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The Best DIY & Decor Ideas Of The Year

December 27, 2016

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The Best DIY & Decor Ideas Of The Year

Since I began blogging, I have closed out each year either by rounding up my most popular posts or my favorite posts. This year, I have decided on yet another approach. I am going to share my most popular DIY posts and a few of my most popular writing pieces.

You see, since people often look to Google when they need help or inspiration when it comes to the "how to" things around the house, so those posts will always rank higher than my stories. While kindness may matter, people don't search for those pieces as readily. Therefore, they don't get out there. 

You probably only see them if you're a regular reader, but truth be told, those pieces are my favorites and the ones that resonate most; they tend to garner the most authentic interaction in the comment section. As a writer, they are the posts I hold most dear and so I have decided to share the five most popular in 2016. 

If you're a longtime reader, I hope you enjoy this peek back and if you are a new reader, welcome and here's a look at what you missed.

First up, we're getting crafty! Here are the top 10 Exquisitely Unremarkable posts of 2016.

Rustic Farmhouse Stenciled And Decoupaged Plates

This was my most popular post in 2016. Super easy to make, inexpensive and...well...farmhouse. Need I say more?

How to create custom glass farmhouse plates

Creative Ideas For Galvanized Tubs

I found two tubs in the garbage ~ I know! Can you believe it?? ~ and I asked a few creative friends for ideas on how to use them. They did not disappoint.

Easy Hand Painted Wooden Ceiling Fan Blades For Christmas

Don't throw out those old fan blades...upcycle them and make the most unique hand painted decor for any season!

How to recycle wooden fan blades into Christmas Crafts

Sometimes a whole new look is better achieved by removing colors and elements rather than adding new ones. 

How to update a room by removing items not adding new ones

So...I have bisque appliances. I love them, but apparently they are very outdated and almost impossible to find when they need to be replaced. Here's my story. Apparently, it's a lot of people's story. 

Bisque applicables are supposedly outdated and out of style

Christmas in the country? Well, not quite, but I got the look with a few simple accessories in my teeny suburban beach cottage. 

country cottage christmas decor ideas and house tour

It really works! Well, it worked for me anyway...

How To Remove Water Stains From Wood

I cannot stand looking at cords and this little trick made that mess go away. Fabulous.

DIY way to hide cables, cords and wires with cable grommets

I'm a cottage style girl and here's a peek at my family room...and all the flowers! 

Easy tips and inspiration to achieve a cottage style look in your home

Quick and Easy Fall Decor Tips

I love to decorate for the seasons, but I have better things to do with my money than spend it on decor. Here's how I do it on a super tight budget.

Quick And Easy Fall Decor Tips and Inspiration

Now it's story time. Here are the top five. 

It's not what you think.

Why you should make your bed every day

I almost never wear my ring. People seriously do not approve. Here's my take. 

Wedding rings are just a symbol of the union, marriage is so much more

This was one of my first posts and one that I feel is actually the mission statement for my blog. Only a handful of people read it the first time around, so I reposted it this year. I think it was worthy. You can let me know if you agree. 

Tips and Inspiration For Decorating Without a designer

There's No Crying In The Nursing Home

My mom is in a nursing home and I try to hold it together when I visit. One time I didn't and the results were surprising. 

Nursing home visits are sad and sometimes it's hard to know how to behave

This one was hard to write, but after a friend lost her husband, I was compelled. The similarities I saw between her situation and my mom's were too much to ignore.

Losing a spouse and what happens after the crowds fade

Of course, I could write until the cows come home (which would make me a very prolific writer, because where I live the only cows I have ever seen are on the milk carton), but without readers, what would be the point. 

So I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, all of you, who visit my little site and take the time to look at the words I have put to paper. 

Or on screen.

In our crazy busy, often harried lives, I am fully aware of how precious free time is to come by and the fact that any one of you spends a little of it with me, leaves me both humbled and truly grateful.

I wish you all the best in 2017.


Want to see what was popular in years past? 

The best posts on DIY and Decor of the year

Easy home decor Diy and craft ideas

The Best DIY and Decor Ideas of the year

Kim Signature

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  1. Kim it would appear you had a very busily filled year! I thank you for your kind visits and support. Wishing you all the very best in 2017!~XO

    1. Thank you, Debbie! It never really feels like it was all that busy, until I look back on what I accomplished...and unlike the dishes, at least my crafts stay done! ;) Wishing you a wonderful 2017 as well!! xo

  2. I missed the post about your galvanized tub find, how exciting! I am on the hunt for some (or even one) myself. Thanks for sharing your faves from 2016 Kim!

    1. Keep your eyes on the trash, Karen! Seriously, I can't believe that someone just threw them away! All the best in 2017! :)

  3. :D It's been fun seeing your best of the best posts! I must needs buy some cable grommets. Your kitchen looks so much more pretty and less cluttered. Sometimes it is the little things!

    I hope you enjoy the rest of the Christmas holiday and have a blessed and happy 2017!

    1. It's definitely all about the little things...especially in this little cottage. Even a little mess looks like a big mess!! All the best in 2017! :)

  4. I recall that post about your mother in the nursing home had me bawling. I remember each one of these posts, except for that early one you republished and I guess I didn't know you then. How do you figure out what was your most popular post of the year? Obviously I have never done an end of the year wrap-up!

  5. Always, always enjoy visiting you Kim. :)

    1. Thank you, Stacey! :) I feel the same way. All the best in 2017!! Cheers!

  6. I really appreciated the stories about your mother and the with or without. Both full of honest love!!
    I always learn so many tricks from you regarding keeping house and decorating.
    Looking forward to more in 2017!

    1. Thank you, Carla. It's always nice to hear that people enjoy the writing posts...since those are my favorites, too!! ;) Wishing you and your family a fabulous 2017! :)

  7. Kim,
    I remember each and everyone of these posts. They are all special and they let us get to know you so much better this past year. I have enjoyed your friendship and all your support and sharing your creative inspiration. It was a fun year to visit your sweet blog posts and I look forward to a whole new year of posts. Happy New Year. I wish you much happiness, great health and so much creative adventures ahead.

    1. Thank you, Kris...I could say all of these things right back to you!! xxoo

  8. Hi, Kim. I've been following EU since early days, and have gotten so much from you; decor ideas, inspiration and humor. Each year just gets better and better. Keep on keepin' on ... for all of us :D

    1. Cheryl, you just made my day!! I can’t thank you enough for all of your sweet comments, both here and on Facebook! It’s much better than talking to myself! ;) All the best in 2017! :)

  9. Looking forward to continue reading your wonderful posts all through 2017. Happy New Year, Kim!

  10. I remember all of these and enjoyed them all! Looking forward to your wonderful writing and decorating posts in 2017!

    1. Thank you, AnnMarie!! I wish you and your family a lovely 2017!! And a mild winter! Ha!! ;)

  11. This was a fun review. I remember ALL of them! :)

    1. Deb, you are always so kind. All the best in the new year!

  12. Kim, so many great ideas and wonderful stories! So glad to have met you through this medium we call blogging. Happy New Year!

  13. What a fun post - perhaps I should think of doing an end of year wrap up, it seems many bloggers are doing it! I remember most of these but went back to that early post - well done, my friend, you are a truly gifted writer! Happy New Year to you xo

    1. Thank you, Debbie...and I say do it!! You will amaze yourself with what you accomplished this year!! Happy New Year, my friend!

  14. I remember most of these posts, Kim. I did miss a couple while I was on my blogging break. I just read the one about crying in the nursing home. Wow! That was such a great post for the reason that we often don't know what suffering people really need. We think we should be stoic and not show emotion, but as your post pointed out, maybe the one who's ailing is better served by our authentic feelings. Something to ponder, for sure. At the bottom of that post was a link to the post about memories of your dad, and cooking the meatloaf for him. That was a really touching post. What a sweet girl you were (and are. . .although you're not really a "girl" anymore). I understand finding memorabilia that causes us to stop, sit down and relive moments with those who have passed. It's exactly what I would do, and have done many times. Hugs, dear friend.

    1. Nancy, I am touched that you went and read one of the posts you missed. The two you mentioned are probably my most favorite pieces out of the 300+ I have published. It’s true what they say, we write what we know…once a daughter. There’s no denying our parents’ influence on us, is there?

  15. Kim, I remember these posts and while there are many great tips and lovely decor projects, No Crying in the Nursing Home was my favorite. You really expressed your heart for your mother and it brought tears to my eyes. I totally get what you mean about our personal favorites not always being the ones that resonate with readers. I've been going through my most popular posts and I am always surprised by some ;) Happy New Year!

    1. I guess that is another part of blogging I will never be able to figure out...what makes a post popular! I am glad that the post resonated with you, Cecilia. That was one where I really let it all hang out and it makes me happy that someone read it! :) Thank you.

  16. I always enjoy visiting your blog. You always share interesting things and you're the best at crafts! Happy new year, my friend!

    1. Thank you for the smile today, Lisa! Happy New Year!! :)

  17. I enjoyed your year-end review - and yes, I did read all those posts at the time! Happy New Year and many blessings to you and your family for 2017.

    1. Thank you, Melanie! I wish you the same! :)

  18. I remember most of these, but I'm going to go check out that first one. I love your writing style Kim..always a thoughtful read, well worth my time.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you Doreen and your comments always make my day!! :)

  19. You've been very busy, Kim! Your posts (all of them) are always so interesting and/or entertaining, and I look forward to each and every one.

    Warm hugs,

    1. Thank you so much, Carol. Your kind words always make me smile!! xo

  20. What a lot of great posts! Thank you for your visits and best of wishes to you and your blog in 2017.

    1. Thank you so much, Ronda. I have enjoyed “chatting” with you this year. All the best to you in 2017. :)

  21. I have got to come back when I have more time and hit a few of these that I missed. I love your home and you have such a gift for writing! Happy New Year!!

    1. Thanks Jann! You just made me smile...ear to ear!! Happy New Year to you, too!! :)

  22. What a fun look at 2016. I see a few favorites that I think I need to revisit - especially the ugly cords!

    Happy New Year!

    1. Haha....those ugly cords needed to be banished! Happy New Year, Carol!!

  23. Lucky for me, I've read most of these posts Kim and I'm looking forward to this year for more!Thank you!

    1. Always happy to see you in the comments, Vel!! Thanks so much for your faithful visits! :) Happy New Year!

  24. Kim I love reading all of your posts, you have such a great eye for crafts and write so well about them. But my favorite posts are when you get personal. When you talked about your mom in the nursing home or when someone looses a spouse. Those are the ones that really touch my heart. I look forward to lots more this year. You really know how to tap into issues which reach us.

    1. Thank you, Mary. I love crafting and enjoying sharing the process here, but my true passion is writing about those personal moments that are truly universal. I am so glad that those are your favorites, too. :) It means a lot...
