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DIY Gingerbread House Paper Banner

December 05, 2023

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Here's the quickest and easiest way to make a gingerbread house banner to decorate your home this Christmas season.

In less than ten minutes you can have a charming banner that won't break the bank and will look great hanging in your kitchen, from your fireplace mantle.

Or on your tree!

How To Make your own Gingerbread House Banner in minutes

Happy Gingerbread...oops, I mean Holidays.

Gosh, with all the gingerbread crafts floating around this season, that word is constantly on the tip of my tongue.

Which is better than being on my hips.

Where all the gingerbread would usually find itself, when I've made houses.

From confection and candy.

This is clearly a healthier way to get my fix.

Now, I know I've already shared two of these crafts in the past few weeks. Did you catch them?

I made a wooden gingerbread village from an old thrifted find and I made a large wooden gingerbread boy cookie sign on the backside of my ghostly Halloween decor.


I did promise you one more. Are you ready?

It's a gingerbread house banner.

And it's the easiest banner I've ever made.

Back in the day, when I first started blogging, I used to make banners all the time.

So much so, I was dubbed the Queen of Banners.

Here are a few of my favorites:

After a few years, though, I moved on to other crafty pursuits and I while I still made banners, it was much less frequent.

Fast forward to last week and enter these sweet gift tags. It's not the first time I've used gift tags to make a banner.

Gingerbread House Gift Tags

I mean the moment I saw them I knew.

It was a no brainer, I was going to make a banner from them.

And it tooke me all of 10 minutes to do it.

How To Make A Gingerbread House Banner From Gift Tags

The instructions are almost self explanatory, but from all my years of banner making, I do have some tips to share.

First, I began by opening my package and laying out all my houses to assess my supplies.

Gingerbread House Gift Tag Banner

I also unwrapped the string, to find out that, rather than small pieces of twine to attach the tags to gifts, it was one long piece of red and white twine.

Red and White Baker's String for Christmas Banner


That meant I didn't need to find another piece of rope or ribbon to fit those tiny tag holes to create the banner.

To get the tags on the string, I used a large holed darning needle, like these.

Darning Needles For Crafts

I cut one end of the string, so I had a tight, un-frayed edge to thread through the needle, without any separation.

Cutting String For Sharp Edge

Then I simply fed the needle through the tag holes until I thought I had enough to cover the front of my kitchen hood.

Stringing A Gingerbread Banner

Just to make sure I had the look I desired, I taped the banner in place and moved the houses around, adding or subtracting until I was happy.

How To Make Holiday Banner

I played with their placement, as well. I wanted the spacing between each gingerbread cottage to be equal.

When I was satisfied with the look, I grabbed the tape, again, and put a tiny sliver on the back of each house, anchoring it to the string.

Then I removed the banner and moved it a kitchen a cabinet closer to an outlet so I could use my glue gun to put it all together.

Using Glue To Keep A Paper Banner Straight

Just as an aside here, I do have a cordless glue gun, but it's big and it's powerful. I was gluing paper to bakery twine. I needed the teeniest drop of glue...a pinprick really.

My cordless gun would've put out too much. This was a job for my little guy.

And if the cord was long enough, or all my extension cords weren't in use, lighting up Christmas around here, I wouldn't have moved the banner.

Ok, back to the task at hand.

I used that glue gun to put a drop of glue on the back of each chimney and affixed them to the twine, one at a time.

DIY Gingerbread House Banner

That would keep them laying flat for display. Without the glue, they would just sit sideways on the twine and that wouldn't look very festive, now would it?

Once they were all glued in place, I removed the blue tape I had used to mark their spacing.

Paper Gingerbread House Banner DIY

Then I placed the banner on my kitchen hood, anchored it under my It Is What It Is sign and my trusty pig and then, and only then, did I cut away the excess string.

In no time flat, and for less than $5, since the tags were buy one get one free, I had a delicious new gingerbread house banner to decorate my kitchen.

Gingerbread Banner In A Cottage Kitchen

In an absolutely darling, totally delightful.

And calorie free way.



What's your favorite gingerbread treat?

Merry Christmas, Friends!
Kim Signature

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  1. That is the cutest banner ever! What a great way to use gift tags!

    1. Thanks Mari! It was certainly the easiest way to make a banner!

  2. These are really fun and ginger bread is all the rage this year. Love your piggie too. Super cute. Happy Wednesday. Hugs. Kris

    1. Hi Kris!! That pig was a Marshall's find years ago and I've been smitten ever since he came home with me. No matter the season, he sits on that hood...making everything look more festive! Hugs to you!

  3. So easy and a great find and way to use gift tags!

    1. SO easy!! I hope it inspires people to see how easy it is to make banners!!

  4. Oh my... I love it, what a great idea. I am really into this gingerbread theme.... I am pinning.

    1. Thanks Carla! This one was a 10 minute, bargain craft, but it packs a lot of holiday punch. Thanks for the pin, too!!

  5. These are so cute....what a great idea!!!!! 💡 😊

    1. Thank you! It's was so easy!! I hope you give it a try!

  6. You summed it up perfectly when you said "absolutely darling, totally delightful" I love how it turned out, Kim.

    1. Thanks Michelle! It was so easy, but so cute, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to put it away after Christmas. ☺️

  7. Kim, what a great idea to use the tags to make a banner. It looks great and I know that gingerbread houses are all the rage this season.

    1. They really are all the rage, I’ve seen them everywhere! I almost feel guilty calling this banner a craft since it was really just me lacing up the tags, but it was too cute not to share!

  8. BRILLIANT idea!
    I’d love for you to join us over at the Creatively Crafty Linky Party every Wednesday through Sunday
    Followed and Pinned!
    Creatively, Beth

    1. Thanks Beth, I'll check it out in the new year!! Happy 2024!!

  9. Kim,
    This is a fantastic idea!! I will now take a more serious look at gift bags....
    Thanks so much for sharing!!

    1. Thanks Deb! Glad you found it helpful!! Happy New Year!
