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Exquisitely Unremarkable Summer Moments

August 28, 2017

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Zinnia Flower

Hello friends! It's been a while, hasn't it? I can't believe the end of August is upon us and yet, I totally can. It's been a jam packed summer around here and that has certainly made the time fly by. It has also made my presence online a bit scarce.

I have been so busy enjoying real life moments, that I haven't had a lot of time to sit down with my computer to write.

I would start a post and then seen an interesting insect, go off to investigate and then get distracted in the garden for hours.

Giant Green Caterpillar

No post.

Or I would grab my camera to photograph some fabulous flower, hear from a friend who wanted to have coffee at the beach and I would go.

Zinnia Flower

No post.

Or I would compose a full post in my head, get ready to put my words on (virtual) paper and my husband would ask me if I wanted to go for a evening walk on the dock and...

The Beach

...well, you get the picture.

Clearly, August was filled with a lot of no post kind of days.

But that's ok, getting distracted like that is a good thing. After all, that's the premise behind my entire site and it's my tag line.

Recognizing the uncommon beauty in the everyday. 

It's the idea that the smallest things in our seemingly mundane surroundings can bring us the greatest moments of joy.

They are exquisite. And yet completely unremarkable. Flowers, babies, butterflies, moments with friends, sunsets, a warm hand in yours, a really good meal.

There are a million of them all around you if you allow yourself to see them.

And that's what I have to share with you today. Just a few Exquisitely Unremarkable moments from summer...the moments that kept me away from blogging.

If you follow me on Instagram you probably know that I escaped the bounds of my lovely little beach cottage for several days to visit a bigger beach.

The ocean view from our room was outstanding, unobstructed sand and surf as far as the eye could see. Even better, the wifi service was poor at best, so we were unplugged from the rest of the world and it was glorious.

We played cards and games, we napped, we laughed, ate, shopped and swam. It was exactly what vacation was supposed to be.

Dylan's Candy Shop

We even caught of glimpse of the lovely Sarah Jessica Parker outside the candy shop in town. I have to say that while I am not the starstruck type at all, she was a truly beautiful and very stylish in person.

Of course, this middle age brain of mine didn't process who she was at first. I kept trying to place her...did I know her from the school pick up line? From church? Maybe she worked at the library.

Ha! Hardly...

What's even funnier, is that this wasn't my first absentminded, beach vacation run in with celebrity. Several years before, I had a full on conversation in the same town with Steven Spielberg and I had no idea it was him until we parted ways.

Like I said, not the starstruck type.

Besides, I was excited about my own teeny, tiny brush with being a celebrity. Right before we left, I was notified that I was nominated for a 2017 Amara Blogging Award for Best Craft Blog. That's always a fun email to get! I mentioned the details in my denim ring post, and would like to thank everyone who voted for me. If you'd like to check it out, the voting is still open.

Amara Blogger Awards

This is the link to my Amara voting page. I really need a new photo, since I'm blonder now. Oh well...

I actually much prefer to be photographed like this anyway, hiding behind my words.

Being Published

I was quoted in a recent article in from Country Sampler Living Simply. I gave tips on entertaining a large crowd in a very small space and I was credited as "Kim, creative author of Exquisitely".

How fun is that?

When I got the word it was on sale, my daughter and I ran right out and dug through the racks until we found the one and only copy. It's not the first time I have been in print, but it happens infrequently enough that it is still a really big thrill. There's something about holding your words in your hands that is so special, I don't know why, but it feels really good.

I took that magazine up to the nursing home and read it to my mom. I'm not always sure what she comprehends since she can no longer speak, but I think she was proud, so I'm going to go with that.

I spent a lot of time with her this summer. We love to watch the old movies on TCM, so we did a lot of that. My husband grabs a coffee, I grab the chairs and we settle down for showtime. This summer we saw a few new to me Alfred Hitchcock classics, a romantic comedy with Jane Fonda and Rod Taylor and a forgotten funny, called Cinderfella with Jerry Lewis. We actually had to rent that one, but it was worth it.

Drama needs to be free, but a good comedy? I'm willing to pay for that.

I hit my thrift store again and scored this little beauty. It's a vintage milk crate. You know, the one the milkman used to carry the bottles around in. I loved it at first sight and it was only $5.00. I have so many display ideas for it, especially in the coming holiday months, I can't wait to decorate with it.

Vintage Milk Crate

Of course, since summer is my all time favorite season, I will not be decorating for fall anytime soon. I will gladly re-share old autumn posts, as I know people are looking for crafty inspiration now, but in my own home, I will not bring out a pumpkin or a gourd until September 22nd.

Once the summer fades, it's nothing but months and months of cold, gray, snow-filled days around here and I am not ready to face that again just yet.

I did buy a pocketbook for fall over the weekend. It was on sale...but it will stay tucked away until the official start of fall, with my jeans and my boots.

Flip Flops Only Sign

Until then, it's t-shirts, shorts and flip flops only.

And hopefully a few more exquisitely unremarkable moments.

Happy (still) summer!

Looking for more?

To blog or not to blog, that is the question.

Every ordinary day is an extraordinary day

Kim Signature

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  1. Hi Kim,
    You have had such an exciting life of late. So exciting that you could enjoy the beach and just have some family fun together. Ahhhh life is good. How fun too that you saw Sarah Jessica Parker just going about her daily life. Have a wonderful new week ahead.

    1. Ah Kris, it probably just sounds exciting since I left out all the boring parts, like making the beds, doing the dishes and grocery shopping! Trust me, there was a lot of that, too. Getting away was a treat though and seeing SJP was a fun moment, too. She had her sweet twins in tow...I hope you have a great week, too! xoxo

  2. Nice post. Glad that you have been enjoying your summer and congratulations on nominations and magazines. Well deserved. Sounds like you have your priorities straight. Glad to see that your thrift store came thru again. Now you can be on the lookout for milk bottles...

    1. Milk bottles! I never even thought of that! You always have the best suggestions for me, whether it's about my mom or my decor. Thank you my friend. I'll keep you posted! ❤️

  3. Sometimes we need a little breather Kim. I'm glad you were able to stop and smell the roses, as it were.

    1. Thanks Mary! I totally agree and especially in summer when the roses are in bloom!

  4. It's the everyday moments that are most precious. Enjoy them!

    1. Totally agree, Brenda! Thanks much and you, too...I know how much you enjoy your time with your pups and with Andrew. He's a cutie!

  5. It sounds like you have indeed had a busy Summer! I had to laugh reading about your celebrity spotting. I grew up around lots of celebrities, heads of state, etc. and never really though anything about it because that was just their jobs. I do have some fond memories of a few though. One has become a good family friend, another picked me up as a child, sat me on the piano and sang to me, and I spent lots of time swimming with the children of one of the crown princes of one of the middle eastern countries. While vacationing in Canada as a 12 year old, I struck up a conversation with a really sweet lady out by the pool at a mountain resort we were staying at. She invited me to join her for tea and green apples later in the day and my parents said that was fine. One of the bellmen came over and told us that she was apparently a big movie star in Canada. I told him that was nice and I later had tea with her and we talked about all kinds of things but I never said anything about what the bellman told me about her and she never mentioned what she did for work. She did tell me a lot about some of the places that she had traveled to her in lifetime though and I found that fascinating. :) I still bump into celebrities while on vacation or even here in my small part of the world and I still go by how I was is just their job and if they are on vacation, they are needing some down time and anonymity. :)

    1. How interesting, Debbie! What a neat childhood you had, I bet you could write a book about all of your meet ups. My mom was a singer and on Broadway, so I guess I just always saw performers as ordinary people, it was their job, like you said. And yes, I would never want to interrupt someone's daily life or vacation...especially if they were with their children. It is fun to spot someone you see on tv though, of course it helps if, unlike me, you recognize them!! 😉Thanks so much for the visit today and for sharing your own very fun adventures with us!

  6. Hello Kim, oh I agree with you about the blogging and trying to sit and concentrate on writing during the summer months. It's so good that you got out and did some nice things with friends and your husband instead of sitting at the computer.
    Even though your mom can't speak I know she loves being with you.
    A few years ago we were at the beach and my daughter was playing ball with Matthew Broderick, their son, and dog, and she had no idea who Matthew was until after I told her. I am like that too with celebrities and try not to go crazy. LOL.
    I love the milk crate and I can't wait to see what you do with it. I too want to enjoy the last of the summer and try to get to the beach one last time this weekend.
    Also a big congrats on your award, you deserve it!
    Take care and have a nice week.

    1. Hi Julie! Thank you for your lovely comment, especially your words about my mom. I really do think she understands and I know she loves it when we show up. That's funny about Matthew Broderick. They seem like a nice family and must be used to getting recognized in this area. I am trying to enjoy all the summer I can, so yes, today after back to school shopping with sat by the pool and ate our lunch in the sunshine. I hope you do get to the beach...before long it'll be to cold for that. Yuck! 😉

  7. Lovely photographs and sounds like you've celebrated the ordinary in your summer days! Congrats on the magazine quote and your nomination!

    1. We tried, Cecelia, we do love summer around here. And thanks so much for the kind congratulations. It’s fun to see your name in print, as I know you have recently as well!! Enjoy the week!

  8. Wow, you really made up for lost posts here! Sounds like you had a wonderful August. Congrats on being recognized. I would probably think the same thing about Sarah Jessica Parker. And I bet Spielberg was happy to have a regular conversation with you without being recognized! All your pictured distractions are beautiful, except for the worm . . . I must admit I do not like those green ones . . .

    1. Ha! I know, Kathy, that worm was cool, but super scary!! I told my husband let me take a picture and then go away! 😉

  9. I have always loved your blog, and yes summer has been full. Side note---Multiple ads covered your content area---enough to be very distracting---magnolia house ad was 4 times, and I clicked to remove it, next paragraph it popped up again. Total ads invading your page were 14. Respectfully, Sandi

    1. Hi Sandi, thanks so much for the sweet words about my blog, I really appreciate them. I also appreciate your comments about the ads. Wow...14??? That is very wrong, there should only be a small fraction of that on the page. I need to check it out. Thank you for letting me know.

  10. Your distractions were well worth being away from your blog! Other than too much rain, it was a nice summer weather wise. Maybe that is why I am not over it yet and I am not looking forward to Fall as much as I usually am. I have only had one pedicure but that is not stopping me from only wearing flip flops!

    1. Right there with you AnnMarie. Summer started late for us and it wasn't super hot at any one time or for very long. I didn't get into the pool near enough and like you, I am going to slip my chipped toes into those flip flops until they are actually frozen!

  11. I would say that your summer has been exquisitely remarkable! That is one fabulous flower indeed, but I just can't find the love for Mr. Tomato Hornworm, can you?

    I bet Spielberg loved talking normally with someone who didn't know who he was. What would you have said to Sarah Jessica if she had stopped to talk to you?

    Enjoy your few remaining weeks of summer wardrobe!

    1. Thanks Dewena! We have been trying to enjoy the small moments and the warm weather. Winter is just so long here. That zinnia came from a seed, can you believe it! I wanted to share a picture of the morning glories on the garage wall, too, since they have all grown in now. I know you said to keep you posted! I will try to do that in my next post. The worm is a little frightful. I heard that he is not a garden friend. My husband found him in a tree he was pruning. So far we haven't seen any others. I guess that's a good thing! As far as SJP goes, if I had actually spoken to her, I would've said, "Great shoes!"...because they were, as you would expect!! Enjoy summer, too!!

  12. You are too cute! "Could I have seen her in carpool line?" LOVE it! Congrats on your recent well-deserved recognition. I voted for you and I hope you win!!! Keep us posted!


    1. Thanks so much, RJ! And I know...I'm a mess...the carpool line! Can you imagine? 😉

  13. I sure enjoyed this Exquisitely Unremarkable post! I'm picturing you watching tv with your mom which is exactly what we do with my husband's dad who has Alzheimer's. He likes to watch the old black and white westerns.

    Your summer sounds like it has been great! We did not make it out for a vacation because of the move. I'm a little bit green with envy hearing everyone talk about theirs but there's always next time.

    Congratulations on being quoted and the fabulous nomination! :)

    1. Yes, those old black and white movies seem to comfort her and we get to view some classics! I know you guys have had a very busy summer. I hope that you get a chance to kick back a little this fall and enjoy that beautiful new home of yours. To me, it looks like a vacation home!! Fabulous!

  14. Oh how funny, you crack me up!! I am not star struck by any means but since I've watched every episode of SITC at least 30 times I would have to HOPE I would recognize Sarah Jessica Parker!! Just tell me one thing....was she wearing fabulous shoes? I often wondered how she pranced around the city in those!

    1. Fabulous shoes, Debbie, absolutely! They were flats and you know, I couldn't place her until she brushed her hair off her face. I recognized her mannerism and I said to myself, ah...Carrie Bradshaw!! 😉

  15. Haha, wondered where you'd been Kim, but I knew you were enjoying the last rays of Summer. So Sarah Jessica Parker. Would you believe my middle aged brain HAS heard of her, but doesn't really know who she is? But Steven Spielberg! Ohhh, that's another story! Swoon, you talked to him??? Double swoon.
    LOVE the milk crate from your lousy thrift store (your words, not mine) So I guess it's not lousy anymore, huh? I know you'll do wonderful things with it, come Fall.

    1. Oh Florence, I totally get it! I am lost when people mention actors and even singers sometimes. I don't watch a lot of tv and listen to a lot of older music. Sarah Jessica Parker starred in Sex and the City on HBO for years. She was also Annie on Broadway years ago...and yes, he was super nice, wearing a baseball jacket, jeans and a baseball cap. Totally normal guy...

  16. Well Kim, you have been enjoying your summer to the fullest & I love that. Congratulations on your nomination & your magazine feature, too. Love your photos!

    1. Thanks so much, Gina! It’s always fun to get featured. 🙂

  17. Enjoying our days with eyes in places other than a computer screen sound the best to me!
    So I say, good for you . . .
    Playing in the sun . . .
    Watching movies together with your mom . . .
    Leisure strolls through the thrift stores . . . (wouldn't be Kim if there wasn't some of that.)
    Happy news about "being in print!" Awards too . . .
    Enjoyed the SJP and Spielberg mentions . . .
    Refreshing to jknow someone not caught up in starstruck.
    Still a few days left of sun and warmth . . . enjoy!

    1. Yes, perfectly expressed...eyes in places other than a computer! I am trying. I hope you are having a wonderful August and I wish you a happy long weekend! xo

  18. It seems you had a great summer, Kim. Lovely photos, my friend.

  19. Thanks for reminding me that it's a full month until fall, and I still have time to get some decor made before I decorate. Besides, down south it's nowhere near fall weather.
    Lovely Summer you have had! Writing requires good story material, so you can say you were doing "research!"

    1. I like your way of thinking, Nancy! I plan on doing more "research" this long weekend! I hope you get to do some, too!! 😉

  20. Oh my goodness your insect picture is amazing ; he looks like some adorable character out of a Disney movie! :)

    1. Thanks Deb! He was a really cool subject and behaved for the shoot!

  21. GORGEOUS photos!!! Would love if you'd come share at Reader Tip Tuesday:
    It's open & growing all week long...
    I can't believe it's the end of summer already. Hope to see you there. xo

    1. Thanks so much, Jodie! I linked up! 😊

  22. Sounds like you've had a good summer! I'm with you - I won't be decorating for fall anytime soon. I'm seeing a ton of fall pictures on IG and I just shake my's still August! I hate rushing seasons. I saw someone on FB say that they were going to start decorating for Christmas in Oct. Gaah! lol Very cool that you saw Sarah Jessica Parker, though I probably wouldn't know who she was if I saw her in person either. I never even watched SITC. Again, like you, I'm not much of a TV watcher. Well, enjoy the three weeks we have left of summer - I certainly will!

    1. Right there with you, Melanie…my feed is full of pumpkins and I am not thrilled. I am trying to enjoy the beach and my kids are still on summer break. I am happy to share old fall posts for inspiration, but not ready to decorate until the clock officially strikes autumn. 😉 Enjoy the weekend!

  23. Hello my dear friend,
    I just loved this post. August is my favorite month. And I agree, we need to soak August in, family in and definitely the walks with the husband. How sweet and I want to take a walk to the dock.
    I love how you spend time with your mom.
    Your movie star stories made me smile. My kind of girl! I have a similar story. I will have to share some day on the blog. ;-)
    Enjoy the last days of summer my friend.

    1. Oh...I would love to hear your movie start story! Please share!! Enjoy the long weekend. xoxo

  24. Oh my I thought you were talking about me...I have had such hard time concentrating on writing a blog post. Today it took me over 7 hours to do a post. I wanted to do everything but write a post...and kept deflecting. I see summer slipping away and I don't want to waste a minute of it...I hope you are having a good summer and thanks for sharing some very pretty an interesting pictures.

    1. Oh my goodness, Cathy, that’s exactly what was (is) happening to me!! I start writing and then catch a glimpse of the garden and go. I guess it’s all good since we’ll be stuck inside soon enough with plenty of time at the computer! Enjoy the weekend and thanks for the visit!!

  25. Hi Kim! No apologies for living a busy life! That's a good thing. Oh, congratulations on your magazine feature! You are the most crafty one. Oh, yes, please run and get your dollhouse and put your magic to work on it! I'd love to see it. Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

    1. Thanks so much, Shelia! I do love that dollhouse, it's currently in tatters, but seeing yours it makes me want to refurbish it. I might have to poke the mister to help me a little. 😉I hope you are enjoying yours and thanks so much for the visit and the comment. Enjoy the weekend!!

  26. Kim,

    What a lovely summer you've had! I'm so glad since its your favorite! We've had a nice summer here, I was able to enjoy it alot since it wasn't so hot and humid!

    Fall is coming and that's my favorite! Lots to look forward to!.

    1. Thanks Deanna! It was a nice summer and I hope to soak up a bit more of it this long weekend. :)

  27. Kim, you are a lucky girl. You know how to enjoy the summer. I try my best to live in the moment, but this whacky brain is always coming undone and before I know it, I am off to the races chasing autumn. When I read in the newspaper that Friday will be 102 degrees in the shade, there I go again!! I love to hear that you are being recognized for what I have known for so long, your talents as a crafty person. You deserve every bit of praise that you get..Have a wonderful rest of the week, my friend..xxoJudy

    1. Judy, thank you for all the kind words! 102 in the shade? Oh my! I think if I lived in your neck of the woods I might be wishing for fall, too. Maybe. 😉 I hope you enjoy your long weekend and it gets cool quickly!

  28. What a lovely post to read ... sounds as if you've had a great August.
    More exciting times to come I'm sure.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks so much, Jan! I hope you are enjoying the last bits of summer, too!

  29. I am so glad you had such a great summer. I am with you, no pumpkins allowed here for a while! LOL I am not ready for summer to end. Enjoy your evening. Maria

    1. No pumpkins!! Not yet anyway. 😉 Enjoy this (still) summer weekend.

  30. It sounds like it was a wonderful summer! I actually read this before, but must of got distracted, because I forgot leave a comment. Oh... though it is a bit hard to rough it with no internet, it is so beneficial... Russia had no hot spots, and our hotel's service was spotty, would last for only three or four minutes... so Instagram was best. My teen gets frustrated with this, but she ends up doing fun things with new friends and old friends at the festival.

    Congratulations on your successes! That is so sweet that you could find a way to enjoy it with your mother. Old movies are the best and so are walks on the beach. xoxo Su

    1. Your trip sounds just lovely, Su! And I think that the lack of internet would be frustrating since we're so used to easy access, but also a bit of respite. And thanks for the visit and the sweet words! I really appreciate them! ❤️

  31. Well it looks as though you have been busy and having fun while being busy. Good for you girl. are famous too! Dang, I'd say you have a pretty good summer. Thanks so much for stopping by to visit me. Made my day! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Thanks so much, Cindy! It has been a fun and busy summer and a busy fall, too. I am already behind and the month has just started!! Thanks so much for the visit, always fun to chat!

  32. Congrats on being nominated for the Amara Craft Blogging Award and getting into a magazine. That's just awesome. I'll go and cast my vote and hold thumbs for you. Enjoy the rest of the summer and all the small beautiful things that make the world a special place

    1. Thanks so much, Michelle! I really appreciate the vote and the kind words. I hope you enjoy the rest of the summer, too. It's going by too fast...

  33. The frog planter in your latest post was super cute. Couldn't find where to comment on that one but I enjoyed it : )

    1. Thanks Deb! I'll have to check out the glitch!

  34. I found it really touching picturing you watching old movies with your mom, and yes, she most definitely knows you're there and I'm sure is very proud of your writing accomplishments and being published.

    I'm like you with celebs. They have to literally hit me in the head for me to recognize them. Last week we had dinner in Manhattan and sat less than two feet (they pack them in lol) from Timberlake and Jessica Biels. My sil recognized them right away but I never would have,

    Your flower looks too pretty to be real! Mother Nature is truly the most wonderful artist there is.

    Fall has come quickly this year! I wonder if there are any warm days in store left.

    Hope you're enjoying your long weekend!


    1. Thanks Doreen, I never feel as if I am doing enough for her, but at this point, this is the most I can do for her. We are making new memories and I am trying to bring a smile to her face. I hold on to the hope that you are right and she knows all of that.

  35. Your name in print, SJP and you're up for an award ... Life is Good!

  36. Thanks for the update on who Sarah Jessica Parker is ......I will have to google her so I can see her picture.....good for you on your achievements......I hadn't thought of life with that perspective and it is enlightening. I'm sure your visits with your mom....just sharing space and life together means the world to her....

    1. Thanks Ronda, yes, just sharing space probably does mean the world to her and I try to do it as often as possible. Hoping you are well and enjoying all that late summer has to offer!

  37. Oh how fun, Teri! I had to go hunt and peck for it. Maybe I should subscribe. Happy September! ♡
