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Give Thanks Free Printable

November 11, 2014

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Here's an easy DIY for the Thanksgiving holiday.

It's my Give Thanks free printable. It's an easy way to add some holiday flair in minutes to any room.

Gobble, Gobble!

Framed Give Thanks Printable with pumpkin and turkey

I don't usually decorate that much for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Other than a large canvas Tom Turkey on my front door, a few small wooden turkeys and several handmade treasures from my kiddos, my house is just mostly dressed for fall.

However, this year, I was cleaning out a closet I came upon a black dollar store frame and thought it could use a little holiday flair

So I whipped up a very simple printable on my own.

It took me all of about five minutes to make a picture that I love and now I have a cute Thanksgiving vignette and the turkey on my front door isn't as lonely!

I started by going to PicMonkey and making this:

Free Printable For Thanksgiving

I placed an overlay over one of my existing photos to create the background, chose a font, typed in a few festive words Thanksgiving words and hit print.

There are a tons of designs to choose from and while I'm really not well versed in graphic design, I was able to do this is no time.

How To Make A Free Fall Printable

I printed mine out in a 5X7 size, since that is the size of my existing frame.

I used plain printer paper, but you could use card stock if you wanted to make it a little sturdier.

I like the idea of the thin paper, because I can stack a few holiday printable on top of one another and they still fit in the frame.

It's a built in storage space.

Cutting Tool for fall printable paper

I trimmed it with this handy, dandy paper cutter I bought several years ago.

I rarely use it, but when I need a straight edge, it is an awesome tool to have around.

That's it, that was the whole process.

It was super easy, super quick and basically free, because I already had the frame.

And now I have a little more Thanksgiving charm to pepper around my house.

Have you seen my Grateful Cutting Board?

Give Thanks Fall Printable Framed Decor

This project is customizable for any holiday or celebration and can be whipped up at the last minute.

How awesome is that?

I already have a few ideas for Christmas and I won't even need a new frame.

Simple Cottage Style Fall Give Thanks Printable

 Have you ever worked with printables before?

Turns out Thanksgiving has become a fun holiday to decorate for after all.

Check out these other Holiday Home Decor Ideas:

Kim Signature

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  1. Don't you just LOVE PicMonkey?? They have recently expanded their formats, and now you can even make collages - even specifically for fb cover photos!

    Now I'm going to have to make a printable to go in a 3-picture frame. Thanks for reminding me.

    (As I type, there are several pictures of your projects over on the right. There is one of my favorite centerpieces the bowl with berry garland and a candle. So easy! Now if I would just MAKE it! lol!)

    You are my favorite decorator, just in case you didn't know that!

  2. I like it! It looks great and it's easily and inexpensively made. Just my kind of decoration. Thanks for sharing, Kim! I love your creative ideas. xxx ~ Nancy P.S. I have used printables in the past. I actually used some from the Graphics Fairy (great source) for my French script decoupaged bottle.

  3. Thanks Nancy! I remember your pretty bottle and your reference to the Graphics Fairy, but haven't popped over...maybe now is the time! :)

  4. Nancy, you are always so kind and complimentary! :) Keep me posted if you make that printable!

  5. I love that, Kim. I use PicMonkey to sharpen and watermark my photos but that is about the extent of what I do there. I think I need to learn to play more in that program. xo Diana

  6. Dear Kim ... I enjoy using PicMonkey for many little projects. I love the sweet simplicity of your little setting. Thank you for sharing. Blessings ♥ Teri

  7. Good evening dear Kim! Me too....I don't decorate for Thanksgiving nor Halloween because these are only a ONE DAY affair. But I do decorate for fall, and then the big one: CHRISTMAS! I have already started my Christmas décor, and now I just need a sunny weekend day to try to take photos. I not only worked with printables, but I illustrated them and sold them on Etsy for a good two years. I no longer do it however.


  8. I haven't really used printables but it's a great idea. I love pic monkey and never thought to use it to make something like that. Quick, easy and inexpensive - the best kind of decorating!

  9. I have used overlays when creating collages and round-ups was kind of an accident that I figured out how to do it! You should give it a whirl. It was super simple! And cheap! ;)

  10. I can see that, Anita! You are very artistic and have a great eye. I bet your printables were stellar! I can't wait to see your holiday decor pictures, I am waiting with baited breath! :) Thank you so much for your sweet comment. xo

  11. Thank you, Teri. Simple is my middle name! I am so glad that you popped by and left a comment. It really makes my day! I hope to chat again! :)

  12. That's how I figured it all out, Diana, I just played around. Unlike my own WP site, I don't think I can break anything with a few random clicks at PicMonkey! XO

  13. Hi KIm, I love that you used PicMonkey to make your Thanksgiving printable. I have never used it for that before but I sure love your simple and easy creativity and ideas!

  14. Thanks so much, Julie! :) I hope you are having a super week!

  15. Since I don't know (a lot!) (how to add a picture to this comment thread), thought I'd just link you over to my printable. Thanks for the inspiration!!
    Check out the project here: Printable post

  16. Nancy, thank you so much for sharing your pretty project with me. I love it when people are inspired by what I post...and now Stacey has inspired us both! I am sharing and pinning your pretty know I love that red! :)

  17. Good morning Kim!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you so much for your kind comment here! I am really hoping to take photos but if it's not sunny, I can't get good enough lighting. But I am enjoying my décor though VERY simple. Oh but the fun of arranging has always enchanted me, and when my parents decorate for the holidays, it was always such fun. Then I'd play under the tree where they would put out a little village on cottage, and I'd arrange the houses over and over. My parents never seemed to mind because all of us were interested in the PLAY of Christmas.

    Now you have yourself a wonderful day! Anita

  18. this is so cute / love the touches of red in your little sign :)

  19. Thanks Deb! It was a quick one, but effective! ;)

  20. You made it look so pretty! I like how you shared the steps, and I like that you gave your friend Stacey credit. She too, is a gifted lady! Thanks for sharing.

  21. Thank you Judy! I agree Stacey has great style! I think that one of the best benefits of blogging is getting inspiration from a large group of crafty friends and letting others know where you inspiration came from! :) Thanks so much for coming by today!

  22. What a cute idea and I love how you added the red stripes that look like grain sack! I enjoy using PicMonkey a lot, for editing my blog pictures and I find the site quite user friendly unlike some other photo editing sites. Also. I was browsing through your previous how you transformed your kitchen-dining, looks so beautiful, cozy and inviting and your kitchen cabinets are just gorgeous! Enjoy the rest of the week~hugs, Poppy

  23. This is great Kim, thanks for sharing this!

  24. I just love that! Now let me ask you because I just recently started playing with PicMonkey. When you say you "placed an overlay over one of my existing photos to create the background" what does that mean exactly? Where's the image? Don't think I'm crazy but there are some things I don't understand about the program and I want to make things too. So far my printables all come from some other nice person who shares. :)

    Thank you for mentioning me. You are so sweet!

  25. Hello my friend! I am glad you popped by and thank you for the inspiration! You planted the seed and I love what I ended up with!

    Ok, so what I do is upload a photo...any photo I have on my computer, doesn't matter. Then I go to the menu on the left and click on the butterfly, then geometric and pick a square or rectangular shape from the choices. When it pops up on my photo, I stretch it until it completely covers my existing picture. I can change the color of that background using the little menu that pops up with the overlay. Then I add a text box and lay text right over that. When I am done, I just hit save, change the name of the photo so I still have the old and new.

    Now, I an no PicMonkey expert, so there may be other, easier ways to do this. This is just how I do it, but it works! There are tons of backgrounds to choose from, other than the geometrics, you can play around for all sorts of looks. As long as you change the photo name when you save it, you'll never lose you original photo!

    I hope that helps, Stacey and that you start making some of your own pretties, very soon! :)

  26. Thanks Vel! I like it, too. I think my house may be overrun with printables in the near future! ;)

  27. Thanks Poppy! I love PicMoneky too! My kids use Photo Shop, that is way beyond me! Some of the other sites charge and that does not sit well with my frugal nature! So far, this is the best and like you said, enjoyable and user friendly! I hope you have a fantastic weekend and thanks for popping over to chat! :)

  28. That's how I remember Christmas, too, Anita, full of play! What fabulous parents! My mom bought me a small paper village one year and I constructed it and played with it for years...until it literally fell apart!! She never minded the mess of that crumpled village scattered about her living room and today it is one of my most cherished memories!! :) Enjoy that snow!

  29. Oh mercy! I'm going to have to print out the instructions and practice. :)

    Thank you. Today I'm trying to figure out how to make a printable that kind of looks like flash cards. Doesn't that sound neat?

  30. Oh hang on, have you paid for the upgrade or are you using the free features?

  31. Your flash cards sound really neat! I can't wait to see what you make with that...and I'm using the free version! You know me, I'm cheap! ;)

  32. Its so nice to see such a simplistic saying with such meaning thank you !

  33. Thank you Deidre. Short, sweet and simple! Glad you liked it!
