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Quick Christmas Towels

December 06, 2014

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Create some quick Christmas towels from your plain ones, with a few festive picks to decorate your kitchen for the holidays.

It's an easy and inexpensive way to add a little sparkle without breaking the bank.

I have been trying to decorate my house for Christmas in a more rustic style this year, using decorative pieces that I already own.

I didn't want to go out and buy all new items for such a short season, nor did I want to totally and permanently transform items I currently use year round and then have to go buy replacements for them at another time.

Anyone with me?

Well, if you are, you'll love my quick Christmas towels.

I decided to dress up my pretty pine server with a few red and white linens.

I liked the basic look, but they were just not festive enough for the holiday.

They needed a little embellishment.

However, I love these basic towels and use them often, so I didn't want to do anything drastic that would prevent me from displaying them in July or October, so I grabbed a safety pin and got to work.

I literally pinned that wreath (a leftover from last year) to the towel using one small safety pin, careful not to make a big hole in the fabric.

I can reposition it, remove it to wash the towel and take it off for good when Christmas is over! So ~ I mean no sew~ easy! The ribbon is a bit more permanent. I quickly basted it on.

I actually like it a lot and it's not really holiday related in any way, so it can stay.

However, since it's on with a light stitch I can remove it in a jiffy.

If you don't sew, you can iron on a ribbon, use an iron on tape or hot glue it. Hot glue just doesn't generally do well in the wash.

I didn't need to go to running to the store for the perfect accessory,

I didn't need to spend a dime, I didn't add to the stash of holiday stuff I may or may not ever use again and my little festive pop took me less than ten minutes to put together.

I'll share a little secret...I taped the towels to the inside of the drawer to secure them.

The kids and the hubby go in there sometimes and I didn't want the towels to keep ending up on the floor. That's just not festive at all!

I am very happy with my rustic kitchen display.

I am basically done decorating and can't wait to show you the rest very soon! I hope you are enjoying the holiday season so far and making it simple.

Not stressful.

And isn't that the way the holidays are supposed to be?


Happy Decorating, Friends!
Kim Signature

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  1. I love your sweet towels and the little wreath looks so cute. I like your hutch and it looks very nice all dressed up for Christmas.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Looks so festive! I love your country chic decor. It's so inviting. :)

  3. Thank you, Shelia. I really like the way it turned out! :)

  4. Thank you, Robin! That's just what I was going for, so you made my day! :)

  5. So cute! I can't wait to see what else you've got up your sleeve, my friend!

  6. Hi Kim,

    Love your kitchen decorated for Christmas and also your paper cones for the Advent.
    Hope you are having a lovely weekend

  7. Love it, and such an interesting idea of a way to do that.

  8. What a great idea, Kim! I love it! :)

  9. I have all red and white towels in the kitchen anyway, but I like your idea of adding the wreath.

    Can't wait to see your full house tour.

  10. Thanks Carol. I just thought it needed a little something extra for the holidays! :)

  11. Thanks Dee, it was a super quick festive fix!

  12. I'm all abut easy, Tiffany!! ;)

  13. Thank you, Carolyn! I really do like those paper cones, too! Thank you for the visit! :)

  14. I'm trying to take it all down a bit this year, Sally, and enjoy the season for what it really is and not what it "should" be...hence the safety pins! Ha! ;)

  15. So warm and cozy, Kim! I love your unique creations. Decorative towels make such a difference to a room, don't they?
    Hope you're enjoying your weekend!

  16. Good evening, Kim!!!! FUN! I can see you and I have been up to some fun today! You with your towels, me with hanging up the greenery. Lovely pine scents are now wafting in the house and it's snowing now! Love your hutch!!!

    Have a lovely evening, Anita

  17. Kim, very cute, I like your pine hutch too. Are the white plates milk glass? To be honest with you I like the country charm of your home, although my home reflects my taste which is more contemporary. What I like is the way you put your heart in to what you do, so do I :) your friend, Marcy

  18. Thank you, Marcy. The plates are not milk glass...they are just plain off-white plates that I picked up at Marshall's several years ago for less than two dollars each! They are super versatile and although we have never eaten off of them, they are well used in our home!

    I bet your decor is lovely. Country, traditional, modern, I agree, it's really all about making it a place you love and putting love into that space! :) Thanks for coming by Marcy, I hope it's a great week!

  19. It was a quick creative fix that I was able to squeeze in this weekend, Anita! :) It definitely added that holiday feeling to the kitchen! Enjoy your snow!

  20. Thank you, Robyn! You are very kind. I do like that wreath...may even keep it up after Christmas after I made such a big fuss about making it easy to remove! ;) Thanks for the visit!!

  21. Very nice and easy peasy . . .
    with the kitchen towels,
    small lamp with the red shade,
    white stone wear,
    charming rose like . . . red and white plates . . .
    ambiance without spending bundles indeed!
    Milk glass with the fruit . . . perfect . . .
    Pinterest worthy . . .

  22. Oh Lynne! Pinterest worthy...that is high praise!! Thank you so much! :)

  23. I just love these quick decoration ideas. I had a brilliant one this weekend by just simply adding real greenery to the valance above our large screen TV, then some brass candlesticks with battery tapers. DO YOU KNOW that it now looks like a fireplace mantle? I was so happy about it and it looks amazing. HAVE FUN!

  24. What a fabulous idea Kim! And so pretty and festive too! I cannot believe how clever you are lately. Actually I can. I love all your innovative ideas.

    I have to confess. If there was one thing I might spend money on... it just might be tea towels. I have a ridiculous attraction to them. ;)

  25. You are just so talented with the machine Kim, you know I can't sew, so I'm always amazed at even seemingly simple projects such as this! You arranged your hutch so beautifully too, I think just enough Christmas dose for this season! And I've been good this year, so far, only bought the IKEA stars last summer for our home and of course our super cheap trees from last year. Let's see if I can be as good as you in toning it down when it comes to buying xmas stuff, I'm just such a Christmas-aholic!LOL! :-)

  26. Your hutch area is very festive and that was a good idea! :)

  27. Easy and inexpensive! I love when that happens. Love the rustic feel of your hutch.

  28. Me too, Brandi...and thanks!! :)

  29. Thanks Deb! I like the way it turned out...may just keep that little wreath there for a while after all! ;)

  30. I am usually a Christmas-alholic too, Vel, this year though, the kids have so much going on that I want to spend time enjoying their activities, not unpacking and setting up! I still like the sparkle of the season, just a little different this year!

  31. I love the way you decorated your towels and kitchen for Christmas! It looks pretty and cozy and festive! I have cut back a lot this year in decorating the house and have tied to make it festive but simple. Have a wondeful week.

  32. I have the same attraction, Diane! They always seem to capture my attention...and they are usually on the inexpensive side, so that I get reeled in! ;) Hope you are enjoying the season so far and thank you for your lovely compliments! I'll take those words as high praise, coming from one of the craftiest ladies I know!

  33. I love when that happens, Anita! There's something very visceral and satisfying when I look at a space I love! Enjoy it!

  34. I bet it looks lovely, Julie! Enjoy the week and stay dry! :)

  35. Let's start our own chapter of the mutual admiration society!! :) [hugs]

  36. Whew, can you tell I had fallen behind and needed to do some catching up on comments? I do hope you believe in the theory of "better late than never!" I think your rustic Christmas look is so pretty, Kim. I really like the cleverness of adding something temporary to existing linens. I seem to have an addiction to linens, especially for the kitchen. I really should seek out a 12-step program, possibly those addicted to pillows could be of! I really do think that the red looks so pretty with your pine cabinet.

  37. Thank you, Carol! We seem to be in good company...lots of linen addicts out there!! ;)

  38. Your towels are perfect the way you embellished. I love that you taped them in place. I'm always rigging something to stay put. :)

  39. Glad to hear that I'm not the only one, Stacey! Without that tape, those towels would spend the majority of the day on the floor! ;)

  40. I like coming to your cottage for inspiration, my friend. First, everything you do is magazine worthy; Second, everything you do is attainable. . .both from a cost and time perspective; and Three, everything you do is something crafters at all skill levels can do and appreciate. Love you and your blog! ~ Nancy

  41. That is just perfect. I love your decors on and around your hutch. Those dishes are my fave. LOL, I have a thing for dishes. Hope you are doing well.

  42. Nancy, I need to hire you as my publicist and marketing person! Thank you for such kind words my friend. Your visits truly always make my day!! :)

  43. I have a thing for dishes too, Vanessa. Sometimes I just buy one and hang it on the wall, when I can't leave the store without it! ;)

  44. Oh my, what a wonderful job you have done with your kitchen decor, Kim! I absolutely love your hutch pretty with the trio of candle holders and the cutest kitchen towel dressed up with the mini wreath.....a beautiful idea! Merry Christmas~hugs, Poppy

  45. Thank you so much, Poppy! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, thanks for visiting! :)
