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The Charm Of A White Painted Table

February 23, 2024

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White painted furniture has become extremely popular in the last decade or so, but is it still in style? Some experts are saying it's on its way out.

Here's my take.

Let's Makeover This Table, white painted table with scuff marks

I have so many random pieces of furniture in this tiny house, it isn't even funny.

Some are on display, in use, peppered about my house, but a lot of them are tucked away downstairs, waiting for their turn in the spotlight.

They've basically all been free. 

Tossed to the curb on trash day.

Sitting on the side of the road on a weekend afternoon.

Or handed down to me, from someone who no longer wanted or needed another table.

Yes, tables.

White Drop Leaf Table in need of a Makeover

That's the bulk of what's hiding in my basement.

Tiny accent tables that look great next a sofa, under a mirror, in a hallway, snuggled up to a bed or...well, you get the idea.

Since there are infinite uses for small tables, especially when you live in a small home, I take them all. No questions asked.

The only problem is that most of these tables are in terrible shape.

Painting A Dirty Table

They come to me, scratched, scuffed, chipped and in need of some creative love.

Which I'm more than happy to dole out, because I adore the makeover process.

I enjoy dreaming up new ways to dress them with stains and brightly colored paint, stencils, transfers, mud and wooden accents. I keep a collection of these crafty supplies at the ready to transform even the most damaged and outdated furniture.

I've even skirted a few.

So a few weeks ago, when I was looking for an accent table for my family room, I headed down those stairs, picked out a darling, round, drop leaf number.

Small Round Drop Leaf Table Makeover

And started thinking about how I was going to make that table shine.

It was already in decent shape, but it did need another coat of white paint, as a base. Unbelievably, I didn't have any left in my craft closet and it was after hours. No stores open for me.

Luckily, my friend Susan at Homeroad had half a jar of Fusion mineral paint on hand and she generously let me have it. I've since gone out and bought more from the sweetest shop.

Fusion Mineral Paint Casement White

You may remember I used it to give my Yankee Candle ceramic shade a makeover, since I was so impressed with the way the paint covered the table.

As a matter of fact, I was completely blown away with the way it transformed my curbside table, that I abandoned the idea of dressing it up any further.

White Round Drop Leaf Side Table

The table was a showstopper, all white, light and bright.

It was truly the first piece of furniture I've painted in a long time that I didn't want to accent in some other way.

How To Paint Round Table Legs

It just didn't need it.

And that's where I was going to stop today....with me, sharing the process of painting this table and then showcasing its simple, elegant charm.

The classic style of a plain white painted table.

The way it fits in any room, pairs well with other painted pieces, stands out against dark wood furniture and is appropriate in virtually any style of home decor.

But then yesterday, an article in my Facebook feed caught my eye. You know the kind, the ones that share the most popular new trends of the year and simultaneously tell you what's in your home is no longer in style.

Using A Paintbrush To Paint A Wooden Table

As if that's a thing.

Anyway, it stated that painted furniture was on its way out, and with a quick search online, I found several more lists, all sharing that same news.

No one (again, love those gross generalizations) wanted it anymore. It was outdated, old fashioned and worse, depending on the color and finishes, tacky.

To add insult to injury, two of my favorite paint colors topped those 2024 decorating don't lists - red and white.

Red And White Cottage Style Living Room

Ok, so let's start with red. No big surprise here. Since I began blogging, back in 2013, red has always been a dirty word when it comes to decorating. 

Yes, it has its devout fans, including this girl. I adore it. However, in general, it's never been a popular choice.

But white? I mean, come on. 

White paint, as I said, is a classic.

Painted Drop Leaf Accent Table

White painted cabinets are a tried and true choice. White painted bedroom furniture, end tables, chairs, white wooden shelves, white painted mirrors, headboards, china cabinets, bookcases and desks are all staples. 

I dare you to walk into any home and not find at least one of these pieces. 

So maybe the pendulum is swinging back towards unpainted wood pieces. Great. I have tons of those in my house, too, but to declare that white painted furniture is out, is ludicrous.

White Painted Accent Table

Now, I'm old enough to know how this game is played. 

Every year a few publications come out to nudge you into redecorating, keeping the furniture industry and the magazines in business. Clearly, it doesn't affect me, I've always been a proponent of decorating with what makes you smile

Just look around my home. It's been red, covered in flowers and cottage style decor for decades. Long before it was in vogue (again) and while the whole world was decorating with gray walls and white sofas.

I pay no mind to the news. I know what I like and I fill my home with it regardless of current trends.

Cottage Style Living Room white Table in room with floral wallpaper and green checked sofa

But. When white painted furniture is being called out, I have to draw the line.

And share.

My opinion.

And my freshly painted, white, round, drop leaf, trash to treasure, fabulous new end table.

Even if it is terribly out of style.


What do you think about painted furniture? Will you stop painting things white?

Is  Painted Furniture Still In Style

Happy Painting, Friends!

Kim Signature

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  1. I just chuckle at those 'what's in and out' articles. I've decided that their only purpose is to shame people into buying new things all the time so they can keep up with what's considered 'in' at the moment. I love white painted furniture, especially with a stained wood top (that's probably even more 'out', lol). I'll stick with my eclectic 'cottagey' 'granny chic' style and just have what I love around me :-)

    1. I totally agree! It's all a matter of marketing. I love the white furniture and stained wood top look, too. I have several tables like in my house, kitchen, living room and family room and I adore each one.

  2. Hi Kim: I am an interior designer who doesn't follow trends. Yes I do see painted furniture waning but I think a painted piece in a room can create interest. I feel it is important to temper the use of paint with wood. That being said I just finished a primary bedroom refresh where we painted several pieces. It was a combination of furniture that each brought to the home and there was no continuity. Painting the pieces helped to bring the room together and showcase the two antique pieces in the room. You might enjoy my blog I recently wrote a post about this project.

    1. Hi Shelley! I just visited your blog and read your post. I love that painted headboard, great color! I agree that the combination of painted and wood furniture is a classic and a super way to unify mismatched pieces in a room. It gives a space that charming collected look and helps to give old favorites new life! Thanks for sharing your tip with us!

  3. Kim, I love painted furniture and have many pieces in my home, too. From white to grey and many shades of blue. You just have to know that some pieces should not be painted, like a true antique. Great thoughts.

    1. Exactly, Carol. I love white paint and colored furniture, too. I mix them with all wood pieces and the mix is perfect.

  4. Hi Kim,

    I have heard about painted furniture being out of style for about 2 years now. Guess what, I'm with you I don't care. First, we have a semi open floor plan and all hard wood floors. I don't like wood furniture on the all wood floors. I love soft gray painted furniture and light cream. And come on white painted furniture is the devil? It's classic and I agreem let's people to spend more money. Mixing wood tops and painted table bases is a thing I love so I won't be changing anything any time soon.

    1. Like you Cindy, I always laugh when a new list of do’s and don’ts is released. I know the latest millennial craze over midcentury modern furniture/ design has everyone clamoring for unpainted wood, but that doesn’t mean you can’t mix or that it’s going out of style. I just hope that the younger people out there who are starting out realize that what’s truly in style, always, is what makes you smile in your own home. Thanks for weighing in!!

  5. I love your site…and the way you write! Both unique! I believe in things being freshened up. But having said that, Paint…stain…natural….its all a personal taste and personal choice. It all belongs!

    1. I agree, Mary, they all have a place and I don't believe any one of them is ever out of style. Thanks for your lovely words about my site and writing. What a compliment!! You just made my day!!

  6. I do what I like, too, Kim, and that is one of the things I appreciate about you. I do 'freshen' things up by changes here and there but I stick to my core values and keep what I love. What you truly love never goes out of style...well...unless you are into mauve and baby blue. lol. Come on-no haters, please. If that's your 'thing'--go for it. xo xo xo

    1. Haha...that's funny, should we add orange to that list, too? πŸ˜‰ I agree that I too stick to what I love. I've always said if you're home makes you smile, that's all that matters. Thanks for sharing!!

  7. "I've always been a proponent of decorating with what makes you smile. " A woman after mine own. I have a few pieces that are cream (not white), some wood furniture pieces, and if I had to get rid of all the red in my life, myself and my house would be naked. And I'd have no (red-headed) husband.

    1. Oh no! We can't send your husband out that's funny! I'm glad to hear I'm not alone. My house would be empty, as well. Just about everything around here is white/ cream/ wood or red and I love it all. Thanks for sharing with us!!

  8. Well......anyone who publishes that red is a no-no, hasn't a clue, so just ignore the rest!!!! :-) My Dad ,built antique repro furniture and I inherited a houseful of it! I probably won't paint any of it, but painted furniture like you do it, is lovely!! Carry on girlie, and keep the beauty going!! Blessings, J

    1. I agree with your statement about decorating with red, J. It's been a classic decorating staple forever. It makes me smile every time I catch a glimpse of it. I bet the furniture from you dad is beautiful, painted or not! Always good to hear from you my friend!!

  9. I have never been one to follow trends, or get on the trendy bandwagon - like you, I decorate with what makes me smile. After all, it's my home, and we are the ones who live here. I take what I like from trends, and let the rest go on their merry way. I love classics, and white painted furniture is always a score with me. We have been handed down my MIL's Hoosier cabinet, I will never paint it. It is precious to me the way it is. But like you - tables, things that are beat up and need a new look, paint works! Thanks for the link for the fusion paint, I have been looking for a good white paint, so I followed your link, and will give it a try. Thanks so much for all your insight, inspiration, and creativity! Blessings :)

    1. Marilyn, it sounds like we have the exact same decorating philosophy, fill your house with what makes you smile. Sounds like your MIL's Hoosier cabinet is a treasure. Lucky you!! Let me know how you like the paint. I'm on the computer now, during a painting break, using the Fusion. I have to say, I'm so pleased. Enjoy the week my friend!

  10. Kim, First let me say how beautiful and charming that little table looks in your gorgeous room. Now, I will get on my usual soapbox. Trends and polls are usually CR##^&. If all of that gray and white were the gospel than my house and me should have been 6 feet under long ago.I do what makes me happy and painted pieces mixed in does that. I admit that I do find beauty in whatever anyone else does but if we all were exactly the same, wouldn't life be so boring? Keep painting..xxoJudy

    1. Thanks Judy! I do love the way that simple table looks against the green wall with the flowers and its white paint. I adore color and never fell in with the gray and white crowd either. I don't care what the trends say, I'll keep painting!

  11. I do my own thing. IMO, the absolute worst trend I've seen in my 66 yrs was the gray, white, beige, minimalist craze. OMG, it felt like designers were striving to make people feel like we lived in a prison. That was a decorating movement I could not accept. Home should feel like comforting.

    1. I agree, I was never a fan of the gray, white, beige, minimalist craze either. Too cold, too bland, too boring for this color craving girl. Glad to hear I'm not alone!!

  12. I've never been one to follow trends either. I keep what I like & have room for. Sometimes the curbside finds aren't in good enough shape to refinish. You go on & do what you like. That's what I'm going to do too. Your home is charming. I wouldn't change a thing.

    1. Thanks Florence! I agree, sometimes what I find needs the magic of paint to restore it and I'm more than happy to oblige.

  13. Kim I love the table white. It’s so cute. I am one that feels if you decorate with what you love you will always feel good. Our homes are our sanctuary and where we spend the bulk of our time so it should make you feel good and happy. I am a white painted furniture girl and neutral wood pieces added in. I love seeing your signature red throughout your home. It would not work for me but my whites and creams probably would not work for you. That is the beauty of decorating today. Everyone can have their own style they donot have to go by what magazines say or any trends. Love the sweet table. Hugs Kris.

    1. Yes, yes, yes, to everything you said, Kris!! You are singing to the decorate as you please choir over here. I love looking at other styles and I can appreciate them, even when they wouldn't be right in my own home...and white painted furniture with neutral, natural wood is a classic combination that I don't see ever going out of style.

  14. Kim,
    I have been out of style for many years now but that is okay because my house and how I decorate it makes me smile and happy and I don't care that it is not considered in style!! I have painted furniture and I have wood furniture and I like both equally...You need to do you and that is all that matters in the end...Your home is beautiful and your style is charming and inviting...As a fellow red lover, I know people either love it or hate it....Never stopped me though!!
    I hope you are having a great weekend!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. Deb, your first sentence made me smile and giggle a little...I've been out of style for many years now, too! Haha..but like you, I'm very happy with my decor choices. They all make me smile and that's all that matters. Thanks for the visit!!

  15. I've not always been on trend! I did love wallpaper and happy to see its reappearance. We have antiques from Germany, China and our moms. I don't paint them because I love them just like they are. We also have some painted furniture. Red is a must in every home we have had. Trends arenot always very pretty or my style. I find inspiration more from fellow bloggers.

    1. Oh, Linda, I love wallpaper, too and I couldn't wait to get some back on my walls. It makes me smile to hear that you've had red in every home, it's a classic!!

  16. I totally agree. While my taste changes periodically, it's more of tweaking to keep it fresh. Red is my second favorite color (favorite in clothing! You can always find me in my red coat!). I've been a yellow girl since I was a child and have never waivered. I have yellow in pretty much all my rooms, and even walls, in a butter shade. I love red too and I use red for the winter. Pale yellow walls even look good with red. And with a lot of white furniture, it's easy to change things up when you want to. Yellow, like red, is almost never an "in color" and it's never mattered to me. I get really excited when I find something in yellow and have been known to buy it, just because it's yellow!

    1. Yellow is in again! The new “it” color.

    2. Red and yellow are two of my favorites and I have them combined in my living room. I think the butter yellow on my walls is so calming and the red adds a complementary punch. I remember when I bought my first red and white plaid sofa. Everyone thought I was nuts and said it was a fad. Hahaha....20-something years later, I'm still a predominantly red girl. Ps- the coat sounds fabulous!

  17. Your drop leaf table is darling and just my cup of tea. Though we have mostly dark wood case goods with some maple pieces I use at least one piece of painted furniture in every room. Our upholstered pieces are in creams or natural linen but all the artwork, soft furnishings and smalls are blue, green, red, yellow/gold. We like primary colors + green and a colorful, cheerful home. We don’t follow the trends. Although it does seems the trends eventually catch up to us. πŸ˜‰

    1. First, I adore that last line...yes indeed, the trends seem to catch up with us, don't they? πŸ˜‰ Second, your decor sounds dreamy! I love color and a mix of elements that make for a cheerful home. Lovely.

  18. I love your little table, Kim. as far as trends are concerned, they are exactly what they say they are - coming and then going. Do what you love!

    1. I love what you said, Ann…coming and then going. ☺️ Yup! All the time. I stick with what I like and if I stick with it long enough it comes and goes and comes and goes again!!
      Enjoy the week!

  19. Hi, I like your table.
    I painted a table gray to match our sitting room. I painted a desk too. ;-)
    I have a red rocking chair. :-) In fact we just painted our dinning room and we are in the middle of a changing out the decor. I will have to share it on my blog when finished.
    Love, Carla

    1. Oh Carla, you had me at red rocking chair!! ❤️❤️❤️

  20. Kim, yes it's still in style - painted furniture. You did a great job painting the white table. It looks so pretty with the contrast of the green wall. This table will go anywhere in your home and look nice. My mom's house was filled with so much painted furniture and it looked just beautiful. I hope you are staying warm and cozy and enjoy the end of the week.

    1. I'm a huge fan of painted furniture too, Julie. I think most people still believe that painted furniture is in style, I don't think it'll ever go out...and thanks! I really do like the way that table looks against the green. I think it'll stay there for a bit.

  21. You carry on doing "YOU", Kim. It's the best most authentic thing and your home whispers all kinds of warm, cuddly, welcome feels that an interior decorator would never be able to match.

    1. Michelle, what an absolutely lovely compliment. I'm genuinely flattered by your words and blushing over here in my red filled house. πŸ˜‰

  22. I'm not one to follow trends.
    I think it's important to feel comfortable with your dΓ©cor and do what you like.
    We have some painted bedroom furniture that we love :)

    All the best Jan

    1. I totally agree, Jan! Decorate with what you love. That's all been my philosophy, too!
