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The 12 Days Of Christmas Giveaway

October 16, 2018

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Debbie Mumm 12 Days Of Christmas

My sister is an amazing second hand shopper. She finds the most unique and valuable items. She has an eye for it and great instincts and she often brings me home very cool thrift store treasures.

So I was not at all surprised when, last year, she presented me with this Christmas craft book that she picked up for a buck.

Debbie Mumm's 12 Days Of Christmas.


The price on the back of the book says $24.95 and while the front cover corners show the tiniest bit of wear, the pages look like they were never even cracked.

It's listed as a craft/ quilting book and I have to say that there is a fair amount of quilting and sewing projects included, which by the way are gorgeous, but there are also recipes, paper crafts, table setting and gift ideas.

Debbie Mumm 12 Days Of Christmas Table of Contents

It's such a pretty book with so many lovely crafts for the season, but in the past year, I haven't had a chance to peek at it, never mind try to make one of the beauties it holds.

So rather than have it collect dust on my bookshelves, I would love to give it away to someone who will actually use it. And my sister agrees.

Craft Book Giveaway

So if you are at all interested in entering and a resident of the US, let me know in the comments. I'll announce the winner next Tuesday, October 23rd.

That should give the lucky recipient of this pretty book plenty of time to get crafty before Christmas!

Ho Ho Ho and good luck!!

Before you go, I'd like to thank everyone for the lovely comments and emails I've received on my post about grief. So many of you opened your hearts with words of comfort and stories of your own loss. I know that's not always easy to do.

I do fully intend to answer each and every one personally, unfortunately the quick and drastic change in the weather (ac one day, heat the next) has left me with a nasty cold. I've been in my pjs since Thursday, feeling rotten. As soon as my head clears and my eyes stop watering, I will sit down and compose my responses.

In the meantime, please know that I have read them all, over and over, and each one has truly touched me... ❤️

Kim Signature

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Hey~ before you go, let me know what you think!

I love comments and respond to them all.

*Please refer to our privacy policy if you have questions regarding your profile and note that comments with links will not be published.

  1. Hi Kim,
    Sorry you are not feeling well. I just got over a cold myself. It is this up and down with weather that is causing everyone to be sick. Hope you rest and get to feeling better. A few days in jammies and hot tea will do the trick.

    1. Thanks Kris, I can't believe it's pjs and chicken soup days already. I miss summer...😫

  2. Hello Kim, just wanted to reach out and tell you how much your piece on grief meant to me...I lost my daughter Abby when she was 14 (a older boy gave her a pill and she never woke up) and then within 5years lost my two nephews and brother and Dad....grief is a life long thing that people don't quite understand....but, thank you for your article.

    1. Hello...I honestly just lost my breath for a moment reading your comment. I'm terribly, terribly sorry for your losses, but those words just don't feel like enough...although they seldom do. I think talking about grief to someone who is willing to listen, even for a few minutes, even if they feel they have nothing of great value to say, is comforting. Even if it is years later...because as you said, grief is a life long thing...♡

  3. Hope you are feeling better Kim! The craft book looks interesting. Thank you so very much for your visit and comment.

    1. Thanks so much, Angela! And the book is pretty. You would love it!

  4. Bless your heart, I do hope you feel better! I hate that you've been sick. We are having the same crazy weather...our high yesterday was 42 degrees...that's rare this time of year for Texas! You can send the book on down anytime you want! :-) Love and hugs!

    1. I'm telling you, Benita, the weather just gets wackier and wackier! Fingers crossed about the are entered!! xoxox

  5. Hi Kim, we are battling colds here too. I think it’s the change of weather. I hope you feel better soon. That’s such a nice crafting book.

    1. Thanks Julie, I hope you guys are over your colds quickly, too. And it really is a sweet book...

  6. Oh, how yucky to be sick. Glad to hear you are resting up. This weather is wreaking havoc with my sinuses. The book looks great but I have so many of those that are collecting dust. I can't part with them though :-)

    1. It is yucky, AnnMarie, I agree!! And I have a collection of decor books I can't part with either...even though I haven't cracked them in years!! Ha!

  7. I'd love the book! I'm very sorry for your cold and I hope you are on the mend very soon!

    1. Thank you so much!! Please come back and tell me your name...I would love to enter you!!

  8. Good Morning, Kim. I'd love to have a copy of your book. I don't do a lot for Christmas anymore since I have aged and lost most of my energy lol) but I have recently started crafting and newly discovered that you really can "teach an old dog new tricks!" I also would like to comment on UNKNOWN'S comment re: grief, since I have had some experience with it. We never get over it; we just learn to live with it. Thanks.

    1. Hi Michele, you are entered. I'm so excited that you are learning new crafts, that's wonderful!! I'd love to learn how to crochet....some day! And I agree with your grief comment...100%. Thanks for sharing...

  9. I sure hope you're feeling better. Load up on the Vitamin C and drink plenty of fluids. :) I would love a chance to win this book. It sounds so fun and it's pretty too! I remember the day I discovered Debbie Mumm...I was at a book fair at our elementary school when Dylan was about 6. I was browsing the shelves and saw this pretty cover. I was immediately drawn to it. Turns out, it was a Debbie Mumm calendar! I fell in love with the illustrations. So pretty!

    1. Thanks Lisa! I'm hitting the OJ several times a day...and chicken soup in between, but boy do I miss summer! And you are entered. I had never seen a Debbie Mumm book before, but yesterday I spent the day googling and she has the prettiest designs. I even saw some plates on eBay! Hmm...they could be mine!!

  10. There is a Willie Nelson song out there about grief and how you don't get over it, you just get through it. It's a beautiful and poignant song and so very true. I lost my oldest son 9 years ago and not a day goes by that I don't think of him. My best friend passed away 8 months later. And yes, it's a matter of getting THROUGH the grief, one day at a time and sometimes, one hour at a time. And really, life is good, although life is short, in our own way, we learn to find the joy in each day and learn to get through that grief.

    1. LadyJ, I'm so terribly sorry for your losses. I agree with you 100%...on all accounts. One of my favorite sayings is "The best way out is always through." I didn't understand it when I first read it, but now I do and get it that the only way out of anything is to go through it. Now I am off to find that song. Thanks for sharing....

  11. What a pretty book, Kim! But I'll opt out of the giveaway so someone can get it who actually does craft! I used to, for decades beginning as a child with a crafting aunt. The two weeks I spent at her house each summer with my cousin was non-stop crafting and I continued it until about 2 decades ago when the bug left me. I do so admire what my crafting blog friends create though!

    1. Thanks Dewena! That's so funny, I started crafting under the exact same circumstances. Craft aunt...two weeks every summer. She was a great lady, very creative. I miss her...but I still craft. Although, I do it in spurts. Months go by and where I don't do a thing then I get the bug again! I hope you're feeling better.

  12. Oh of course I want in the drawing for this, I love craft books for Christmas
    I may have one or two of her other books someplace on a bookshelf around here
    Thanks for the offer

    1. You're in! She really does have some very pretty patterns. Good luck!

  13. Look books like this. Thanks for the chance to win. Hope you feel better soon!!

    1. Thanks so much, Rhonda!! You are entered good luck!!

  14. Hello my friend,
    Your post regarding grief was right on. I think we just go one day at a time. One foot in front of another. It will boil up for no reason at all no matter how long ago we lost someone and it can shake you.
    I do appreciate your honesty,Kim! I know I shared that before, but it really makes you special. We live in a FAKE world, where so much is cropped, filtered and so on. Thank You!!

    Get Well my friend,

    1. Thanks Carla and yes, one day at a time. And thank you for your kind comments about my writing and my openness. I don't know to be any other way...for better or worse. 😌

  15. Just another hug from Texas. I hope your cold goes away pronto. Hubby had one and I thought uh-oh...there goes the neighborhood, but amazingly I have not had to share with him :)
    Love your book!!

    1. Thanks J!! I'll take it...and my cold has gone away. And I know that kids brought it to my neighborhood!! 😉

  16. Grief is a funny thing--or I guess a SAD thing, really. Sometimes overwhelming grief hits you immediately but sometimes you are so numb that it doesn't really sink in until sometime down the road...then the longing for that person hits you so hard you can hardly breathe and no one understands because "that one" has been gone "a long time". I think everyone deals with it in their own way and we can't talk someone through it or help them really. We can listen and share but the person has to deal with the loss in their own way. One friend told me that she didn't really miss her husband for almost two years--she was so busy taking care of things and moving forward with her life and one day--it just hit her. He was gone for good.

    I think I have that book (stored with my books in the basement) so I will let someone else have the chance to enjoy it.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Kim, and that you feel better really soon. what a miserable time to be sick (as if there is ever a good time)...duh....xo Diana

    1. Thanks Diana. I am feeling better now. It was a lousy way to start fall, I'm so behind in everything now, but I'll catch up. Moms don't have a choice, right? And I totally agree with everything you said about grief. You are 100% correct. And I remember my mom telling me that it took her seven years to really realize (or I guess accept) that my dad was never coming back. Like your friend, she was so busy missing him, but trying to run his business and take care of two littles and two married with kids of their own. Waves...I am trying to reframe them as waves of love rather than sadness...we'll see...xoxo

  17. Hi, Kim. Debbie Mum stuff is always cute. We don't go overboard on holiday decor any more, but it's always nice to have some new ideas to work with, so things aren't a repeat every year. Hope the cold is less of a problem by now. Sending positive thoughts your way :)

    1. I had never seen her books before, Cheryl. I really like them! And thanks, feeling better!!

  18. Kim, sorry you haven't been feeling well. I don't have a cold, just horrible allergies this past week. Last year, I lost two brothers and my son in law in four months. My daughter is having a hard time moving on. Thanks for "re-gifting" the book with us. Years ago, I use to buy Debbie Mumm fabric. I would love to have the book.

    1. Hi Myrna! You are entered and cold has left me. For now!! And I am so sorry about your losses and I feel for your daughter. It's a terribly difficult process. I wish her peace as she goes through it.

  19. I am so sorry to hear you've come down with a yucky cold. I love Debbie Mumm and that looks like a great gift, but I will pass on this giveaway only because I don't do crafts. The book deserves to be with someone who would actually use it. <3

    1. Thanks Melanie. Not thrilled to start the season this way, but it is what it is. Feeling better now. Enjoy the day!!

  20. You are entered, Teri! I am feeling better now, thanks! It was not a fun way to start the fall. I am so behind on everything now...hoping to catch up today. And get outside a bit, since the sun is shining here. Hugs!
