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Happy Halloween or Is This Holiday Over Yet?

October 30, 2013

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Halloween is not my favorite holiday. There, I said it.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Happy Halloween! The day has finally arrived and I am ready for it! I have a cute witch canvas hanging on my front door and a few pumpkins on the stoop. Ten bags of candy are at the ready, as we have a very active trick or treating neighborhood, complete with a tractor hay ride and a roving spooky storyteller.

My kids even painted these mini pumpkins on their own to add to the festive nature of the day! Isn't Halloween wonderful?

Actually, in my opinion, no, no it is not. I have to confess that I am not a fan of Halloween. At all. I am the girl who got nightmares from scary movies, I am terrified of spiders...even small ones...and I do not like gore.

Costumes stress me out, I like dressing up, but the pressure to impress is intense and people are always trying to figure out your personality based on your choice.

It's like that line from the Sex And The City movie when Miranda says to Carrie that the only costume choices for "women are witch or sexy kitten." I frankly don't like either one of those (although I have been a witch more times than I care to admit) and creative costuming is just not my thing. 

The first year we moved into our current home, there was a high school brawl on our front lawn, complete with cops, handcuffs and an arrest. My husband and I watched, horrified, from inside while trying to keep our toddlers away from the window. Good times.

As a teen, I remember being so excited to wear the Little Bo Peep costume I had fashioned out of my white ruffled and tiered organza vanity skirt! It was so pretty, until I got into an egg and tomato fight and my ethereal dress turned yellow and orange as I was pelted, my own brother.

Yeah, more good times!

I can't say that all of my Halloweens have been like this. Of course, having children of my own changed things a bit. There have been wonderful moments filled with pumpkin patches, cute costumes, candy kisses and Boo-ing houses.

Overall, however, I like cute and happy holidays, Christmas and Valentine's Day are much more my speed. I love the crafts, the décor, the shopping, the giving and the colors.

I am not really into orange and black, but if you haven't noticed, I am really into red!

Frankly, my kids feel the same way...once at the age of four, glammed up and princess-ed out from top to bottom, my daughter was trick or treating with us on our block. We were with her friends, other families, laughing and joking, albeit it was very cold, when she turned to me and said, "Why do we have to do this? We have candy at home."

Right on sister ~ obviously, apples don't fall far from their trees!

Happy Halloween!

Painted Pumpkin Craft:
Paint mini pumpkins with craft paints and adorn with large wiggle eyes. The kids added faux leaves to the red one for apple leaves, but basically let the shape of the pumpkin stem (the long stem as a cat's tail, for example) and their imaginations guide the project! Have fun!

Kim Signature

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  1. Agree ... agree ... agree! And most Halloween nights are miserable weather! Ah well, tomorrow all the Christmas stuff starts. Do we even have a Thanksgiving anymore (:<

    1. I know ~ I am excited for Christmas, but I do want to revel in the Thanksgiving season at least a little bit! Happy November!

  2. Those are cute pumpkins! They remind me of anime, which my older kids are into now.
    Dee :)

    1. That is so funny, Dee! We said the same thing about them! Great minds think alike! :) Happy Halloween

  3. First, let me just say that you have such a beautiful site! I simply adore it - love this color combination. Second, Have a wonderful Happy Halloween! I am also so ready for it along with my kids.. but weather seems to be not co-operating here at our part of the world- What was all that rain in the morning. But my kids and I are going to have a blast trick or treating.. err.... I mean, i will go along with my kids while they trick or treat around the neighborhood :) - See you around- Vinma

    1. Vinma, Thank you for the lovely comment about my site! I hope that the weather cleared up and you did get to trick or treat with your kids! It is an important day for them and rain is a bummer! Thanks for popping by and Happy Halloween!

  4. Oh my - I'm so glad I'm not alone. At this point, I'm just like "wake me when it's over!"

    1. I am new to blogging Sally, so this is my first real holiday on the scene and I feel like I have been looking at Halloween projects since August! I am sure that doesn't help! ;)

  5. I like your daughter's attitude, Kim. "Why do we have to do this? We've got candy at home."nMy husband has been having fun all night scaring the kids that come to our door. He opens the door and yells "Boo!". I think one 10 year-old boy almost fainted. Halloween is not my thing. Maybe it's because I still have nightmares about cleaning up the back seat of our sedan when our then 7 year-old son upchucked his dinner after a particularly stressful Halloween event. Uh, yeah. That really happened.

    1. Oh boy, that does not sound like a good Halloween memory, at all! We may be kindred spirits when it comes to Halloween and your husband sounds like my husband...embracing the holiday!

  6. I too am not much of a Halloween fan, like you it always scared the daylights out of me...even when I knew it was only kids in costumes. It is a holiday I could skip, but I love dressing up LO now in cute costumes. I will be sad when we hit ghost/zombie/ninja phase. :( I'm hoping he will like Halloween, and not be a fraidy cat like me (though I too have been a witch a few times). Christmas is my favorite, but I'm always sad it starts earlier and earlier. I tend to overdo it and get "Christmas'd out" by Christmas. Sigh! Happy Halloweeen!

    1. I agree, the cute kid costumes did sort of ease the pain of Halloween! Although once the kids were old enough to choose their own costumes, you are right, that opens a whole other can of worms! I also agree with your Christmas sentiments! I am trying my best to stave it all off until the Friday after Thanksgiving! :)

  7. Loving those pumpkins! This month really did drag on for some reason! But it was filled with so many wonderful things! So glad I found your blog, you've got a new follower!

  8. I really like your fall decorations but I just can't stop staring at your beautiful kitchen!

    1. Thanks Stacey! I prefer my kitchen to the Halloween decorations, as well! Probably not a big surprise!! ;)
