I'll be heading home soon, and need to know that spring will be coming soon after I get there. The flowers in the dough bowl look gorgeous. I'm so over cloth napkins! The only time I'd use them is for a photo shoot!

    1. Amy, take your time, today spring feels like it's on its way, but it sure isn't rushing!! Glad to hear I'm not the only one who isn't a cloth napkin fan. It's just not real life for me and I decided to show that this time around. You made me glad I did! Happy Florida!! (I'm so jealous!!)
