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Tiny Redecorating

May 04, 2019

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Tiny Redecorating Tips How Little Swaps Can Make A Big Difference

It's inevitable. Once you start renovating one spot in your home, suddenly everything else looks, well, old.

Or at least it looks a little less shiny than it did the day before.

I don't know why I'm surprised, the last time this house got a complete renovation was about seventeen years ago.

Oh sure, there have been small updates here and there, new furniture and accessories, but on the whole, nothing big has happened in all that time.

Since all the rooms were completed in the same year, everything has worn in unison.

Now that the bathroom is getting a facelift, everything else looks a little meh in comparison.

So what do I do?

How do I get that wow factor back?

Conventional wisdom would say, renovate it all, but let's be realistic. That's not happening.

Number one, I hate construction, I hate renovation and I hate remodeling. This tiny bathroom overhaul is just about all I can take.

Number two, believe it or not, I actually still love my rooms. Yup...seventeen years later, I wouldn't change a thing. I'm not sick of any of it. I know, I'm boring, although I prefer the word consistent, and many people have redecorated several times over in that span.

What can I say, I like what I have.

That red wall in my kitchen? I adore it. The paint and carpet in my living room and family room? I love them. If I had to redo them, I have no idea what I would choose that would make me smile the way they already do.

Obviously, I'm craving a bit of an update though. Maybe a little something new in each room to make them feel fresh again. That tactic is easy on my wallet, easy on my allergies and easy on husband!

So room by room (remember that show??) here's what I'd love to do to bring back a bit of sparkle.

Update...I added some unplanned sparkle in the kitchen recently! LOVE it

My bedroom is awesome. It's a crisp, fresh and relaxing space.

The antique furniture has a sentimental value and fits the style of my 1920's cottage perfectly. Unfortunately, the door to the master bathroom is terrible.

Cottage Style Bathroom Door in a green master bedroom

The room itself was added in the 1960's and the door is a flat slab instead of a traditional raised panel door like we have in the rest of the house. It's always bothered me.

For years, we thought we'd find an old junk door to replace it. So far, no such luck.

Then this weekend, I saw a glass paneled French door with lace curtains in a shop. It was their office door and the lace was so tightly hung you couldn't see what was inside. Hmmm.

How charming would that look in my bedroom?

I thought my husband would veto the idea, but he's on board. Awesome.

Now I just have to get him on board with the actual buying, painting and doing. I'll let you know how that goes.

Speaking of the master bathroom, I have plans in there as well. See these shuttered doors?

They're annoying. They're impossible to keep clean, don't really fit well and are ugly. I know that's not kind, but they are.

I love shutters, just not these.

Shuttered Cabinet Doors in the bathroom

Well, the other day, my husband, not usually the decorator in the house, said, you should take the shutters out of those doors and put fabric in them instead. It would look great. I don't think I've ever loved that man more.

Now I just need to pick out the fabric.

Update!! They're done! Check out the shutter makeover

Next up, we have this carpet in the hallway, outside the in-process bathroom. I suddenly hate it. It's the one thing in my house that I feel looks dated.

It's needs to go. Of course, the big guy likes it. A lot. And it was very expensive.

I think seventeen years is a long time for a carpet to last. We've gotten our money's worth and then some. It's time for something new.

I'm not exactly sure what yet, but I'll know it when I see it...and I'm pretty sure by the time I talk him into changing it, I'll find it.

Patterned Carpet

Before you ask why I wouldn't just leave the wood floors exposed and do runners, I'll tell you.

 The floor underneath is a mess and with my allergies, sanding, stripping and polyurethaning will never happen. Plus that floor is freezing cold from October to May, carpet feels good.

It's the lesser of two evils when it comes to controlling my allergies and it looks nice.

Moving on to the living room, there's not much to do. I bought new couches a few years ago and replaced the coffee table recently with an older one we owned. I even skirted a table and found new lampshades.

Small Vintage Sewing Table next to a stone fireplace

However there's a little sewing table we found in the trash the year we got married that never got a proper makeover. I think it's time.

Maybe we'll paint it or just sand and stain it, not sure, but it needs a facelift. I bet that one change will brighten up the whole room.

Winding around to the kitchen, there's another table that needs a new face. This little red number was a trash to treasure find, as well. I painted it, added fabric and a glass top about fifteen years ago.

I think it's time for some new fabric, don't you?

Fabric Topped Table in a red painted hallway

Last but not least, my family room needs a little pick me up. It's looked exactly like this for a long, long time. The last big change in here was when we swapped out the plaid couch for the floral one. It's been a good ten years.

So this week I ordered a new green throw blanket and pillows to brighten it up for spring and summer.

They may be all wrong, but I figured it was worth a shot and Target is very good about returns. I hope they look as good in the room as they did online. Fingers crossed.

Cottage Style Floral Couch in a family room

The big question is, why am I sharing all this with you? Couldn't I just do it and share my afters at a later time, if at all?

Of course I could, but I share the process in the hopes that I may inspire someone out there to do the same.

Perhaps you have a room that needs a makeover and you lack the motivation, the time, the finances or all three to do it. So you do nothing and are unhappy about it.

I think it's important to show that with a few simple tiny swaps a room can feel brand new again. It doesn't always take a major renovation to fan the flames of decor love.

Nothing on my to do list is going to break the bank or take much time or skill to accomplish. Most of these makeovers will happen with paint from the garage or fabric from my stash. And if a complete reno is in the plan, starting small can make it feel less overwhelming. Step by step...

Sharing also keeps me honest. It's easy to say you're going to do something and then let it fall by the wayside.

Once it's in writing, there's no going back.

Which is why that hallway carpet is now on the list.


If you'd like to share your own decorating project plans, I'd love to hear about them. Please feel free to share.


I'd also like to congratulate Ann from The Apple Street Cottage. She won the pig pot hanger! Thanks to everyone who entered and for all the sweet comments. I wish I had one for everyone...and as a matter of fact I went back to the store to purchase a few more so I could pick several winners, but they were sold out.

If they restock, I'll try this giveaway again.

Kim Signature

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  1. Great post - you have definitely inspired me I have hated that stupid louvered door in front of our furnace forever. Fabric or lace - it works for me. Thanks so much! :)

    1. Oh Betty, yay, I'm so glad!! My sister is going to do the same thing with the glass cabinet doors on her breakfront. This makes me so happy.

  2. Little things can make a big difference. I'm excited to see that door!

    1. Thanks Mari!! I'm really excited about it!!

  3. This post has given me inspiration! We are about to spend $10,000 on new windows in our house (crying here) when I would much prefer to spend that money on things people would actually notice!!!! I really want to spruce up a few things and you've given me the idea of doing just a little something here and there. Hopefully that will pacify me until I can get over the output for windows!!!!! Congrats to the winner of the pig...happy for her but sad for me. That little piggy is soooo cute!

    1. Oh Cheri, we’ve been there and it stinks. I hate spending money on those kinds of structural updates. Decorating is so much more fun, but I know that you’ll really love the windows, too. And if you do some small sprucing, I hope you’ll share them with us. 😊

  4. Very nice post!! I would to decorate and re-do things but we live in a parsonage. Will have to wait till retirement someday. You are surely a great inspiration.

    1. Thank you, Angela. I know your home is warm and charming by the pictures you share. I have a good friend who lives in a parsonage and she says the exact same thing about retirement though. In the meantime, she uses her creativity the way you do, cooking, crocheting and in other lovely crafting pursuits. You both inspire me!!

  5. I love all the re do's. Sometimes just swapping things out or painting something to a new color will do it for sure. I know you will wow us with your changes. I love your sweet couch. I had that same print in my first couch we bought when Terry and I were married. I loved that fabric.
    Happy Weekend.

    1. Thanks Kris! I love that couch. I bought it years ago and I haven't seen anything like it since. It was from a company called Hickory Hill, in their Grandma's Attic collection. I think the company has since dissolved. Boo. And it makes me smile to know we've owned the same couch. You have impeccable taste!! xo

  6. So true, Kim. Sometimes it's the little things that make a big difference! On another note, I'm so excited I won...I can't wait for my little pig pot hanger to arrive. Thank you so much!

    1. I’m so excited, too, Ann!! He’s going to a great home.

  7. I keep a notebook of all the little re-do's I want to do in my house! There always seems to be something. For what it's worth, I think your bathroom door looks just fine. You could always put some thing molding pieces on it to jazz it up, I suppose. That's too bad that the hardwood flooring in your hallway can't be redone because of your allergies. Won't the fumes from new carpet aggravate your allergies too, though?

    Congrats to the winner of the little pig! :-)

    1. Thanks, Melanie! The door looks good in pictures, but up close is needs a paint job and the masonite is chipped. I have flat doors on the closet and I actually like them. They have a sweet scalloped wooden valance. I really do wish we had nice wood floors in the hall, it would make things easier for sure. And yes, the carpet fumes are terrible, but the dust from sanding and then the smell from the finish would be way worse for me. To be honest, I may just keep that carpet…it’s probably the easiest route at this point! Oh boy.

  8. Kim, whatever you do will be beautiful and I agree that just a little something will make a big difference. Keep in mind that when you change your hall carpet (am I assuming right that the picture is the actual carpet?) I think it will be hard to find something that looks as nice and holds up as well as the one you have. Our fairly new carpet in the sitting room is so dirty (not stained at all) just really dirty from walking on it, that it makes me sick. I have patterned carpet (black with pink roses) in our master bedroom and even though I know that there are eye rolls everytime someone sees it, I absolutely love it and it has been there for almost 30 years and not a dirty speck on it (or at least any that can be seen with the naked eye). It is very out of style, but so worth it, for me. I also have lace panels on the closet door in our master. It is a walk in closet and a french door. The lace is perfect. Even with the light on inside you can't see through. That's my 2 cents worth. I love your couch and the red looks perfect but I think green would be gorgeous too. Can't wait to see the small changes..xxoJudy

    1. Judy, you are a super wise woman. The more I have been staring at the carpet the more I realize how hard it will be to replace. I looked at a few other carpets and they will get so dirty. This color and pattern hides everything in a very high traffic hallway. My husband also loves it. It does look a little bedraggled, but I think it needs to be restretched and that might solve that problem. I'll have to see...but I really do appreciate the input. I think I may be leaning right into it. xoxo

    2. Thanks, Kim, for another sweet visit. I really am in love with the lilacs but it is another story with the smell. More about that later. Happy Mother's Day my friend..xxoJudy

  9. Kim, I love your couch too. You always do an awesome job of decorating, I can see why you're still satisfied after so many years. I even like the shutters in the bathroom! Every time I go to my brother's house in Houston, I salivate over his shutters which enclose their medicine cabinet & I wish they were mine! Just get a new perspective on them Kim! Ha.

    1. Thanks Florence!! And I think you might be right...maybe I just need to look at those shutters again! I'm all for a new perspective.

  10. That is so true- do one thing and it leads to another and another. I think small changes are the very best kind-you can just add bits and pieces to what you have to give everything a whole new look. I, too, once I find something like live with it for a long time. As long as I look around and smile I know that it is the way it is meant to be.
    Have fun finding the perfect carpet! xo Diana

    1. Thanks Diana! I agree with everything you said 100%…and I think I’m going to have a good long time to find carpet. He really likes the one we have. Great… 😉

  11. Doing small makeovers in the rooms of your house can make a big difference in how things will look. It’s great that you keep up with the house and making changes to improve it.

    1. Thanks so much, Julie! I like little projects way better than the big ones.

  12. I always enjoy the thought process that goes into why we DIY and decorate and Kim this is the perfect example of that. Keep them coming and inspire us with your transformations. I think that the green will look fabulous in your family room. It will make a nice change for the warmer weather.

    1. Thanks Mary! It's always fun to dream...especially when the dreams are small, doable and affordable.

  13. All of your ideas sound great! Since our house is less than 2 years old we are still putting the little touches on it inside and out.

    1. You have a great eye, Penny. I always love when you share peeks of your home.

  14. That sounds like a lovely change, Teri, and a relatively easy one to accomplish if you ever decide to do it. And I agree, it's always nice to have something to look forward to...Enjoy the week!! ❤️

  15. Hi Kim,
    I always appreciate your honesty with your projects and life. Looking forward to seeing your finished projects.

    1. Thanks Carla! I’m having fun planning. Now I just have to find the time for the doing.

  16. I agree, Kim. Little changes can have a big impact--I'm working on a few of those myself! Can't wait to see your French door update!

    1. Thanks Cecilia! That’s the one I’m most excited about, too. ☺️

  17. You're going to have so much fun with all this "little" redecorating ideas Kim. Maybe you can come visit us here in Africa for a few weeks while they rip that carpet up ;-)

    1. Oh...Africa sounds so lovely and exotic! What a great invite, if only...❤️

  18. I like your ideas and can't wait to see all of the changes! You are right, it only takes a few things to make everything look new and fresh. And there is nothing wrong with a few updates over the years to keep you in love with your home! One thing always begets another...home decorating is a double-edged sword! Love and hugs!

    1. You said it, Benita, it really is...but I'm looking forward to a bit of freshening! Hugs to you!!

  19. You're adorable, and so is your sweet cottage, Kim!! I love all your ideas....tiny touches that add up to a fresh new space! Hmmmm what redecorating do I have in mind? My daughter's room needs to be bleached from top to bottom and then repainted....I've been working on the cleaning part, but no time for painting right now. Some day!! Other than that, I don't have a lot on the list....the flood downstairs and all the money that went into repairs wiped out any 'slush' fund I had for anything at all, so I'll be laying low and trying to build that back up again!

    1. Oh Debbie, after what you just went through, I don't blame you for wanting to lay low for a bit. What a nightmare. I really do hope it's all put back together now.

  20. I laughed as I began reading because it reminded me of an Erma Bombeck article. She bought new pillows for the sofa, but then she noticed the sofa was wearing so she bought a new sofa, but the carpet looked dingy with the new sofa . . . I think it ended with them buying a new house!

    I can't wait to see the new (old) door and the shutters with fabric.

    1. Saying that my post reminds you of anything Erma Bombeck is the greatest compliment I could ever receive, Carol. Big smiles over here! :)

  21. Oh Kim!!! You just solved a 20+ year problem for me!!!! We have shutters in our guest bath. I have hated them since I moved in, but had no ideas! Guess where my new fabric for that bath is going :^)
    I just have to figure out how to get them apart without destroying the frames :^0
    Thank you, thank you and thank your hubby too.

    1. Oh, J, I’m so glad I shared and you were inspired!! I have been feeling the same way for years about those shutters, and when he suggested the fabric I nearly fell off my chair. How simple. When I asked him how we’d do it, he said he’d just take a small saw and remove the inside slats with it. Hope that helps! And if you do it, please send me a picture. I’d love to see it!

  22. It will be interesting to see how the green goes in the family room....I like minimal changes like that too.

    1. I tried it Ronda and it looked nice. Of course, then I had so many pillows and nowhere to store the old ones, so I had to rethink my idea. I'll keep you posted. Hope you're new home is cozy and you're settling in!!

  23. It's amazing how little things can and do make such a difference :)

    All the best Jan

    1. I agree, Jan! I'm wresting with the little things in the bathroom right now. I'll keep you posted!

  24. If nothing else, decorating is a PROCESS, and it is ABSOLUTELY true one thing leads to another. But that’s what makes life interesting ;). I have a feeling you’re going to have fun making these changes and it’s going to be just what the doctor ordered. If only REAL face lifts were this easy. Sign me up.


    1. I am having fun, Doreen. Of course, my husband doesn’t understand how a new bathroom makes our couch look old, but I told him that the hand bone’s connected to the…well you get the picture. 🤪
