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The Survey Results Are In

May 07, 2015

This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you purchase something via one of my links, I may make a small commission.
Last week, I asked you all to play a little game and answer a few questions about my blog.

I won't keep you in suspense any longer, I know you've been waiting for the results of that survey with baited breath.

No? Not really? Huh. Ok, maybe that was just me. Probably.

Well, either way, the results are in and I'm going to share them with you...well, because I want to.

And as one lovely respondent stated, I "should just share what I want."

I love that answer, by the way, and I do want to please my audience, so here goes.

It's the official, Exquisitely Unremarkable survey results, 2015 edition.

Actually, there is no other edition, but it just looked more important that way.

For most of the questions I gave multiple choice options and included the dreaded other category, with the chance to enter your own ideas.

I wanted people to be able to answer freely, after all, I may not have anticipated your particular response and real insight is what I was going for.

Of course, other can be a dangerous proposition, but I was willing to take a hit for the sake of self improvement and turns out those insert your answer here boxes truly were the most eye opening.

First off, I asked who you were. "Isn't this the eternal question, lol", wrote one participant. Love that. Love you, whoever you are, and yes, it is and now I have a post idea for another day, thank you!

For those of you who colored in the lines, I was very surprised to find out that over 65% of you are not bloggers.

That number shocked me.

I mean, I do dig into my analytics every now and again, but I interact with so many lovely bloggers on a regular basis, who comment and email, that I just figured bloggers represented the lion's share of my reading audience.

Not so, and good to know.

I have to keep reminding myself that just because people don't comment (apparently, the silent majority of you), doesn't mean you're not reading.

Point taken. Thank you.

The big question I wanted answered, was number two, why do you read Exquisitely Unremarkable.

I was never sure if the crafters and DIYers among you enjoyed my thoughtful tangents, silly or serious.

Looks like it's all good.

Everyone loves an embarrassing tale.

I've got plenty of those, so we're all set. I will share more.

I may have to move or change my name to protect my kids, but you know, that's the price of fame...

...and actually, my kids are teenagers and already completely embarrassed of me. I don't think moving is going to change that.

Speaking of teenagers, only one person listed "too lazy to unsubscribe" as their reason for reading and yet they took the time to answer all of the questions and thoughtfully so.

Seems like a lot of effort for someone too lazy to unsubscribe.

There was also only one "sympathetic friend or family member." I'm thinking that this lazy, family member is one in the same ~ and by the way~ you're grounded.

The rest of the answers were a mix of continued surprise (50% of you follow via email) and relief (you want a lot more of the same content).

The best of the replies were the thoughts shared at the end, where I asked if there was anything else you'd like to let me in on.

So many people said so many nice things.

I was totally humbled by your answers.

The fact that so very many of you took the time to play along and leave so many kind words, was genuinely touching.

As a writer and a teacher, to hear that people are enjoying your work, learning, connecting to you and your words and being entertained, is such a gift. Thank you so much.

I was also given some very helpful constructive ideas.

The overwhelming majority would like to see posts twice a week.

Someone asked for an archives tab. I added it.

Someone asked for more home tours. I have a few lined up. I received several requests for additional sewing tutorials.


There are projects in the works.

This information was extremely helpful. It gives me direction in my content offering. So again, I thank you.

The last note I want to leave you with is regarding comments. Commenting, answering comments, returning comments, it sounds like it should be pretty straightforward, but it's tricky business here in the land of blogs.

There are a lot of different opinions regarding what's proper. Here's my take.

If you comment on my blog, and you are a blogger, I will always visit you and comment back.

I also email you a response, if your email is available and I post that same answer on the blog for others to read. I have received some grief about this from time to time.

There are a lot of people who feel that if you comment back on your blog, you're just trying to inflate your numbers for advertisers.

Others assume you are not emailing or visiting.

None of that is true for me.

I do not have advertisers (I have an ad company. They care about pageviews, not comments). I write freelance for businesses, other bloggers and publications, again, none of whom care about my comment numbers.

I do it because, as proven by the survey, many of you are not bloggers. You do not comment, but you may glean something of value from someone else's comment and my answer, so I display it all publicly.

Perhaps you wanted to comment the same thing, but you are shy, do not have an account or can't log in. Maybe it's about one of my DIY's and the comment is a question about the project and my answer will clarify the process for others.

That is why I do what I do. The fact that I received many responses from people thanking me for answering the comments in plain sight is reason enough for me to continue in this manner.

Well, that's that.

That's all the information I have to share with you.

If you didn't participate in the survey and would like to, you can find it here.

I'm always eager to hear what you have to say. You can leave a comment or email me if you have other requests, too. I adore reader input!

Unless you're one of those grounded teens.

Then I would advise you to just keep it to yourself.

Kim Signature

Post a Comment | 63 Comments

Hey~ before you go, let me know what you think!

I love comments and respond to them all.

*Please refer to our privacy policy if you have questions regarding your profile and note that comments with links will not be published.

  1. Thank you for YOUR is nice to know what you think of us, what you expected and did not expect too! Don't go too hard on the least they have a good sense of humor lol.

    1. Kim, you are super sweet...and you have a fabulous name, I might add! ;) I will tell my teen that there are fans out there, lobbying for mercy! (I actually thought it was pretty funny, too!)

  2. Post twice a week? That's child's play. Surely you have more embarrassing stories in you than that. My favorite of all time is the panty story. I doubt anyone can top that. Hell, tell a joke or just show photos. I'd miss you if I only saw you twice a week. How much do you post now?

    1. Brenda, you are so sweet. I actually post twice a week...lately I have only been posting once a week. You probably think you see me more, because my posts are so long. I have a big mouth! ;) I have been toying with the idea of a Wordless Wednesday, but I am not sure people would want to see my in their inbox 3x/ week! Too much Kim!!

  3. If anyone told me they thought I was replying to commenters to inflate my blog's comments #'s, I'd suggest they take a hike (from my blog) and never return. I don't need that negative energy. I reply to commenter's because it's simply common courtesy to do so. Yeesh. :)

    1. Gwen, you would be so surprised! I never knew that there were so many “rules” and opinions regarding comments. I just did what felt right…and I still do! Thanks for your comment!!

    2. Good heavens to mertatroid! How many times have I read a post somewhere else and half a dozen people post the same question, but no one answers! Sometimes, if I know the answer, I will butt in and do it for the blogger. Shouldn't have to do that! You do great Kim! Keep it up!

    3. Thank you, Nancy. Have a wonderful weekend! :)

  4. I get so confused about the whole comments thing. I used to respond only on my blog. Then I was told, it's better to email the person directly with your response, or comment your response on their blog (if they have one). What IS the rule on that?? lol Is it best to comment on the blog AND email said comment directly to the person? Answer me, Kim!!!! :=D

    Well, enough about that bugaboo!

    Be what you is and we will read. That's my 2 cents on the matte. Of course, embarrassing stories ranks near the top of post topics of choice from this reader! ;D

    1. Kimberly, I am not a fan of rules, although I am a huge rule follower!! I am Duddly Do-Right kind of gal, but on this one ~ and at 47 ~ I just do what I want! Thanks for the sweet words.

  5. Now that I think of it, the thing I liked best about the survey . . . is that you did one in your blog.
    I would never know how to set something like that up. And I admire you that youer "in the know!"

    Rules . . . I guess I follow most . . . but as far as the Irish Garden House, I just do my own thing. It is my chance to be creative, be myself . . . I guess I most be following some rules . . .like not being nasty, mean or malicious . . . maybe I am breaking a rule because I use the word love in my comments more than any other! Which reminds me . . . I LOVE Exquistely Unremarable . . . and you too!

  6. Please excuse the iPad typing errors. The pad locks up on some blog formats . . . sorry.


    1. Thank you, Lynne. You are always just way too kind. Your sweet comments always make my day and I think the word love can never be used too much!

      ...and those pesky typing errors happen to me on my phone, Lynne. Either the keys are too small or the autocorrect changes my words to something I don't want it to say!

  7. I'm having a brilliant thought! How about a box we can just check so you know we're reading you even if we don't comment? Not being a blogger myself, I have no idea how one earns money with a blog, except for shilling for a sponsor. (I don't mean that in a bad way.)
    And I, too, say do what YOU want and feel is right!

    1. You know Carol, I have seen something like that on a few blogs and I would love to add that. I am a blogger and sometimes, I don't have time to comment, but I would love to check a box to say, yes, this was good!! As far as making money goes, there are a few ways. Some bloggers have shops, Etsy and the like, and they sell goods, others have advertisements on their site and when you click they get a few pennies. Sponsors ask for reviews and pay in money or swap for goods. I write for other bloggers and companies and they can see my work here.

      Of course, I don't need to blog to make money that way, I just really like to share!!

  8. I read blogs for years before I started to blog without ever leaving a comment. I didn't start commenting on blogs until after I was writing my blog. And even now I only regularly comment on yours and it was because you commented on mine first. And I am so glad that you did. Needing an account makes it hard to comment. My dad would like to offer a comment on my blog but he is struggling with learning email and facebook as he was never really computer literate in a recreational way. I don't know everything there is to know about computers either but I am not afraid to search out an answer. Not everyone has that confidence or those skills. My daugthers were already blogging when I started and they were a help for me. My daughter's future mother in law has just started a blog and my daughter is helping her to get started. Perhaps there would be some interest in a tutorial on how to set up an account so that you can comment or how to get started blogging. Nothing terribly technical just the basics. Perhaps those people who are readers only are that way not by choice but because they don't know how to change it.

    P.S. I commented on your last post but not sure if it got to you.

    1. Lorri, I am so glad that you we can chat!! It is hard to comment without an account and I think that is why it's deceiving to judge who is reading based on comment numbers. Some of the most popular sites in the world have no comments or don't accept comments. I enjoy the back and forth so I am glad that there is an opportunity for conversation, but yes, it would be better if all could comment easily, without an account!

  9. Okay, I'm not the "too lazy to unsubscribe"...LOL. Nor am I the "sympathetic friend"...LOL I enjoy your blog. I enjoy your writing style. I enjoy the variety of topics you have (I need to take a lead from you). Comments are a tough thing, I don't care about numbers either and I do the same thing you do. I reply to an email if one is provided and post on the blog. I believe it is courteous to do so. I am planning a post with just two questions over the next week or so, just to see what happens. Wish me luck...LOL! Have a great evening Kim. Your blog is great and I enjoy it immensely! So glad we found each other in "Bloglandia"!

    1. Benita, thanks so much for all of your thoughtful comments. I too am glad we met in the vast internet and I look forward to all of your lovely posts!!

  10. Hi Kim, thanks again for visiting and commenting on my blog. It`s so nice to connect with new people. Love your post and idea. I was thinking of doing something similar, it`s so good to now that people like and appreciate your work, ideas and thoughts. And a little scary too! Keep up the good work.
    Have a great start of the weekend!

    1. Vesna, your blog is lovely! I am so happy to have discovered it and cannot wait to visit again. It was super kind of you to pop on over to say hello.

    2. Thanks so much Kim. I`m looking forward to have you on my blog again and to visit you more often here. Hope we are going to share some great ideas with each other. <3
      Have a great day!

  11. I did not know there were so many rules in blogland! But my favorite rule I hear over and over is to not use Blogger. Well, I seem to be breaking rule #1. Oh well, what can I say, I am a rebel as is everyone else who uses Blogger. You rebels you!! And I comment back to everyone who leaves a comment. I might as well quit now. Lol I am so glad I found your blog! It is wonderful and I am happy when I see a notice in my emails.
    P.S. Do not be too hard on the grounded teenagers!! Lol

    1. Yes, that "don't use Blogger" rule is pervasive isn't it? I actually fell for that line and moved over. Big mistake...for me anyway! I am happier as a rebel!! Ha!!

  12. second visit here and I am enjoying myself! You were brave to do the survey...I get my feelings bruised a little too easily.

    I've been blogging since the days dinosaurs walked the earth and I've seen so many aspects of the "commenting" issue. I follow a few blogs where comments are responded to in that section along with a email. I like that. Do you have to be on Word Press to do that? I don't know that you can do that on Blogger. Then again some bloggers do just that, without an email...they respond in the comments as if you are going to pop back by the next day to see if they had something to say. Sorry, no time for that and how would I even remember? I went through a time period where I sent emails thanking commentor's and one day I received a response, "Jane, I'd rather you just visit my blog instead of sending an email." That made a big impact on me...the emails saved me time in reading blog posts, yet I had others who spent that time on me. So, a comment gets a visit.

    Thanks for summarizing what your survey's very helpful. I recently created a space on my sidebar for people to follow by email. I just can't seem to find a way to know who does. ????

    Jane xx

    1. Hi Jane! Thanks for the visit! I know, I was a little nervous about the survey thing, but I was curious, so I gave it a shot. I have to say, it was all very positive. I am on Blogger. I moved to WordPress but hated it and now I am back again. On WordPress, you couldn’t email your commenters back. I had a plug in that let them know there was a comment reply on my blog. There are plug in to send the comment, but none of them were updated and I was told I could get hacked…which I did anyway, through my comment notification plug in, but that’s a whole other nightmare! ;)

      If you go to you should be able to see all of your email subscribers. You should be logged into it, if you are logged into your Blogger dashboard. I hope that helps!

  13. Hi Kim.

    Interesting survey results and sorry I have taken so long to get around to visiting you. Thanks for visiting me. I say just makes you happy with blogging and know that we are all busy and takes a while to get around to visiting everyone. Happy weekend

    1. Carolyn, I couldn’t agree more. I love reading and visiting, but it’s hard to get around to everyone in a timely manner! Then there are occasions when I read, but don’t have time to comment. It’s important to step away from the computer and enjoy real life, too!! I appreciate anytime you come to say hello and wish you a happy weekend, as well!

  14. Your writing is very entertaining Kim! I thoroughly enjoyed you sharing your thoughts about the responses you received. I knew there was such a thing as "blogging etiquette", but since I have no advertisements on my blog, and do not wish to make money at it, I just enjoy blogging, and realize I can't please everyone, I don't worry about the comment that responding to emails is not right. It was nice to hear that you have many "non-commenting" readers, as I think I do as well. I don't think that will change, unless somehow it gets easier to comment for them. And some people just don't have time to comment. For me, I think that if I take the time to read what someone has written, I need to take the time to share my thoughts about what they wrote with them. Anyway, I always look forward to your posts, and enjoy whatever is on your heart to share :) Hugs to you!

    1. Thank you so very much. I think the great thing about blogging is the feedback you are able to receive from people via comments. I try to comment every time I read, sometimes, it’s just not possible. I read in the carpool lane a lot and I just run out of time for comments! I’m still reading though! I hope that counts! :)

  15. I am surprised when I get a comment from someone who says they have been reading my blog for years, but never commented and then felt the need to. I also know at least 3 people who read my blog regularly, but have never commented. They are friends and don't feel the need to comment.

    1. That happens to me too, Carol and I love that. It's nice to hear! I try to comment everywhere I go, but it's just not always possible. Sometimes, people don't reply, so I figure that comments may not be that important to them...if I really like what they have to say I keep reading, I just stop commenting.

  16. Thank you, Teri! Right back at you! ❤️

  17. Hello Kim, it sounds like your survey went well! I can't wait to see what you post each week. I'm looking forward to seeing more house tours & sewing tutorials! The wordless Wednesday might be fun whenever you feel like posting! They are fun & easy. We'll take care & enjoy the Mother's Day weekend.
    Julie xo

    1. I’m glad I did it, Julie…it has rejuvenated my ideas and given me a renewed focus! I may try a Wordless Wednesday…I certainly enjoy yours! :)

  18. I liked reading the results! Thanks for sharing!!

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed them! I wasn’t sure if they would be an interesting read or not, but seems like people liked checking it out. Thanks so much for the visit! :)

  19. Hi Kim, sure enjoyed your post and my visit here on your lovely blog. What a great idea to do a survey. I can tell you after visiting, I love everything you share and will certainly sign up for follow by email.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and your visit and kind comment. I can't recall being here before so I will just say, it's so nice to meet you.
    Wishing you a nice weekend and Happy Mother's Day.
    Hugs, CM

    1. Lovely to meet you too, CelestinaMarie. Thank you so much for coming by to say hello!!

  20. As a blogger I too am amazed sometimes at the readers who don't blog but here and there chip in and amaze me! Oftentimes their responses and or comments are better than the blog post! I enjoy that very much.

    1. I agree Deb! Sometimes, it's the best part of the site! :)

  21. Interesting results Kim. I don't think comments increase you page reads, because most go to people's email. I do respond most days to my visitors, but my blog is small. I think the only risk that might be possible from responding to your own blog is to be labeled a spammer. For awhile, I kept getting locked out of my blog if I commented to more than three guests. On the contrary, I don't mind that people have adds;I do mind the pop up block or the obnoxious sign up for email. I recently changed my post to "read more", but that has not increased my views (though maybe it does, but no effect on mine). I did it because I read somewhere that it protects your content a little. Someone redirected some of my posts to their Home .... account, I forget the name of that source where you can link projects back to your blog. Any way, I notified them, and they fixed my account. xoxo Su

    1. I'm not a fan of those pop ups either, but if I really like a blog, I will pretty much sit through anything to read the content! I hate it when I have tech problems, but I'm glad it worked out for you. I think maybe Hometalk? They are super nice over there....but people can be unscrupulous and that irks me.

  22. I love reading blogs, and it is a great feeling to think I can read and comment on various blogs all around the world.

    You pick up great tips and meet interesting people.

    I love it ...

    Have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Agreed Jan. If someone told me the relationships I would have with people across the globe, I wouldn't have believed them...and it's all because of the comments! Thanks for yours!

  23. I enjoyed reading the results of the survey and I am surprised 65% are non bloggers. Things have changed sooo much in the nine years I have been blogging but it keeps me on my toes.

    1. Sherry, I think that was the most surprising information to come out of my survey. I never would’ve guessed that, but it sure is fun to know! Thanks so much for popping by to weigh in! :)

  24. It sounds like you received some great feedback from your survey, Kim. Recently I met someone locally for the first time and she said, "Oh, I know you! I read your blog all the time!". I asked her if she's a blogger, and she said she isn't. I asked her how she found me and she said she wasn't sure. She had been searching for something and my blog popped up on Google. That was a very cool experience for me. Best wishes for another great year of blogging. Hugs, Nancy

    1. Nancy, isn't that awesome when that happens? I love your story!! I recently had a girlfriend come up to me and say, "I just found out that you're Exquisitely Unremarkable!! I've been reading you and I love you...I just didn't know it was you!" Best compliment ever!!

  25. A very interesting post. I leave comments to the replies I get on my blog because I thought it was polite and I think it adds to the post. I always enjoy reading your blog for that reason.

    1. I think it adds to the post, too, Ronda. It furthers the discussion. Sometimes I find the comments are more insightful than my post. I always feel like something is missing when I read comments and there’s no response. I am left wondering what the blogger would say…everyone has their own take, but that’s mine! :)

  26. Hi,
    I think it was a great idea to have us take a survey. Keep up the great work. :-)

    1. Thanks! Curiosity got the best of me, I figured I'd ask! I'm glad I did!

  27. I like commenting if I enjoy the post, I like answers and I like comments on my blot. For me, this dialog is one of the nicer parts of blogging.

    1. I agree Amalia. 100%. Thanks for weighing in and have a super week! :)

  28. This is so cool. I like the idea of doing a survey. I think it shows that you care about what your readers want to read. And I thought replying to a comment was just common courtesy. I like when folks responds to my comment...

    1. Thanks Trish. I thought comment answering should be simple common courtesy, too...and that is how I treat it, rules or not!

  29. I think you'll know which survey is from me ;)


    1. I love your responses ~ and right back atcha! xo

  30. So glad you added an archive, that is how I am exploring your bog, after you commented on mine.

    1. Thanks Diana. It’s funny, I was hesitant to do the survey, but I got such great feedback, I am glad that I took the chance. Thanks for peeking at my archives!
